So we went back to the vet today and of course his lymph node wasn't swollen when we got there. They did a bunch of more tests as well as redid a few from the first time. He came back clean on everything yet again but they went ahead and gave him a couple of medications while we were there. They don't want to put them on antibiotics until they can confirm it's something with the lymph node but she thinks that since it comes and goes then it may just be a blocked salvatory gland but they couldn't get a sample today to test it when they aspirated it. Poor boy is tuckered out, he curled up on my bed and I tucked him in. He's been kind of Droopy all day so I really hope he's better by tomorrow I'm sure it's all the medication that is making him tired.
Now that he has the all clear again, I will reschedule his neuter appointment.