My happy dogs & cats

My happy dogs & cats A huge love for animals as well as caring for them motivated me to create a page for my favorite dogs and cats. Sarajevo, BiH

My goal is that every activity I take to be for the good of my beautiful dogs and cats.


Moj Tigar 😺


Absolutely stunningly gorgeous
Best Photo of The Day!💖

Urgent help!!!! Dear friends,I am writing today with a sincere appeal for help in buying medicine for my beloved cat Ruž...

Urgent help!!!!
Dear friends,

I am writing today with a sincere appeal for help in buying medicine for my beloved cat Ruža (Rose). As many of you know, my cats, are my best friends, and were treated as a member of the family. Ruža has been diagnosed with FIP (Feline infectious peritonitis) three months ago.When I've heard diagnosis I wasn't optimistic because I had very negative experience with this desease in the past, but I wnted to try. And miracle happened. Ruža responded to the therapy. Some of You maybe know, some of You don't, today, FIP is treated with GS serum, an experimental drug that is extremely expensive. One bottle costs 85 euros, and the treatment lasts 84 days. If blood hematology and biochemistry are OK, the therapy is stopped after 84 days, and the health condition is monitored for another 84 days. After that, if everything goes well, the cat is completely cured of FIP. Ruza is almost at the end of the therapy. We are finishing the 80th day. We managed to get her enough doses of medicine, but we didn't pay for all of them. There is still a debt for 4 bottles of serum, which means we still have to pay 340 euros.
Despite our best efforts, we are unable to raise enough funds for medicine.
Therefore, I am asking you, as friends and animal lovers, to help us in this difficult time. Any donation, regardless of the amount, will be extremely appreciated and precious to us. Your support will allow us to give our cat a chance for health and recovery.
Please consider sharing this appeal with others who may also be willing to help. Every small gesture of kindness can make a big difference in our cat's life.
If you would like to help, you can donate to the following paypal account: [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your kindness, compassion and understanding. Your help will mean more to us than you can imagine and will be crucial to our cat's recovery. May your heart be filled with blessings for your selflessness.

Amela & Ruža


Emily says hello😘😘



A wonderful woman, Ana from Slovenia, made us happy, my cats and dogs with a New Year's gift of food and treats. The ord...

A wonderful woman, Ana from Slovenia, made us happy, my cats and dogs with a New Year's gift of food and treats. The order has just arrived at our door , and as you can see, there is no end to cats happiness. Ana especially sympathizes with little Emily, who still can't walk. We are trying to find her diapers with suspenders, which are not available in Bosnia.😽😽😽

Zuco says Happy New Year dear people😘😀I’m healthy cat again😘😘😘😘

Zuco says Happy New Year dear people😘😀I’m healthy cat again😘😘😘😘


I want to show you something beautiful that melted my heart. Many of you remember that I found Emily on the street, a little cat who can't walk on her back legs, and that I brought to my home and take care of her. Zuco loved her immediately and as soon as Emily came to our home, he no longer spent time with other cats, but only with Emily. He felt that she was weak and all the time he treated her like an older brother. Today when Zuco is sick, Emily doesn't separate from him, she just kisses him. She now feels that Zuco is weak. I love them both very much. They are special😽😽😽

After all the difficult moments I had with street cats, my home pet cat Zuco got sick. Since november 29, his agony has ...

After all the difficult moments I had with street cats, my home pet cat Zuco got sick. Since november 29, his agony has been going on, terrible pain, but even more terrible because four veterinarians did not know how to diagnose him. On December 1st, the professor at the veterinary faculty found that my Zuco had an intestinal tangle. Severe diagnosis, cats die from it. Immediately, on the same day, he was operated on at the university. Now he is in the postoperative phase, after seven days he started eating a little today. I hope he will make a full recovery .


Even though I'm still sad about the passing of my little black angel, tonight I'm going to share with you a video with a happy ending that shows you should never give up. As you know, I wrote about it in earlier posts, this autumn was very difficult for me and my cats that I feed. Many got sick, it was viral diseases for which there is no cure, apart from supportive therapy, antibiotics and vitamins to prevent secondary infection. This means that the recovery depends of the immunity of the cat. Viruses are treated with experimental drugs also, with serums, but serums are so expensive, and hard to get, these serums have proven to be very effective. One small bottle of one serum is 20 or so euros, and a small bottle of another serum is 85 euros. I was looking for a way to buy them abroad, I succeeded, because I really cared about surviving my kittens. Some of them were cured with serums, some of them were cured with antibiotics. There are two beauties on this video that have been cured, it was a long process, at the time they got sick, they have only 500 grams, chance to survive was zero, and look at them now, they have one kilogram, they are happy now, they are playing and I will try to find them a home soon. You should never give up, and you should always open your heart to those who cannot survive without our help.

Despite my efforts, the kitty was very unwell. In addition to the terrible fip, she also had an upper respiratory tract ...

Despite my efforts, the kitty was very unwell. In addition to the terrible fip, she also had an upper respiratory tract infection, her temperature rose tonight, she couldn't eat food or water even from a syringe, she was breathing hard. My heart is broken, this is the night I can only cry. My little lioness got over panleukopenia, I thought she won everything and will live normal life, but then I heard terrible diagnose, your cat has s fip. Instantly i knew I will do everything what is possible to cure her. I got her an extremely expensive and hard-to-find GS serum that cures fip, it is experimental but in many cases as i heard is effective, but the two of us couldn't win this battle. her destiny was the street, but I didn't want to leave her there, I brought her into my house and started treating her. I never give up. We went to therapy every day, but...Since I love her so much, I couldn't let her suffer anymore. Rest in peace my little black angel. Thank you all for your prayers.


Unfortunately, my little lioness is not well tonight. FIP is the most difficult disease that cat can have, they warned me that she will have crises, but it is very difficult to watch all that. Today is the eighth day of treatment, and we have 76 more days. She got an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, tonight I gave her the necessary therapy, we will see what the morning will bring. I am very, very sad.

Until this fall, I was the owner of healthy, cheerful, well-cared cats and three large dogs. The only trips to the vet w...

Until this fall, I was the owner of healthy, cheerful, well-cared cats and three large dogs. The only trips to the vet were insignificant and small interventions, for example to receive a pill against parasites or to reduce the temperature. Since I live in a country where the problem of street cats and dogs has not been solved systematically, my husband and I used to feed the ones we would meet every day. We could never see any animal in our street being hungry or hurt, we both love to help those who have no one and who others won't help, and then this fall there was an epidemic of viruses that kill cats, especially young cats, namely corona, panleukopenia and fip . Viruses affect and spread in populations where there are many animals. We have sterilized many, but new ones are always coming from the nest, which are rejected by others. Also, this month we medicaly treated 10 street cats, feed much much more, at the same time, and kept the others from getting sick. I even managed to find an illegal drug, a serum that successfully treats viral diseases in cats. Three unfortunately died, because we didn't have serum then. We managed to cure seven. My Emily's condition is very good, she will get better. Today was a good day, precisely because of that, we were happy that the cats are on the way to recovery. I'm happy that I can finally return to my normal life, and that I won't be going to the vet every day for therapy. So happy, I went to the veterinary station to take the last cat from the treatment. The vets did the tests and told me the worst news, the cat has fip. A terrible disease that is treated with an experimental drug, and there are many positive experiences, the therapy lasts 84 days, the serum must be given every day, without stopping for 84 days. One bottle of serum, which I heard is available in France, costs 85 euros. My cat needs five or six bottles. Luckily, she weighs only 1 kilogram and 200 grams, so she doesn't need a large dose, and one bottle can last her 16 days. The problem is that I no longer have the money to buy any such expensive medicine, because I have treated so many animals in the past month. And what should I do now, to let her die in agony, to euthanize her, to order her medicine that I don't know how to pay for. A difficult dilemma for every human being. I will try to save her life and ask for help. I’m sure that everyone can give as a gift for thic medicine 10 dollars, 10 by 10 and one life van be save. If you wanna help write me. Thank you in advance

Don’t buy, adopt!!!!!

Don’t buy, adopt!!!!!

Today I only received two antibiotics, I was finally taken off the infusion. Amela feeds me and takes care of me, three ...

Today I only received two antibiotics, I was finally taken off the infusion. Amela feeds me and takes care of me, three doses of the serum helped and I hope that I will stay healthy, that nothing will change and that I have defeated the virus. I have to wait a few more days to finish the therapy and then I will do blood tests and know if I have recovered. Hugs from Emily.

We are still fighting. There were six of us, unfortunately two died. Little sister went through therapy and feels good f...

We are still fighting. There were six of us, unfortunately two died. Little sister went through therapy and feels good for now, the two of us are fighting. Our diagnosis is corona, a common viral disease in cats. Pray for us.

Emily on magnetic therapy just now

Emily on magnetic therapy just now

I want to introduce you to four dogs. This is Luna, Gary, Bruno and Heidi. Their mother has been fed by my husband and I...

I want to introduce you to four dogs. This is Luna, Gary, Bruno and Heidi. Their mother has been fed by my husband and I since she was born. One lady also love her and feed her. She is a very fearful dog, and we couldn’t catch her to be adopted, even though we tried several times. We managed to save her two brothers off the street, but not her. After three years, she gave birth to her babies for the first time. These four babies. In my country, dogs don't have normal shelters, like they maybe have in your country, dogs mostly live and survive thanks to the good will of people who love animals. So that these four puppies would not have the same fate as their mother, and would not be street dogs, my husband and I decided, even though we did not have the conditions, to hide them in the garage and we asked a wonderful lady who deals with adoption abroad to find them a home. They will soon receive their third vaccine and will be adopted. That's good news. They will have their own people, their own home. A few days after we removed them from the location, from the street, we found Emily, the cat, injured, there were many obligations, but we didn't give up either the dogs or Emily. We hope for her recovery.

This is my cats: Chupka, Tigar,Shilo, Cocia, Biba, Zuco, Pindi, only missing two more cats, Cocolinko and Emily. At the ...

This is my cats: Chupka, Tigar,Shilo, Cocia, Biba, Zuco, Pindi, only missing two more cats, Cocolinko and Emily. At the time we were taking photos, Cocolinko was busy by eating, Emily was not born

My sweet eyes😘Emily and her bestfriend Zuco

My sweet eyes😘Emily and her bestfriend Zuco

Kitten Emily, she first started to eat wih her big brothers and sisters, by the way she can eat for three persons 😂, the...

Kitten Emily, she first started to eat wih her big brothers and sisters, by the way she can eat for three persons 😂, they left her alone, and at the end she approached to Zuco, her favourite cat, and stole his food 😂😂🥰

Me & Redzo

Me & Redzo


Emili now

I am the owner of 8 cats who live with me in the apartment. A few days ago we got a new member, unplanned. This is Emili...

I am the owner of 8 cats who live with me in the apartment. A few days ago we got a new member, unplanned. This is Emili, a cat only 3 months old. We found Emili on the street, in front of the garage where my husband works, someone hit her, maybe a car, we don't know, because it was a street cat, and unfortunately her spine was damaged. Emily was found by our dog, who was sniffing around the open garage door, we came and had something to see. Emily was curled up in the corner by the door, she was alive and the maggots were already eating her tissue. It was a terrible to watch, very sad. I've never seen anything like it. She was hungry, thirsty, immobile and full of worms crawling all over her. We immediately took her and took her to the vet. The vets spent two hours cleaning the worms from her, worms even got under the skin of her tail and under the skin on the back of her body. I could not leave the kitten, after the veterinary examination I named her Emily and brought her into my home. Now she sleeps in my bedroom, and her companion is the cat Žućo (you had the opportunity to meet him through my previous posts). Emily sleeps in bed with me. She can't walk,she drags her back legs, we regularly empty her bladder, because she can't p*e on her own. Luckily Emili poops on its own. Besides the veterinarians form Sarajevo, we also sought help from a cat neurosurgeon from Belgrade, who confirmed treatment of a veterinarian from Sarajevo, saying that, judging by the injury, Emili has a 50 percent chance of walking after physical therapy. We start physical therapy next week. I hope for the best. I am most concerned about the bladder, which the vet empties in the morning, and I empty it several times during the day. I sincerely hope that her nerves will recover and that she will be able to p*e and walk on her own soon. Keep your fingers crossed, we are preparing for additional medical tests and fight for this small, sweet kitten of only 3 months to stand on his feet. And then we will look for the best possible home for her. Greetings from Emily and me.

At the last veterinary examination my cat Cocija were diagnosed with dental problems.  Otherwise he is a healthy cat, he...

At the last veterinary examination my cat Cocija were diagnosed with dental problems. Otherwise he is a healthy cat, he had a sore throat and we descovered dental problem. Nothing indicated that. In the morning we have an operation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Sarajevo. It will pull out his problematic teeth. I hope everything goes well. Wish us luck.

My cats often like to eat food that I also love, in addition to eating their own, of course, this morning we shared brea...

My cats often like to eat food that I also love, in addition to eating their own, of course, this morning we shared breakfast tuna😽🌺😘

This is Cocija, male cat, the first rescued cat we brought into our home, a few years ago.  Now, my Cocija is an “actor”...

This is Cocija, male cat, the first rescued cat we brought into our home, a few years ago. Now, my Cocija is an “actor”, he id an extras, but i call him, you are my actor lol, he is a part of the new project of Oscar winner Danis Tanovic (He won an Oscar for No mans land). Life is beautiful. Always do good, and destiny will be nice.


Dr. Silve Rizvanbegovic Sarajevo



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