Recently, there have been confirmed cases of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection in people and pigs (and detection in mosquito surveillance traps) in northern Victoria and NSW, including the Murrumbidgee district.
For people working and living in several local govt areas (LGAs), including Wagga Wagga, free JEV vaccination is available: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/jev/Pages/vaccination.aspx , which is applicable to anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated (no boosters are required, unless you are pregnant – 2 doses required).
👉What to look for in horses🐎
Many horses infected with the virus do not show any signs of illness, however some horses may develop severe encephalitis.
Common clinical signs in horses include:
• elevated temperature (> 38.5°C)
• dullness or lethargy
• reduced appetite
• neurological signs such as incoordination, difficulty swallowing, impaired vision, or hyperexcitability
⚠️How can you protect your horse🦠
🛑Control mosquitoes on your property - you can find detailed guidelines at www.farmbiosecurity.com.au
Ⓜ️Minimise horse exposure to mosquitoes
• Use mosquito repellent or netting
• Rug your horse, apply a fly mask, and if the horse allows, apply a safe insect repellent (do not spray repellent around or above their eyes)
• House horses during peak periods of mosquito activity (between dusk and dawn)
For more information, visit the NSW DPI website https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/animal/info-vets/japanese-encephalitis
Or contact the clinic on 02 6933 2604