Joke Timmermans

Joke Timmermans Teacher. Biomechanical correct horse riding and training. Riding and in-hand. Coach: Kids and Families. Healer: Human & animals.

Coaching met behulp van paarden voor individuen, families en bedrijven met een verlangen naar verandering.

Student for life and loving it. 🙋🏼‍♀️

Student for life and loving it. 🙋🏼‍♀️

Amazing interesting documentary. Every horse owner should see.

Amazing interesting documentary. Every horse owner should see.

Full length feature film “Horses and the Science of Harmony” examines the nature of harmony between horse and rider through the eyes of 3-day event rider Bub...


Do you want to know which horse documentary I put on to capture the attention of 5 teenage girls for one hour? Put a 🐴 in the comments.

For 2024 I want to thank all the beautiful horses I was able to ride. My love for the Iberian Horse got boosted by these...

For 2024 I want to thank all the beautiful horses I was able to ride. My love for the Iberian Horse got boosted by these beautiful Lusitano's and Andalusians. For 2025 I welcome more beautiful encounters with these magical creatures. Feeling so blessed.

Someone looking for a chance to work and improve riding skills? Please share 🙂

Someone looking for a chance to work and improve riding skills? Please share 🙂

At Epona we offer work to horse-lovers students to spend a year in Andalusia and offer them the opportunity to improve riding skills and horse knowledge. ✅ Contact us!

Zit jij ergens mee? Of wil je gewoon een magische namiddag tussen de paarden? Je hoeft er niks voor te kunnen of kennen....

Zit jij ergens mee? Of wil je gewoon een magische namiddag tussen de paarden? Je hoeft er niks voor te kunnen of kennen. Aanrader!

I wanted to create a fundraiser for Associação Ninovan a horse rescue on Faial for my birthday but Facebook doesn't supp...

I wanted to create a fundraiser for Associação Ninovan a horse rescue on Faial for my birthday but Facebook doesn't support European non-profits anymore. So please donate directly if you feel like it. Thanks on behalf of the horses.

Help support Associação Ninovan by donating or sharing with your friends.


"I am fine!"

"No, you're not."

"No... I am fine."

"I can feel that differently."

"Don't feel me."

"Why. You are literally on my body and next to me. I am always feeling you."

"Because I am holding back the flood of feelings that I have no idea what to do with. If I felt them, I might fall apart"

"Ok. I won't feel you then."

"Excuse me... can you pay attention to me? I am asking you a question nicely. Can you respond to me nicely please?"

"But we just made an agreement. That I disconnect to how you feel, just like you disconnect to how you feel."

"Yes but, don't connect to my feelings. Connect to my actions and commands."

"They are one and the same. That is impossible unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless I detach myself from you. Emotional death."

"Great. I'll have one emotional death please. None of those nasty inconvenient feelings. Let us just do actions please."

"Ok. But I am here, waiting for you."

"What are you waiting for?"

"For you to feel. So that we can communicate with feel."

Riet Plevoets van  Holistic Healthcare nodigde mij gisteren uit als representant in een opstelling met paarden. En ik wi...

Riet Plevoets van Holistic Healthcare nodigde mij gisteren uit als representant in een opstelling met paarden. En ik wil even laten weten dat dit echt fantastisch was. Deelnemen als representant is nog 2 maanden gratis dus ik zou het iedereen aanraden. De aanwezigheid van de kat Watson was zo speciaal 🥰 magische momenten op een prachtige lokatie met een heel fijne begeleiding. Weer veel inzichten rijker! Dankjewel Riet om dit aan te bieden. FKC Helend Communiceren met opstelling met paarden. Gewoon een heel sterke combinatie. Ik kom zeker terug. 💜



Most people know the basic whorls we find on a horses forehead.
🐴 A center whorl doesn't tell us much except that we don't see any extremes of temperament based on the whorl. That could mean a quiet, steady easy going horse, but it depends on what the rest of the head looks like.
🐴 A high whorl shows an extrovert. A horse who very invested in the external world, everything going on around them. They want to go, to be moving all the time. Emotional and sensitive they will be as brave as they can be and eager to please with a sensitive supportive rider or a nervous wreck with a harsh rider who doesn't give the support they need.
🐴 A low whorl shows an introvert, a horse who is content within themselves. They are busy thinking and processing the information around them. They can be overwhelmed by too much excitement around them. Instead of trying to make an introvert do anything, they need to be given a reason to listen. When there is feathering coming up from the whorl that makes them left brain, calm, easy going, confident, friendly.
What about the less common whorls though?
🐴 Who has seen a horse with three whorls? Triple whorls generally mean a horse who is a left brain extrovert. The born broke type, calm, curious, friendly, quick learners. They invariably come with quirks, some of them pretty interesting, but the owners that I've talked to have loved them.
🐴 What about a horse who has one whorl in the center of the forehead and another set up high and off to the side? The center whorl will give you a basic normal horse, most of the time. When the other whorl is placed high and to our right it will cause occasional bursts of extreme right brain extrovert behavior. A right brain extrovert is emotional, sensitive, and reactive. They want desperately to please and will try their hearts out for you if you offer them the support they need. If handled roughly they can be a nervous wreck and scared of everything. When they trust someone they will be as brave as they are capable and offer you all the love their big hearts can hold.
🐴 Sometimes horses will have two whorls. One clearly visible and maybe another? Something going on off to the side a bit higher or lower. There will be some feathering between the two. Mostly it’s just hard to tell what is going on.
That confusion causing combination of whorls is the hallmark of a diagonal double whorl. Two whorls set at an angle connected by feathering is not only confusing to look at but also causes a horse that is difficult to figure out.
🐴 A diagonal double whorl shows a horse who is a right brain introvert. It is the only high whorl that shows an introverted temperament. Horses with this whorl are said to sometimes blow up completely out of the blue. Actually they are quiet inwardly drawn horses who don't show outward sign of being upset. We miss the subtle signs they give us then think it came out of nowhere when they get upset.
🐴 Horse whorls are fascinating to look at. There are so many different whorl types, from the common to the one of a kind. They all have their own meanings.
🐴 For more information on horse whorls find THE guide to horse whorls, Understanding Horse Whorls by Noche Miller on Amazon

🐎Iemand interesse in het huren van een 2 paardentrailer voor  1 of 2 maanden in de zomer? 🐎🐎Humbaur Spirit. Met zadelkam...

🐎Iemand interesse in het huren van een 2 paardentrailer voor 1 of 2 maanden in de zomer? 🐎
🐎Humbaur Spirit. Met zadelkamer.

Voorwaarden: BE rijbewijs hebben en zeer voorzichtig zijn. En brave paarden laden 😛

☺️Prijs PB.🥕🥕

Delen mag. 😉



We know we feel more at peace when we are around our ponies, but when science backs it up…..

No wonder they are so good for our souls and so very useful in Equine Assisted Therapy Sessions or your weekly riding lesson…..and breathe 🦄🐴🥰

Recent studies conducted by the Institute of Heart-Math provide a clue to explain the two-way ′′healing′′ that occurs when we're close to horses.

According to researchers, the heart has an electromagnetic field larger than the brain: a magnetometer can measure the energy field of the heart that radiates from 2.4 meters to 3 meters around the human body.

While this is certainly significant, perhaps more impressive than the electromagnetic field projected by the heart of a horse is five times larger than that of a human being (imagine an electromagnetic sphere around the horse) and it can influence straight into our own heart rate.
Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a "coherent′′ heart rate (heart rate pattern) that explains why we can feel better when we're close to them. Studies have found a coherent heart pattern or HRV to be a solid measure of well-being and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy-that is, we exhibit such patterns when we feel positive emotions.

A coherent heart pattern is indicative of a system that can recover and adapt to stressful situations very efficiently. Many times, we just need to be in the presence of horses to feel a sense of well-being and peace.

In fact, research shows that people experience many physiological benefits by interacting with horses, including lower blood pressure and heart rate, higher beta-endorphins (neurotransmitters acting as pain suppressors), decreased stress levels, decreased feelings of anger, hostility, tension and anxiety, better social working; and greater feelings of empowerment, confidence, patience and self-efficacy.

By: Alejandro Pascual Puig
The artist is Valerie Eric. The copyright holder is Sarah Barnes, HeartMath certified practitioner. The image was inspired following a riding lesson on heart connection.


Verzorgpony / -paard gezocht in Kiewit Hasselt België.

Hallo, ik ben Mila Husson (16 jaar) uit Kiewit en ben opzoek naar een verzorgpony/ -paard.
Ik rij ondertussen al 5 jaar lessen op manege Woutershof in Kuringen.
Ik ben iemand die verantwoordelijk en zelfstandig is. En zou er graag met de fiets naartoe komen. Ik kan er 2 à 3 keer in de week zijn omop de pony/ het paard te rijden en/ of gewoonweg te verzorgen.

Indien interesse, kan je me een mailtje sturen :
[email protected]







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