Bassleer Biofish

Bassleer Biofish The company is developer of DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD. More to see or learn about fish diseases in his books or on Youtube or Patreon International consultancy

Dr. Gerald Bassleer has retired and does currently limited Consulting Fish Health Management as Flying Fish Doctor.

In this video we show Discus that came from an Asian breeder. We used our microscope to show you our findings: bacterial...

In this video we show Discus that came from an Asian breeder.
We used our microscope to show you our findings: bacterial infection, gill rot and gill flukes. We give you also advice for treatments.

In this video we show Discus that came from an Asian breeder. We used our microscope to show you our findings: bacterial infection, gill rot and gill flukes....

In this video we show diseased Cichlids Rocio octofasciatus or Jack Dempsey. We discuss our findings: bacterial infectio...

In this video we show diseased Cichlids Rocio octofasciatus or Jack Dempsey. We discuss our findings: bacterial infection, parasites Spironucleus (used to be called Hexamita) and tubercles in the organs, most likely Mycobacterium or fish tuberculosis. We give advice for actions and treatment.
(See English subtitles)

In this video we show diseased Cichlids Rocio octofasciatus or Jack Dempsey. We discuss our findings: bacterial infection, parasites Spironucleus (used to be...


Looking for FREE expert advice to keep your aquarium thriving? Meet the clone of Fish Doctor Gerald Bassleer – your go-to tool for trusted, professional insights into fish health. With quick, real-time responses in 32 languages, it offers invaluable support on fish diseases, water quality, and overall aquarium care. Whether you're a experienced hobbyist or a beginner, get the expert guidance you need to ensure your fish stay healthy and your tank is at its best!



Einen schönen Samstag an Alle ✌🏻

Unsere DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD BETTER TABS, die artgerechte Alternative zu Tablettenfutter.

Jeder Aquarianer, der schon einmal Futter in Tablettenform verwendet hat, kennt das: Man gibt 1 – 2 Tabletten ins Aquarium. Diese liegen an einer Stelle auf dem Bodengrund und werden von einigen wenigen Fischen in Beschlag genommen. Ein großer Teil der Fische, die nicht so durchsetzungsfähig sind, kommen nicht ans Futter und laufen damit Gefahr, nicht richtig ernährt zu werden.

DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD BETTER TABS sinken sofort und verteilen sich gleichmäßig, so dass nicht nur einzelne Fische das Futter für sich allein beanspruchen können.

Erfahren sie mehr unter :

Happy Saturday to all ✌🏻

Our DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD BETTER TABS, the species-appropriate alternative to tablet food.
Every aquarist who has ever used food in tablet form is familiar with this: You put 1 - 2 tablets into the aquarium. These lie in one place on the substrate and are taken by a few fish. A large proportion of the fish, which are not so assertive, do not get to the food and therefore run the risk of not being properly nourished.
DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD BETTER TABS sink immediately and are evenly distributed so that not just a few fish can claim the food for themselves.

Find out more at :

The big book = "The new illustrated guide to (freshwater) fish diseases ", prevention, diagnosis and medications! Availa...

The big book = "The new illustrated guide to (freshwater) fish diseases ", prevention, diagnosis and medications! Available as PDF!

Check out Teaching Fish Doctoring by Gerald Bassleer’s shop on Patreon

Why do aquarium fish keepers like to add CO2 to their aquarium? Do you know? To increase growth of plants and a healthy ...

Why do aquarium fish keepers like to add CO2 to their aquarium? Do you know? To increase growth of plants and a healthy life in the aquarium.
Enjoy the 5 minutes video from Willie!

Are we really in a period of record heat? Or is that claim a load of dino dung?Dr Willie Soon travels back to the time of the dinosaurs to debunk this global...

In this video we show diseased Black molly, Poecilia, that become skinny and die. We discuss our findings: bacterial and...

In this video we show diseased Black molly, Poecilia, that become skinny and die. We discuss our findings: bacterial and parasitic infection Ichthyobodo (used to be called Costia) and tubercles in the organs, most likely Mycobacterium or fish tuberculosis.
(See English Subtitles)

In this video we show diseased Black molly, Poecilia, that become skinny and die. We discuss our findings: bacterial and parasitic infection Ichthyobodo (use...



Einen schönen Samstag an Alle ✌🏻

Unser DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD BABY/NANO ist ein feines Granulatfutter mit einer Granulatgröße von ca. 200 µm für kleine Jungfische, Nano-Zierfische (z. B. kleine Rasbora-Arten) und Garnelen. Im Gegensatz zu einem Staubfutter bleibt es im Wasser sehr lange stabil und belastet das Wasser kaum.
Der hohe Anteil an hochwertigen Proteinen in Verbindung mit der Chlorella-Süßwasseralge sorgt für ein gesundes Wachstum. Diese Mikro-Alge ist zu 100 % verdaulich und enthält Carotenoide (z. B. Lutein, Astaxanthin), Antioxidantien (z. B. Beta-Karotin), essentielle Fettsäuren (z. B. Omega-3), Vitamine und Spurenelemente (Eisen, Selen, Iod, Folsäure, Calcium). Chlorophyll und wertvolle Nukleinsäuren fördern Regeneratiosprozess und Wachstum.

Erfahren sie mehr unter :

Happy Saturday to all ✌🏻

Our DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD BABY/NANO is a fine granulated food with a granule size of approx. 200 µm for small juvenile fish, nano ornamental fish (e.g. small Rasbora species) and shrimps. In contrast to dust food, it remains stable in the water for a very long time and hardly pollutes the water.
The high proportion of high-quality proteins in combination with the Chlorella freshwater algae ensures healthy growth. This micro-algae is 100 % digestible and contains carotenoids (e.g. lutein, astaxanthin), antioxidants (e.g. beta-carotene), essential fatty acids (e.g. omega-3), vitamins and trace elements (iron, selenium, iodine, folic acid, calcium). Chlorophyll and valuable nucleic acids promote the regeneration process and growth.

Find out more at :

Get your training on cause & prevention of fish diseases!

Get your training on cause & prevention of fish diseases!

Get more from Teaching Fish Doctoring by Gerald Bassleer on Patreon

We are supporting a new project for the development of functional fish food!

We are supporting a new project for the development of functional fish food!

Our show promising nutraceutical benefits for use in aquafeed, for and . Thank you, Gerald Bassleer from Bassleer Biofish,…

Get your training How to Acclimate Freshwater Fish with 6 videos!

Get your training How to Acclimate Freshwater Fish with 6 videos!

Get more from Teaching Fish Doctoring by Gerald Bassleer on Patreon

In this study, between February 2016 and March 2020, a total of 631 fish were examined for parasites, of which 66 specie...

In this study, between February 2016 and March 2020, a total of 631 fish were examined for parasites, of which 66 species belong to 19 families of marine ornamental fish and 22 species from 9 families of freshwater ornamental fish. Twelve parasite species were recovered in marine fish belonging to three taxa: 7 Digenea, 3 Monogenea and 2 Nematoda. In freshwater fish, four parasite species belonging to four taxa were found: Protozoa, Digenea, Nematoda and Cestoda.
The importance of good quarantine & biosecurity is well discussed since this prevents diseases, re-infections and creates healthy fish for the shops and hobbyists!

In this study, between February 2016 and March 2020, a total of 631 fish were examined for parasites, of which 66 species belong to 19 families of marine orn...

In this video we show a group of Oscar Cichlids, Astronotus occelatus, where some of them are waisting away. After exami...

In this video we show a group of Oscar Cichlids, Astronotus occelatus, where some of them are waisting away. After examination we have found gill flukes and interal parasites Spironucleus (used to be called Hexamita). We discuss our findings and give our advice for adequate treatment.
(See English subtitles)

In this video we show a group of Oscar Cichlids, Astronotus occelatus, where some of them are waisting away. After examination we have found gill flukes and ...

Teaching you the practices of good quarantine procedures when you receive ornamental and aquarium freshwater fish (most ...

Teaching you the practices of good quarantine procedures when you receive ornamental and aquarium freshwater fish (most important for importers). This will prevent diseases of your fish!

Get more from Teaching Fish Doctoring by Gerald Bassleer on Patreon

A clone of Gerald Bassleer is a valuable tool for aquarists seeking reliable, expert advice on fish ...

A clone of Gerald Bassleer is a valuable tool for aquarists seeking reliable, expert advice on fish health. It combines the convenience of quick responses with deep, experienced knowledge, helping hobbyists manage and resolve issues related to fish diseases, water quality, and overall aquarium care

A new opportunity to get answers on your questions about fish health, aquarium management, prevention of fish diseases, treatments and all you want to know a...

This video shows a Xipho or Swordtail that is waisting away. Our findings shows holes in the scales (caused by Amoeba) a...

This video shows a Xipho or Swordtail that is waisting away. Our findings shows holes in the scales (caused by Amoeba) and tuberles in the organs (most likely Mycobacterium or fish tuberculosis). We give advice what actions you can take and what treatments you can apply.

This video shows a Xipho or Swordtail that is waisting away. Our findings shows holes in the scales (caused by Amoeba) and tuberles in the organs (most likel...

Get your training in the art of aquarium fish keeping with good practices!

Get your training in the art of aquarium fish keeping with good practices!

Get more from Teaching Fish Doctoring by Gerald Bassleer on Patreon


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We have a food with pro- and prebiotics (phytobiotics, nutricaments) that helps to prevent fish diseases!

With the experience if our International consultancy we can provide a great help!