Shrimp King BD

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Shrimp King BD Shrimp King BD is one of the largest shrimp focused business in the Bangladesh. We have achieved thi

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15000$ most expensive shrimps in the world!!!

Shrimp keeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Shrimp a...

Shrimp keeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Shrimp are beautiful, colorful, and active creatures that can add life and interest to any aquarium. Here are some of the benefits and challenges of shrimp keeping as a hobby:

- Shrimp do not need big tanks. Most dwarf shrimp species can be kept in tanks as small as 5 gallons, which makes them ideal for small spaces and low budgets¹.
- Shrimp do not need heaters. Most shrimp can adapt to a wide range of temperatures, as long as they are stable and consistent. The exception is Sulawesi shrimp, which require warmer water¹.
- Shrimp are excellent algae eaters. Shrimp will graze on most types of soft algae, helping to keep your tank clean and healthy. However, they are not a magic solution for algae problems, and you still need to maintain proper water parameters and lighting².
- Shrimp are prolific breeders. Shrimp will readily reproduce in your tank, giving you the opportunity to observe their life cycle and enjoy their offspring. You can also create your own unique color and pattern variations by selective breeding¹.
- Shrimp are sensitive to water quality. Shrimp are more vulnerable to ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and copper than fish, and they need stable and optimal water conditions to thrive. You need to monitor your water parameters regularly and perform frequent water changes³.
- Shrimp are vulnerable to predators. Shrimp are easy prey for many fish, especially bettas, which have different personalities and may or may not tolerate shrimp in their tank. You need to choose your tank mates carefully and provide plenty of hiding places for your shrimp².
- Shrimp have specific dietary needs. Shrimp need a varied and balanced diet that includes algae, biofilm, vegetables, and high-quality shrimp pellets or flakes. You also need to supplement their diet with calcium and minerals to help them molt and grow their shells³.
- Shrimp are fascinating to watch. Shrimp have unique behaviors and personalities that make them fun and entertaining to observe. You can see them swim, scavenge, socialize, molt, mate, and carry eggs under their tails³.

Shrimp keeping is a hobby that can bring you joy and satisfaction, as well as challenges and learning opportunities. If you are interested in starting or expanding your shrimp collection, you can check out some of the web resources I found for you:

- [10 Reasons to Start Shrimp Keeping Hobby! - Shrimp and Snail Breeder](^1^)
- [Common Myths In The Shrimp Hobby | The Shrimp Farm](^2^)
- [A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Shrimp - Buce Plant](^3^)

I hope this helps you learn more about shrimp keeping as a hobby. 😊.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/2/2024
(1) 10 Reasons to Start Shrimp Keeping Hobby! - Shrimp and Snail Breeder.
(2) Common Myths In The Shrimp Hobby | The Shrimp Farm.
(3) A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Shrimp - Buce Plant.
(4) 10 Reasons to Start Shrimp Keeping Hobby! - Shrimp and Snail Breeder.
(5) Common Myths In The Shrimp Hobby | The Shrimp Farm.
(6) A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Shrimp - Buce Plant.
(7) Keeping Shrimp in Your Aquarium and How to Take Care of Them.

Ammar banano planted terrarium.tar bedside table er upor thake. Amr planted shrimp tank er trim kora gach r alada kora s...

Ammar banano planted terrarium.tar bedside table er upor thake. Amr planted shrimp tank er trim kora gach r alada kora shirmp tao 5ta. 1 mash dhore khabar o day na. Bollam kacher jar e rakho. Bollo kono dorkar nai. 🙃


Welcome to my home, where I have a beautiful planted shrimp tank that brings me joy and peace. A planted shrimp tank is not only a stunning sight, but also a healthy hobby that has many benefits. Here are some of them:

- A planted shrimp tank provides a natural environment for freshwater shrimp, which are fascinating creatures to watch and care for. Shrimp are super sensitive species and need clean and stable water parameters. They also need a lot of surface area in their tanks so they can scavenge for food and biofilm. Having live plants will solve all these problems and give your shrimp a better living environment¹².
- A planted shrimp tank also benefits the plants, as they get nutrients from the shrimp waste and the substrate. Plants provide a natural form of chemical filtration that removes toxins from the water and keeps the tank’s pH stable. They also oxygenate the water and create a balanced ecosystem¹³.
- A planted shrimp tank can also benefit you, as it can reduce stress and improve your mood. Watching the shrimp and plants interact can be relaxing and soothing. It can also stimulate your creativity and curiosity, as you learn more about these amazing organisms and how to aquascape your tank⁴⁵.

Some of the best plants for a shrimp tank are aquatic mosses, such as Christmas Moss or Java Moss, which provide shrimp with the perfect place to hide or play. They are also easy to grow and care for. Other good choices are Water Sprite, Amazon Frogbit, Dwarf Water Lettuce, Java Fern, Anubias, Buce Plants, Marimo Moss Ball, and Anacharis²³.

As for the hosts, I have a variety of shrimp species in my tank, such as Neocaridina (cherry shrimp, blue dream, orange sunkist, etc.) and Caridina (crystal red bee, king kong, black pinto, blue bolt, etc.). They have different colors and patterns, and they are very active and social. They are also easy to breed, as they reproduce quickly and prolifically⁶⁷.

I hope you enjoy watching my planted shrimp tank as much as I do. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask me. Thank you for visiting! 😊


¹: [Top 5 Pros and Cons of having Plants in Shrimp Aquarium](^1^)
²: [The 15 Best Plants For Shrimp Tanks [Reviewed & Tested]](^2^)
³: [Best Plants for a Freshwater Shrimp Tank](^3^)
⁴: [Fertilizers for Planted Shrimp Tanks](^4^)
⁵: [The Best Aquatic Plants for Shrimp](^5^)
⁶: [Planted Shrimp Tank: What is the Best Substrate?](^6^)
⁷: [Top 11 Best Plants For Shrimp Tanks (Freshwater)](^7^).

Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/1/2024
(1) Top 5 Pros and Cons of having Plants in Shrimp Aquarium.
(2) The 15 Best Plants For Shrimp Tanks [Reviewed & Tested].
(3) Best Plants for a Freshwater Shrimp Tank — Buce Plant.
(4) Fertilizers for Planted Shrimp Tanks | Shrimp Science.
(5) The Best Aquatic Plants for Shrimp - PetHelpful.
(6) Planted Shrimp Tank: What is the Best Substrate? - Buce Plant.
(7) Top 11 Best Plants For Shrimp Tanks (Freshwater) - Next Aquarium.
(8) Top 5 Pros and Cons of having Plants in Shrimp Aquarium.
(9) The 15 Best Plants For Shrimp Tanks [Reviewed & Tested].
(10) Best Plants for a Freshwater Shrimp Tank — Buce Plant.
(11) Fertilizers for Planted Shrimp Tanks | Shrimp Science.
(12) The Best Aquatic Plants for Shrimp - PetHelpful.
(13) Planted Shrimp Tank: What is the Best Substrate? - Buce Plant.
(14) Top 11 Best Plants For Shrimp Tanks (Freshwater) - Next Aquarium.
(15) Shrimp in a planted tank - | Aquasabi | Aquasabi - Aquascaping Shop.



যদি দেখেন কারো ম্যাসেজ পেয়ে আপনি একা একাই হাসছেন, খুব ভালো ফিল হচ্ছে, লজ্জা লাগছে, ২৫ টাকার কাভেরি মেহেদী দিয়ে তার নাম...

যদি দেখেন কারো ম্যাসেজ পেয়ে আপনি একা একাই হাসছেন, খুব ভালো ফিল হচ্ছে, লজ্জা লাগছে,
২৫ টাকার কাভেরি মেহেদী দিয়ে তার নামের প্রথম অক্ষর লিখতে মন চাচ্ছে, তার ছবি দেখে দেখে লোমান্তিক গান শুনতে ইচ্ছে করছে,

তার জন্মদিনের জন্য তার জন্মদাত্রী আম্মার থেকে বেশি আপনার নিজের এক্সাইটেড ফিল হচ্ছে, তার ফোনের অপেক্ষা করতে করতে ২-১ চুল পাকা ধরছে,

তার কথা মত সব কাজিন/ফেলেন্দের সাথে সম্পর্ক ছাড়তে আপনি এক পায়ে দাড়িয়ে গেছেন, তার পছন্দের রঙের জামা-কাপড়, বই-খাতা, ওয়ালপেপার, পার্স, জুতা, নয়ছয় করতে ইচ্ছে করছে,
তার জন্য পড়ালেখা চাঙে তুলে বাবা মায়ের সব এক্সপেক্টেশন কটকটি বানাতে ইচ্ছে করছে।
ব্যাস তখনই আপনি ৩ টা খুবই জরুরি পদক্ষেপ গ্রহন করবেন,

১.সেই মানুষটার আইডিতে যাবেন এবং আইডির বাম পাশের ৩টা (•••) এমন ডট এ ক্লিক করবেন।

২. ক্লিক করার পর দেখবেন একটা মানুষের কল্লা+কল্লার উপর 🚫 একটা এমন সাংকেতিক চিহ্ন আসছে। আর ইংরেজিতে লেখা Block. এখানে ছোট্ট করে একটা ক্লিক করবেন।

৩. ব্লক করার পর ৩বার আয়াতুল কুরশী পড়ে দুই কাধে দোনাল্ড টেমপুর মত ঠোট চুকখা করে ফু দিবেন। পরবর্তীতে ঐ ব্লক আর কখনো খুলবেন না।

এইযে যাকে ব্লক করেছেন এই মানুষটি হচ্ছে সীমিত আকারের ইব্লিস লাইট।এরা জীবনে আসে আপনার সুন্দর গোছালো জীবনের ১৩টা বাজাতে।
এরা বিয়ে করবেনা,কমিটমেন্টে যাবে না,বাতাসে বাতাসে আপনার সময় নষ্ট করে পল্টি নিবে। এদেরকে না বলুন ।

আপনার জীবনে এমনেই প্যারার শেষ নাই,হুদাই রাতে ২/৩টা গুলুগুলু কথা শুনার জন্য জীবনের ১৩ টা বাজায়েন না।


Upcoming!!!12 Inch Cube Marine Tank Full Setup With Stand!!

12 Inch Cube Marine Tank Full Setup With Stand!!

কার্ডিনাল সুলাওসি চিংড়ি একটি ব্যতিক্রমী বামন চিংড়ি প্রজাতি যা অ্যাকোয়ারিয়াম শখের ক্ষেত্রে মোটামুটি নতুন।  ইন্দোনেশিয...

কার্ডিনাল সুলাওসি চিংড়ি একটি ব্যতিক্রমী বামন চিংড়ি প্রজাতি যা অ্যাকোয়ারিয়াম শখের ক্ষেত্রে মোটামুটি নতুন। ইন্দোনেশিয়ার অত্যন্ত অনন্য সুলাওসি হ্রদ ব্যবস্থার স্থানীয়, এটি কয়েক বছর আগে আবিষ্কৃত হয়েছিল এবং বিশেষজ্ঞ চিংড়ি চাষি এবং ব্রিডাররা এখন অল্প সংখ্যক প্রজনন করছেন।


12 Inch Cube Shrimp Tank

Shrimp FoodThe Tropical Light Division fish Nutririon feed

Shrimp Food

The Tropical Light Division fish Nutririon feed



Aqua Soil Available!!!9 Liter Bag- The premium substrate for the planted aquarium - Contains major and minor trace eleme...

Aqua Soil Available!!!

9 Liter Bag

- The premium substrate for the planted aquarium - Contains major and minor trace elements to nourish aquarium plants - Substrate encourages healthy plant root growth

Features & details

- The premium substrate for the planted aquarium

- Contains major and minor trace elements to nourish aquarium plants

- Substrate encourages healthy plant root growth

Made in China.

1 kg Aqua soil + 9 Liter Chinese Tank with light and filter Price 2500 bdtCourier possible all over Bangladesh

1 kg Aqua soil + 9 Liter Chinese Tank with light and filter
Price 2500 bdt
Courier possible all over Bangladesh


6 liter Bowl Planted Shrimp Tank with no Filter

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Package 5

12" Cube Crystal Tank + Aquarium Internal Power Filter SOBO WP-320F + 1 inch Aqua Soil + 15wt DIY LED Lights with glass stand

BDT 3500 tk

Courier Possible

Package 412" Cube Glass Tank + Aquarium Internal Power Filter SOBO WP-320F + 1 inch Aqua Soil + 15wt DIY LED Lights with...

Package 4

12" Cube Glass Tank + Aquarium Internal Power Filter SOBO WP-320F + 1 inch Aqua Soil + 15wt DIY LED Lights with glass stand

BDT 3000 tk

Courier Possible

9 Liter Chinese Tank with light and filter Price 2000 bdtCourier possible all over Bangladesh

9 Liter Chinese Tank with light and filter
Price 2000 bdt
Courier possible all over Bangladesh

Cardinal TetraHome delivery Possible inside dhakaCourier Possible all over Bangladesh

Cardinal Tetra

Home delivery Possible inside dhaka

Courier Possible all over Bangladesh

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Show post

Harliquin tetraHome deliver possible inside dhakaCourier possible all-over Bangladesh

Harliquin tetra

Home deliver possible inside dhaka

Courier possible all-over Bangladesh







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Shrimp King BD

Shrimp King BD is one of the largest shrimp focused business in the Bangladesh. We have achieved this by promising to provide healthy animals to our customers. The health of our animals is our main focus.