Wonderland Horses BVBA

Wonderland Horses BVBA Het nieuwe jaar is beginnen en Wonderland is druk bezig met 3 vierjarige nl.een Cassini II x Grannus, een Numero Uno x Donnerhall en een Cassini II x Ferro

The Stud Farm Wonderland Horses originated in 1977 and was (and is) established and operated by Catherine Vanden Abeele. With her passion for horses, she started training with Mestre Nuno Oliveira, 'THE equestrian of the 20th century'. He taught her 'the art of horseback riding' and to work with horses using both heart and soul. Catherine trained together with Oliveira for over more than 20 years

and brought a large number of horses at Grand Prix level. Now the Stud Farm Wonderland Horses has grown large and has become a real quality stable. Each year the farm produces a number of magnificent foals with impressive bloodlines like, Grannus, Donnerhall, Ferro, Argentinus, Chin-Chin, Cheenok, Jalisco B, Darco, and many others. Catherine Vanden Abeele daily shares her knowledge of classical horsemanship, based on riding in lightness ("la légèreté"), giving excellent training in both dressage and jumping.


Legeweg 22


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