We are a local community-led team of volunteers from the Northern Rivers Region. Our aim is to supply stockfeed and supplies to emergency animals around the flood affected areas. On Monday the 28th of February 2022, the Northern Rivers was hit with the worst Floods on record. The apocalyptic nature of this natural disaster has severely impacted, displaced and destroyed the lives of 1000's of peopl
e, businesses, farms and infrastructure in the Northern Rivers region. Nerissa Cooksey, a local Woodburn, Northern Rivers resident and her close friends decided to act and began to assist in rescue efforts by rescuing people and pets from their roof tops. They then began offering a free supply/feed delivery service via boat. Being a local they were able to navigate their way through the waters where emergency services were unable to attend. As the human rescues began to come under control our group focused on the animals and in particular the livestock knowing that providing feed to the stranded would give them warmth and help keep them alive until the waters receded. Nerissa decided to create a FB group 'Feed For Friends' so we could have one platform for everyone to reach out to when in need. The calls and messages started immediately about stranded animals, so we loaded up our boats and began the service requests. Isolated animals hadn't eaten or drank fresh water in hours, days and weeks. Animals with injuries and Illness from the floods were appearing everywhere. Every call was answered. We worked alongside vets assisting in delivering medications and driving vets to locations inaccessible by car. We assisted in landing vets into surrounding areas by helicopter because the emergency services were not going to allow them to land in town. It is now June 5th and we are still a required service. The farming crisis is here and now. The pasture is non-existent for the majority of our farmers. We are very active in the Richmond Valley, Clarence Valley and throughout the Northern Rivers Region servicing over 8000 cattle and 350 horses, and all hobby farm animals. The flood waters have receded, but the challenges remain. Feed For Friends Team are on the road delivering hay and can now access the majority of livestock by road. We are faced with a long road to recovery. The multiple layers of issues are truly overwhelming. Fencing is ruined and in need of repair or complete replacement, soil rejuvenation and clearing, planting is a huge issue because the paddocks are still holding so much water. And with the continuous rain, this will continue to be of great concern for the winter months to come. Illness is still ongoing with cattle and horses, from mosquito born viruses, to laminitis, phenomena and severe worm burden. The sorrow and sadness is something we have never seen before. If we can continue our support to our farmers, horse owners and hobby farmers, we will help relieve some of the burden and stresses they are currently facing for months to come. Please help us aid to support them with their recovery. DONATIONS
Our team is run solely through donations, without them we cannot continue so please if you can donate please contact Sally Power on
0419 403 469. Feed For Friends have teamed up with our local Rotary Evans Head Club. If you donate $2 or more it is a deductible gift recipient (DGR). Name of Account: Keith Wilson Relief Trust Fund
BSB: 633000
ACC: 175308303
AND please send via email to PDG Sandra Doumany at [email protected] to receive your tax deductible receipt.
1. the name of the donor
2. the amount of the deposit
The Keith Wilson Trust Fund has kindly consented to be trustee for the funds received
Thank you for supporting our local Northern Rivers Flood Impacted Farmers. The Team at Feed For Friends