Babylon Group started its venture in the year 1986. From then the group has crossed many hurdles and has attained to a firm footing. At present about 12500 people work in 18 companies of the group. Today’s Babylon is the result of hardship and toil of all the workers, employees and the entrepreneurs of the group. Following the course of time Babylon initiated contemporary projects prioritizing con
tribution to the national economy and social welfare besides profit making. And most of her touches turned out as success. As we all know Bangladesh is mainly based on agricultural economy and about 80% people of the country live on agriculture. The country’s economy largely dependson agricultural development though at present Bangladesh is losing its glorious position in agriculture.As Bangladesh is a country of small area with a large population, we should take proper and thoughtful initiatives to ensure food for all of its population. Only our wise and timely steps can bring back our past achievements. Babylon Group has now turned its thought to the development of Agriculture. has been born and it is in operation sinceFebruary 2012. Our products are specially feed additives, which help make feed rations for all livestock, poultry and agriculture better. We are committed to supply quality products to the market. Goal –Our goal is to help produce maximum food for our people utilizing minimum landarea through providing quality product, service and technology to the farmers. Inputs – Babylon Agriscience will work on the following issues-
• Animal Health
• Pesticide
• Fertilizer
• Fisheries
• Seed
Animal Health – Poultry and Livestock are very important factors of the totalagriculture.We will supply the products to the feed mill, traders, farmers and also to the poultry farmers so that they could be benefitted from the poultry and fish production. Under animal health Babylon Agriscience will provide the supporting facilities to the farmers working on cattle, poultry or fish as well.
• Medicine
• Feed Additives
• Vitamin
• Premix
• Mineral &
• Growth related products
Pesticides/ Crop protection Chemicals –
We work on Fungicides, Pesticides and on Herbicide. We import pesticide molecule (Active API) for the formulation of finished products so that farmers can be benefitted by controlling the insects, fungus and weed which are harmful for the crops. Fertilizers – Besides protecting the crops from the insects we also work for the better production. We make the fertilizers available to the farmers. We bring the following Micro Nutrient and the Plant growth Regulators (PGR)to the farmers by importing or producing locally.
• Zinc
• Sulphur
• Magnesium
• Boron
Fisheries – For the preparationof pond we import products from Peru, Indonesia, India and from other countries. And also we work on the following areas –
• Water Management – Maintaining standard water for ensuring fish health.
• Oxygen Supply –Ensuring free flow of oxygen in water
• Removing Metal from the Water
Moreover we supply fish egg for the production of fish fry to the farmers. Seeds – Riceseeds like BR11, BR28, BR29 and other varieties of HYV (High Yielding Variety) seeds and hybridRice seeds we import from China, India, and also produce locally in collaboration with the foreign partners and reach them to the farmers. We also go for direct and contact farming for the production of HYV and hybrid rice. We work for producing vegetable seed and marketing and sell them as well. We’ve plan for importing hybrid vegetable seed from Europe & Asian countries and at the same time we develop hybrid vegetables through our research center. The suppliers i.e. principals offer the products of Babylon Agriscience Ltd. to the market at a competitive price maintaining the quality and packaging. It is done following the requirement, terms and conditions, policy of L/C and proforma invoices of the company. The principals are careful not to supply any products which don’t meet quality and standard set by Babylon Agriscience Ltd. We are really very confident about this venture. Manpower– Initially we are going to work with thirty five employees who are experienced and educated in the relevant field. Distributing Area – At the beginning our distribution locations would beDhaka, Chittagong,Bogra andJessore. BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
Consists of the following members -
01. Dr. Kh. HelalUddin
02. Neesar Ahmed
03. Emdadul Islam
04. MoinulAhsan
05. AbidurRahman
06. Abdus Salam
The official address of Babylon Agriscience Ltd.
2-B/1, Darussalam Road, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh. Tel : (880-2) - 8023462, 8023463, 8023495, 8023496, (Head Office)
Fax : (880-2) - 8015128
E-Mail : [email protected]
Web :