Yesterday was worming day.
This is our second worming, 2 weeks after the first worm treatment, to try to remove any encysted egg burdens.
The first wormer we used was Equimec Plus Tape. The second one was Equest.
Equest is highly debated amongst donkey circles, however from my research is safe to use when you know an accurate weight for your donkeys.
I have used Equest in the past, without any issues.
However, i am lucky enough to own a transportable scale that weighs up to 2000kg so yesterday we weighed first and then wormed according to weight.
Their weights ranged from 40kg (4-5 month foal) to 165kg 39” heavily pregnant Jenny).
The donks also got a bit of a groom and cuddles afterwards. There were a few pellet thieves in amongst the midst too!
Thanks Debbie Betts for your expert help! 😘