I love my job, getting greeted like this so often is good for the soul ❤️
Show me your cuties in the comments, doggie, pony or other! We love all animals here 🐶🐴🐥🐍🐡
With all this rain around, I’m thinking of starting some “rainproof runs”. Comment below if you’ve got a rainproof shelter to trim under so I don’t have to swim with your horses 😂
So glad to have been able to take some time out to go further my education with one of, if not, the leading barefoot equine hoofcare course in Australia, ACEHP.
Have learned SO much from the likes of Professor Chris Pollitt, Carol Layton and soon Neal Valk DVM as well.
Just the first week and my brain has been PACKED and we’ve gotten to put our new knowledge into practise too.
Some of my favourite moments in between have been talking to other students as well as playing with lots and lots of different animals in our travels.
I’m sure I will have more photos to come but I couldn’t help sharing some of my favourites from the first week now and can’t wait to get back and put into practise all I’ve learned with my own horses and clients as well 🐴❤️