Christmas can be a very enjoyable time of year for our family & fur family, but many of the items on our Christmas lunch menu can cause serious health problems in our pets. Some foods that we should take care not to share include.
CHRISTMAS HAM ( including ham bone )- Can cause digestive problems, vomiting, diarrhea & even pancreatitis, which can be deadly.
CHRISTMAS CAKE/MINCE PIES (including grapes, raisin & sultanas) – These are toxic to dogs . Ingestion of even small amounts can cause kidney failure.
CANDY CANE –Some candy canes contain artificial sweetener “xylitol” which is toxic to dogs. They can cause low blood sugar levels, liver failure ,seizures or even death.
MACADAMIA & WALNUTS -Common signs of nut poisoning is hind leg weakness, fever, vomiting, tremors & diarrhea.
TURKEY STUFFING ( anything including onion or garlic) – Can cause anemia. Signs of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea & lack of appetite.
COOKED BONES – Can become lodged in their digestive system, potentially requiring surgical removal.
CHOCOLATE – Small amounts of chocolate can cause vomiting & diarrhea. Large amounts can produce muscle tremors, internal bleeding or heart attack.
ALCOHOL – Common signs of toxicity include depression/lethargy, lack of coordination, drooling, vomiting or collapse.