Ytolan - Horse Care

Ytolan - Horse Care Ytolan zet zich in voor het welzijn van paarden en dit met respect voor het dier, zowel op fysisch, psychisch en energetisch vlak.



Wise Nuno Oliveira

Wise Nuno Oliveira

The art of riding is being an easy weight to carry!

When the rider is in complete harmony with the movement of the horse, the inconvenience of the weight of the rider will be minimal for the horse. However if the rider is against the movement of the horse, ie. if he loses his balance often or if he falls backwards or forwards, then he asks a great deal of adjustment from the horse.

EM in Bali

EM in Bali

Check out the new case study in Indonesia🇮🇩

Bali, Indonesia, faces significant waste management challenges due to growing tourism🇮🇩 The local government’s 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) system, launched in August 2021, involves community participation in sorting waste and using EM Technology at the "TPS 3R" station to convert household waste into organic fertilizer. This initiative not only addresses waste issues but also promotes sustainable agricultural practices, preserving Bali's natural beauty and supporting its economy✨🌎

✅From Waste to Organic Fertilizer:

The report is courtesy of PT. Songgolangit Persada EM4Indonesia


Une belle idée qui circule sur Facebook en ce moment: fait à partir d'un bout de paillasson, cet item s'assure que n'importe quel animal puisse sortir de votre piscines en toute sécurité. Ça peut sauver des vies 🐱🐈🐕🦝🐿🦔


"...we must never forget, every time we sit on a horse, what an extraordinary privilege it is: to be able to unite one's body with that of another sentient being, one that is stronger, faster and more agile by far than we are, and at the same time, brave, generous, and uncommonly forgiving." --William Steinkraus, Olympic Equestrian


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