An update from our Parasitology Lab in Hamilton.
Watch out for worms is both Sheep and Cattle.
Update from our WEC Lab- This autumn has started unseasonably warm and very dry. The weather pattern has presented as being almost a month behind what normally happens at this time of the year. The lab is seeing
worm egg count levels increasing. Sometimes very quickly. A reason for this may possibly be the cooler damper mornings combines with the short grasses, may be increasing the hatching of worm larvae on pastures.
The warmer conditions may also increase the risk of Ostertagia sp. (Small brown Stomach worm), which can encyst in the lining of the stomach wall.
Autumn is always an important time to ensure your worm populations are under control. And is vital for winter lambing ewes and young stock.
You have and questions about testing please call our WEC Lab on (03) 55721419