Dedication 🤯
It’s times like this when being a dedicated horse mother has its moments. Twice a day I slip and slide through this to ensure the horses are fed and dry.
You know it’s bad when the quad bike in 4wd and diff lock can’t handle the conditions
Boutique Agistment at Wyee. Small numbers so you have peace and quiet to enjoy your horse time. 5* care, individual paddocks with stables, soiltex arena, racetrack. #agistment #bestlife #centralcoastnsw #horse heaven
Blossom moved to one of Crispy’s paddocks today. She’s never been in this paddock as it was his domain. It’s always exciting for Bloss to move to a new paddock. Not bad for a girl in her mid 20’s. 💗
The work never stops here!
We are at that point in winter where the grass isn’t growing, we have no grass but plenty of fireweed which is always ahead of my mowing schedule 🤯
Today Rex & I dragged paddocks.
Blossie always gets excited at a paddock change 💕
And the baby one said “Watch me disco dancing” 💃 🕺🏼
It’s a biggun…. Only my 3rd Black Snake 🐍 sighting in nearly 8yrs. This one was in Blossom’s paddock. I escorted it off the property next door. I hope it stays there!!
Free time is ALWAYS exciting for Bonnie and Max 🤣🤣
Mayhem this morning for pedicures. Crispy, Idol and Bloss were feeling a little fresh on a brisk wet morning. 😃
Great we had a hay delivery yesterday afternoon 🥳. For the first time in months he could actually drive the laneway 🥳🥳
Unfortunately, he also busted a water pipe and we’ve been leaking water all night. The laneway is no impassable again. Thanks good for a husband who is a plumber by trade 💕💕