নেপিয়ার ঘাসের পুষ্টিমান/Nutritive value of napier grass
Napier grass is one of the most important grass for our livestock popultion. It is cultivated all over the country. This video discusses all the nutritive value of the napier grass.
Napier grass as cattle, nutritive value of napier grass, নেপিয়ার ঘাসের পুষ্টিমান, Smart Agrovet Plus, cow post, cow video, earning money by cattle farming, cattle feed ingredient of Bangladesh, grass population for cattle
আপনার গাভী টি কি পানি কম খাচ্ছে? Are your cows drinking less water?
Normally cows drink a minimum amount of water. But in some special situations they can drink less amount of water. For these reasons the farmers became worried. This video covers all details.
Cow video, cow post, smart agrovet plus, আপনার গাভীটি কি কম পানি খাচ্ছে, Are your cows drinking less water, sources of water of cows, earning money by cattle farming, factors affecting the consumption of water of cows are feed, drinking water, metabolic water
আপনার প্রাণির জন্য প্রতিদিন কত লিটার পানির প্রয়োজন? How many liters of water does your animal need per day?
Water is the main component of a living body. So, we have to be careful for the amount of water supplied by animals owner. Tis video all the details about animal's water demand. Smart Agrovet Plus. How many liters of water does your animal need per day
Animal video, cow video, goat video, Buffalo video, animal post, water is the main component of a living body, earning money by cattle farming, smart agrovet plus, amount of water supplied by cattle farmer, amount of water needed by animals
আপনি কি আপনার গাভীকে কচুরিপানা খাওয়াতে চান?Do you want to feed your cow water hyacinth?
Water hyacinth is a less important feed item of cattle. Because, it is comparatively less nutritious. This video covers the details about it
গমের ভুষি আপনি গরুকে কেনো খাওয়াবেন? Why do you fed wheat bran to cattle?
Wheat bran is the main feed ingredient of cattle feed. Smart agrovet plus. Why do you fed wheat bran to cattle
গমের ভুষি আপনি গরুকে কেনো খাওয়াবেন
কালো বিড়াল কি সত্যিই দুর্ভাগ্য বয়ে আনে? Do black cats really bring bad luck?
There is a superstition in our society that black cats bring bad luck when they cross the road. Some people say that there is a relation between black cats and witches. But these are completely superstitions. This video covers all these things.
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কি কি কারণে বিড়াল লিটার বক্সের বাইরে Pee করে? Why does a cat pee/urinate outside the litter box?
Cats normally urinate in the litter boxes if they are trained well. Due to some abnormal situations they can urinate outside the litter boxes. This video covers all these things.
#Cat video #cat videos #cat posts #smart agrovet plus #why does a cat pee/urinate outside the litter box #abnormal Cat's pee #abnormal cat's urination #কি কি কারণে বিড়াল লিটার বক্সের বাইরে pee/urinate করে
উটের কুজেরউটের কুজের কাজ কি? What are the functions of camel's hump?
Camel's hump is an important thing for the camel. Hump acts as a storehouse of camel. It gives support during adverse situation. This video covers all those things.
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খেলার সময় বিড়ালছানাকে কিভাবে কামড়ানো বন্ধ করতে পারেন? What to do to prevent kitten from biting during play?
Kitten biting is a problem. But we can prevent this problem by training the kitten. If we can give training properly to the kitten, we will not face such type of problem in the future.
#Cat video # cat videos #cat posts #smart agrovet plus #how do you prevent kitten biting #how can we prevent kitten biting during play # kitten biting is a problem, training for kitten biting #preventive measures for kitten biting #rules for preventing kitten biting #guidelines for preventing kitten biting #ways for preventing kitten biting
মানুষের সাথে বিড়ালের কি কি মিল আছে? What are the similarities between men and cats?
There are so many similarities between men and cats. One research shows the there are 90% similarities between men and cat. This video covers all those things.
#cat video #cat videos #cat posts #smart agrovet plus #similarities between men and cats
কি কি কারণে বিড়াল লিটার বক্স ব্যবহার বন্ধ করতে পারে? What causes cats to stop using litter boxes?
Normally cat uses litter boxes. But in some anno situations the cat can stop using litter boxes. This video covers those situations when a cat rejects litter boxes.
#cat video #cat videos #cat posts #smart agrovet plus #cat litter boxes #causes to stop using litter boxes of cat #cat rejects litter boxes #Why cat rejects litter boxes
আপনার বিড়াল আছে ৫টি। কয়টি লিটার বক্স ব্যবহার করবেন? You have 5 cats. How many liter boxes do you use?
The ratio of number of cats and the number of litter boxes should be maintained. Because it is essential to keep the apartment clean. At the same time the cat will also be healthy. This video covers all those things.
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