Weekend vibes
Are we all as excited for the weekend as little Sam and Mister? What’s your plan with your doggies?
Talli the skateboarder
Happy Monday Everyone! Talli wanted You All to start your week with a big smile. Did her wish come true? Let us know in the comments 🐾🐾🐾
You know its a cold morning when an owners awakes to find the dog has improvised and 'dressed' itself in a polishing cloth.
I Love Visiting My Vet Family Series:Why Vet staff Love Puppy Class for our Pets
This is why Vet staff love puppy school. Instead of a worried young dog returning to a vet clinic for the first time since a puppy, we have a dog who can't get in the door fast enough to find all 2 and 4-legged members of her Vet Clinic family. NEW CLASS STARTING THIS TUESDAY 12TH. TWO SPACES LEFT.
Another Zen moment (but watch with sound turned down)
One of our most 'chilled' patients during a recent visit to the dog groomers.Best to watch with sound button turned down
A Zen Moment
A Zen Moment:Thanks to Frankie and his owner Jamie
HAPPY HOLE DIGGING by Dogs for Dinosaur Worms not for Boredom
More Joy, more Emotional Health-For Pets.
Lucinda's lovely post below got me thinking about Dachs and then thinking about Dogs in general then about Cats and then this new drive in Vet med courtesy of UK Specialist Dr Sarah Heath about the Emotional Health and the Emotional Intelligence of our pet.
Two weeks ago, another Dachs owner -Megan- sent me this truly insightful observation below she found on the internet. (Apologies to the original author-I have googled every way but can't find them to acknowledge them). What Megan's snippet does show is the emotional level on which our pets function. If we fail to acknowledge that, then we can put our pets in stressful terrifying situations for them, that unless life-saving, need to be avoided where possible.
From my point of view-this Emotional Health/Intelligence concept reinforces what we should Not do as vets even if we Can do it.
If the cat or dog on the table is so emotionally overwhelmed or frightened, then as vets we need to re-adjust our expectations and also the owner's expectations of what their cat or dog can tolerate at each visit.
Just because we as vets can do lots to a pet, our "Job" as Vets is to know when and what Not to do to any given animal. Sometimes, a tiny % of owners don't understand that and see the vet as failing, when the vet backs off from a stressed cat say and does what the pet can tolerate, not what the owner wants. Bizarrely we did such a case recently, calmly and in an expanded triple length but normal price consultation, putting the emotional needs of the cat first.and minimising its stress before I vaccinated the cat, which we did, and then sent it home. The owner somehow came to the conclusion and made the accusation that cat has been 'banned' from our clinic-which came as a total surprise to the all vet staff -with the follow-on negative impact on the staff's emotional health.
To avoid such confusion in the future, over the next few weeks, I hope to provide short posts on under
ON THE THEME OF HOT DOGS... BUT THIS TIME NOT SO USELESS. This is why I love my job working with such beautiful and clever beings.
I Love Visiting My Vet Family Series
Part 2-A little while later we get Benjamin a little closer to the front door
I love visiting my Vet Series
When some dogs just want to hang out with their vet family
I love visiting my Vet Family Series
The super friendly and gentle Makedde, who can't get up on our consult table fast enough for her pats and treats
I Love Visiting My Vet Family Series
Morillo:Initially very depressed when he first arrived (after a long drive from Sydney) but then he discovers his Vet.
I Love Visiting My Vet Family Series-Afternoon Tea at the Vets
Two very sweet Basenji dogs so chilled out in our clinic that one of them fell asleep in owner's arms