Myth Busting: Why 5 minutes per month just isn't right!
➡️There is lots of conflicting and confusing advice when it comes to exercise and puppies. The information can be so overwhelming! Many people will have an opinion, but what is the evidence regarding exercising puppies and joint health?
➡️We know that certain breeds are predisposed to genetic or conformation risk factors but as with anything each dog is individual. We have an extensive array of breeds who may or may not have a certain morphology, a particular shape or form, which may predispose them to joint damage: it is really difficult to give a ‘one size fits all’ advice.
➡️In one study skeletally immature dogs who undertook 15 weeks of jogging at a rate of 40 km per day had no change in cartilage content! (And realistically, 40 km per day is not a realistic expectation or aim!)
➡️In one study, running after balls and sticks throwing by the owner were also identified as risk factors for dogs developing joint issues.
Veterinary Voices: Top Tips
🩵Exercise for puppies needs to be tailored to your dog as an individual
🩵Keep your puppy at a lean body condition score, do not allow them to carry unnecessary weight
🩵Feed your puppy a healthy, complete and good quality diet appropriate for their age and breed. Getting the nutrition wrong at a young age can cause issues.
🩵Each dog should be assessed individually based on their breed, temperament and physical status
🩵Puppies should be free of hip and elbow dysplasia, and genetic predisposition to joint damage
🩵Certain high impact exercises, twisting or jarring may be risk factors for damage! Do not let your dog obsessively chase balls and toys. Avoiding jarring, high concussive (a hard blow or collision) activity during the formative months may be a prudent recommendation
➡️ REMEMBER: 1 hour of sniffing, socialising, walking, training and trotting is NOT the same as 1 hour throwing a ball repeatedly.
One will not be as obviously tiring, but will be mentally and physically stimulating, and prepare your puppy positivity for the sights and sounds of life. The other may cause obsessive, repetitive behaviour, not mentally stimulate and even may cause frustration, and will be high impact movements through our joints possibly adding to risk of joint disease.
Choose wisely 🩵
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