Feeding Red Cherry shrimp with Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food shrimp sticks
Feeding of ornamental (red Cherry) shrimp with Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food shrimp sticks: our population Red Cherry Shrimp after 3 years Feeding on exclusivey Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food shrimp stick
Biofish Food in Indonesia
Happy to announce= Our range of Biofish Food now available in Indonesia via Bellenz Fish Farm!
Biofish Food at De Jong Marine life at Vivarium 2018
Biofish Food at De Jong Marinelife at Vivarium 2018 with 10,000+ visitors
Biofish Food professional
Clownfish fed with Biofish Food professional at Meeres Center Menzel
Biofish Food feeding
Feeding aquarium fish by children is fun! Here Wild Barbs receive for the first time granulate food: Biofish Food cavar!
shrimp sticks Biofish Food
NEW Biofish Food shrimp sticks with Aloe vera= making shrimps strong!
Biofish food matrine to fight ICH
Feeding Biofish Food matrine to help to cure fish from ICH or White Spot infection
Feeding Plecostomus with Biofish Food chlorella
When Plecostomus have a choice? They need "real food" and cannot surivie on algae or green veggies only! Here they have today's lucky choice of Bofish Food with chlorella algae.
Sick Guppy
Bacterial infections on our aquarium fish, like Guppies, is common! It is important to detect on time but even more important to prevent with good water condition and help with a good functional fish food that helps to prevent fish diseases like by using Biofish Food forte or Biofish Food chlorella
Bacterial infections are often a problem in our tropical fish, especially livebearers are more susceptable than other fish...Maybe typical for the Guppies??? See the damaged tails caused by bacterial infections = See video
Clown loach are happy with Dr. Bassleers Biofish Food
Feeding Clown loach (Botia macracantha) at Maidenhead Bracknell, London, UK= to make them healthy and sellable! Great work of the fish manager because the fish told me!