Ytolan - Horse Care

Ytolan - Horse Care Ytolan zet zich in voor het welzijn van paarden en dit met respect voor het dier, zowel op fysisch, psychisch en energetisch vlak.


🇧🇪 - 🌱Onze biologische bessen - kwaliteit uit de natuur! 💚
Bij ons Agriton, telen we onze bessen op biodynamische wijze, met zorg voor de aarde en respect voor de natuurlijke kringloop ♻. Dankzij het gebruik van EM® (effectieve micro-organismen) en biodynamische principes, garanderen we :
✅100% biologische en biodynamische bessen - met liefde geteeld, zonder chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen
✅Strenge kwaliteitscontroles - elke bes, bodem, proces voldoet aan de hoogste standaardnormen
✅Harmonie met de natuur - we werken met natuurlijke ritmes en processen om de bodem en biodiversiteit gezond te houden

Kiezen voor EMDRINK of ARONIA+ is niet alleen heerlijk in zijn smaken, maar ook goed voor mens en milieu! 🌏

🇫🇷 - Nos baies d'Aronia - savoureuses et durables 💚
Chez nous, Agriton, nous cultivons nos baies de manière biodynamique, avec un profond respect pour la nature et les cycles naturels♻. Grâce à l'utilisation d' EM® (micro-organismes efficaces) et des principes biodynamiques, nous garantissons:
✅100%baies d'Aronia biologiques et biodynamiques - cultivées avec amour, sans pesticides chimiques
✅des contrôles de qualité rigoureux - chaque baie est soigneusement vérifiée pour répondre à nos normes élevées
✅Une harmonie avec la nature - nous travaillons en respectant les rythmes naturels pour préserver la santé des sols et la biodiversité

Choississez l'EMDRINK ou ARONIA+ , qui sont non seulement délicieuses, mais aussi bonnes pour la planète🌏 et pour vous!


Lieve Facebook vrienden

Willen jullie dit massaal delen?

Deze lieverd ( Bosz) staat al meer dan een jaar in onze opvang en heeft nog steeds geen goed huisje gevonden 😕

Bosz zijn grootste wens voor kerst is een warm liefde vol gezin met paarden vriendjes waar hij 24/7 buiten kan staan en niet meer bereden wordt.


Zodat Bosz voor de kerst zijn forever home nog vind!

Interesse of vragen? Stuur een pb of mail naar [email protected]



Something to ponder on .....💜

Something to ponder on .....

A thought-provoking read.

By Jane Smiley
Most horses pass from one human to another - some horsemen and women are patient and forgiving, others are rigorous and demanding, others are cruel, others are ignorant.
Horses have to learn how to, at the minimum, walk, trot, canter, gallop, go on trails and maybe jump, to be treated by the vet, all with sense and good manners.
Talented Thoroughbreds must learn how to win races, and if they can't do that, they must learn how to negotiate courses and jump over strange obstacles without touching them, or do complicated dance like movements or control cattle or accommodate severely handicapped children and adults in therapy work.
Many horses learn all of these things in the course of a single lifetime. Besides this, they learn to understand and fit into the successive social systems of other horses they meet along the way.
A horse's life is rather like twenty years in foster care, or in and out of prison, while at the same time changing schools over and over and discovering that not only do the other students already have their own social groups, but that what you learned at the old school hasn't much application at the new one.
We do not require as much of any other species, including humans.
That horses frequently excel, that they exceed the expectations of their owners and trainers in such circumstances, is as much a testament to their intelligence and adaptability as to their relationship skills or their natural generosity or their inborn nature. That they sometimes manifest the same symptoms as abandoned orphans - distress, strange behaviors, anger, fear - is less surprising than that they usually don't.
No one expects a child, or even a dog to develop its intellectual capacities living in a box 23 hours a day and then doing controlled exercises the remaining one.
Mammal minds develop through social interaction and stimulation.
A horse that seems "stupid", "slow", "stubborn", etc. might just have not gotten the chance to learn!
Take care of your horses and treasure them.
Credits goes to the respective Owner


Gezonde bodem? ....... Bokashi



Gorgeous Akhal-teke 😍

• 📷 by: Фотограф Немова Татьяна

I so agree 💯

I so agree 💯



Ein 🐴 schönes Fell kommt nicht nur von außen, sondern vor allem auch von innen.
Artgerechte Haltung und Fütterung ➕ entsprechende Pflege ➡️ seidiger Glanz!

❤️ Zink und Biotin: Diese beiden Nährstoffe sind besonders wichtig für Haut, Fell und Hufe. Ein Mangel kann zu mattem Fell führen. Achte darauf, dass dein Pferd ausreichend mit Mineralfutter versorgt ist.

❤️ Eiweiß für den Fellaufbau: Aminosäuren, die in Proteinen enthalten sind, sind die Bausteine für gesundes Fell. Luzerne oder Leinsamen unterstützen den Muskelaufbau und fördern gleichzeitig die Fellstruktur.

❤️ Raufutter als Basis: Hochwertiges Raufutter sind die Grundlage für jedes Pferd. Sie liefern die Nährstoffe, die das Pferd für ein gesundes Fell benötigt.

❤️ Wasser nicht vergessen! Ein gut hydratisiertes Pferd hat eine gesunde Haut und ein glänzendes Fell. Achte darauf, dass immer frisches Wasser zur Verfügung steht.


A new book by Gary Witheford who studied with Stefan Forsman a few years back was launched in the UK this week. And what he says about Stefan is really wonderful - the publishers in London today just read us some extracts from the book titled 'If Horses Could Talk'

Gary Witheford first met Stefan in 1997. He is a top horseman today dealing with problem horses in the UK racing industry.

In the book, Gary writes at length about what he learnt from Stefan who he calls "an extraordinary man .. who takes natural horsemanship to a new level "

Watching Stefan and listening to him was "as if a light bulb had been switched on ... this was Monty Roberts with the gloves off."

Gary writes a whole lot more about Stefan in this new book and we look forward to reading it from cover to cover.

As many good horse owners in Scandinavia will testify, Stefan's invaluable contribution has changed the nature of their horses and themselves - forever.

It is great news that Stefan's good name continues to be honoured and his work valued.

We are in the process of arranging an interview with Gary Witheford and look forward to finding out more.

As some may know, Gary has also famously worked with zebras to prove that all flight animals react in a similar way to human handling.

Meanwhile, here is Gary speaking with the BBC a few days ago.


Best friends 🤣


Molenstraat 3


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