Hlw guyZzz.
→�Bas¡c ¡nFo�←
� Prof¡Le Name → নীল কাব্ব্য ΞΞ υηκησωη
ιονε ΞΞ
� Real Name →★Faisal Khan kabbo★
� N¡ck Name → � Faisal �
� B¡rth date → 15 march
� S*x → maLe.
� Zod¡ac s¡gn → brishnw.
� Occupat¡on → tO tO company.
� Permanent Address → In ur heart.
→�outlook �←
ღ Ha¡r → med¡um.
ღ Ha¡r colour → purE black.
ღ He¡ght → 5'5''
ღ We¡ght → bOla jabena
ღ Age → pOre bOlbO
ღ Tatto
o → nah.
ღ R¡ghty or lefty → R¡ghty.
→�Favour¡tes �←
� Mov¡es → Kabhi khusi kabhi gham, Dhoom
2, Twilight, Kungfu Hustle.
� Solo Art¡st → [male] M¡chael Jacson, akon,
¡que Igles¡as, sonu nigam.
[female] Jenn¡fer LopEz, Br¡tney Spears, Shak
Ferg¡e, kEsha. shreya goshal.
� Band → L¡nk¡n ParK.
� Rapper → P¡tbull.
� Sports → Football And Cr¡cket.
� Colour → Black & Red.
� Food → Yummzy P¡zza, Ch¡cken Burger, ¡ce
cream & Chocolates.
� Dr¡nk → Coff¡ee, Lass¡ee, StrwbErry m¡lk
chocolate m¡lk shake, Spr¡te, Fanta, 7up.
� PlayEr → [Messi].[Afridy]
� Team → Arzentina & bangLadesh.
� Car → Ferar¡, Bmw.
� T¡mepass → Addafy¡ng w¡th frnds, L¡sten
song & c8ing.
� An¡mal → Cute Cat & handsum Dog.
→�someth¡ng Interest¡ng about g¡rL Fr¡end
� Ha¡r → Emo & StyL¡st.
� Sk¡ntone → brOwn.
� Frndly → abr jiggaie.
� Romant¡c → na ho¡Ley noy.
� Car¡ng → ob¡viousLy.
� Sk¡nny or fatty → med¡um.
� He¡ght → 5'4'' up'
� sexy → yes.
� Attractful → hmmz.
� m¡nd → clear as wh¡te m¡lk.
� Sm¡le → yes w¡th sweet sound.
� Dress¡ng → Long drEss.& styL¡St dress.
� Styl¡sh → Damn Smrt normal andcasual
appearence ¡s apprec¡atable.
→�favourite question�←
R u v¡Rg¡n?
→�my 1st exper¡ences �←
� 1st love my Mom.
� 1st k¡ss my mom.
� 1st mob¡le : Nokia 1600.
� 1st Crush : � sunny leone�
� 1st fb profile : Faisal Ahmd.
� 1st fb crush : can't mantation.
� 1st pr¡ze ¡ won : at the age of 11 ¡n school.
� 1st propose : Secret.
� 1st pc game : House of the Dead.
→�da¡ly usages�←
# Body spray → Fogg , My Ego, havoc goLd.
# Shoes → Cnvrs & sl¡ppers.
# Shampoo → crcLz shLdr.
# Toothpaste → Colgate max Fresh w¡th Cool
CrystaLs__pepperm¡nt ¡ce.
→ poL¡Ce.
→�←That Izz→�←