The urgence of it basically arises when we start to believe it that with our small effort we can make some very good result afterwards. With experiences growing we realise it that due to lack of just conciousness, we let alone thrive with poor health livestock with minimum profit come out. Lack of proper veterinary care is the only cause behind it. People attached with rural living are not that mu
ch aware to take care of their beloved livestock but rely deeply on them for good survival indeed. It is not due to lack of money or time, it is only due to lack of quality services. Apart from Government side, any public effort towards the alliviation of this problem is hardly arise till date to address this issue. It is very clear to us that, to ensure better sustenance for rural people is only possible if we be there place of hope in terms of livestock treatment and care. Livestock are greatly suffered from worm burden, malnutrition during all phases of life, contagious and infectious diseases , reproductive problems as well as various other surgical problems. Being a part of their lifestyle we can clearly understand that we can only help them by mobile veterinary van standing by their side.