Удивителната енергийна писалка Меридиан
Човешкото тяло има система за циркулация на био-енергия, подобна на системата за кръвообращение. Биоенергията тече по 12 основни меридиана или канала. Те са симетрични от всяка страна на тялото, като всяка двойка е свързана с определен орган.
Освен това има два единични меридиана, следващи средната линия на тялото, единият отпред, а другият по гръбначния стълб. Много точки са разпределени по меридианите. Тези точки са по същество трансформаторни станции, през които биоенергията се влива в мускулната структура, за да позволи организирана дейност.
Кои неразположения могат да бъдат подпомогнати от акупунктурата?
При болести се развиват дисбаланси в тези енергийни потоци, което води до раздразнение или задръстване на някои от трансформаторните точки. Това води до болка или слабост в околните мускули. Стимулирането на тези точки със специална електро-акупунктура помага за нормализиране на увредените състояния.
Основен проблем при лечението е балансирането на енергийните потоци. Обикновено това балансиране се случва неразпознато като страничен продукт от други успешни лечения. Оздравяването обаче може да бъде инициирано и ускорено чрез умишлено лечение на меридианите с изричната цел да се балансира.
Всеки път, когато правим бюлетин за акупунктурата, много клиенти питат „лесно ли е?“, Отговорът е със съвременните форми на безиглена електронна акупунктура, нейните много прости и предимно много ефективни ...
Меридиан с времето на максимална активност
Свързани симптоми
Пикочен мехур (B) 3-5 p m.
проблеми с пикочния мехур, главоболие, очни заболявания, проблеми с врата и гърба, болки по задната част на крака
Много лесна за използване диаграма
Кликнете върху снимката
Circulation (C) 7-9p.m.
poor circulation, angina, palpitation, diseases of the sexual glands and organs, irritability, pain along the course of the meridian
Conception (Co)
diseases of the urogenital system, hernia, cough, breathing difficulties, breast problems
Gall bladder (G) 11 p.m.-I a.m.
Gall bladder problems, ear diseases, migraine, hip problems, dizziness, pain along the meridian
Gland Meridian (Gd) 9-11 p.m. (Triple Warmer)
diseases of the thyroid and adrenal glands, ear problems, sore throat, abdominal distension, oedema, swelling of cheek, pain along the meridian
Governing Meridian (Gv)
spinal problems, mental disorders, fever, nose problems, headaches
Heart (H) 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
heart problems, dryness of the throat, jaundice, pain along the course of the meridian
Kidney(K) 5-7 p.m.
kidney problems, lung problems, dry tongue, lumbago, oedema, constipation, diarrhoea, pain and weakness along the course of the meridian
Large Intestine (Li) 5-7 a.m.
abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, sore throat, toothache in the lower gum, nasal discharge and bleeding, pain along the course of the meridian
“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” - Hippocrates
Liver (Lv) 1-3 a.m.
liver problems, lumbago, vomiting, hernia, urination problems, pain in the lower abdomen and along the course of the meridian
Lung (L) 3-5 a.m.
respiratory diseases, sore throat, cough, common cold, pain in the shoulder and along the meridian
Small Intestine (Si)
1-3 p.m.
pain in the lower abdomen, sore throat, swelling or paralysis of face, deafness, pain along the meridian
Spleen (Sp) 9-11 a.m.
problems of the spleen and pancreas, abdominal distension, jaundice, general weakness and sluggishness, tongue problems, vomiting, pain and swellings along the course of the meridian
“The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.” - Plato
Stomach (S) 7-9 a.m.
stomach problems, abdominal pain, distension, edema, vomiting, sore throat, facial paralysis, upper gum toothache, nose bleeding, pain along the meridian
The Meridian Energy Pen is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and meridian therapy in combination with bio-engineering technology, developed into a high-tech health and beauty electronic unit. The Meridian Energy Pen is a major breakthrough in Chinese medicine history.It can stimulate the skin surface with electrical pulses, activating the tissue, firming sagging and aging skin , promoting blood circulation, detox the meridians, helps reduce muscle pain, . It is a great product for daily beauty and health care.This portable machine is very convenient and easy to use
Main Features:
Health care functions: The probe stimulates the skin, through vibration. The pen electrophysiologically stimulats our body, directly into the body tissues, organs, regulating bio-electric field, and the adjustment of biological cells, essentially regulate the body's absorption, conduction, balance, metabolism, immune functions, and health care.
Meridian functions:The joints plays an important role as crossroads in the human body,it is where physiological waste like cold, wet, heat, toxins accumulate.That is possibly the reason why our bodies get muscle and joint pains..When using the acupuncture pen on joints,the physiological waste can be eliminated, increasing ones feeling of well being.
Beauty care effect: the meridian energy pen can give a face lift effect, removing pouches, dark circles and wrinkle, making a difference to the apperance of the facial skin.Can be very effective if used with professional beauty products.
Facial skin Massage:
Use this unit after applying cream on your face and begin the massage.
1)Select Facial Massage Ball with flat round end
2)Stimulate the face for 5 minutes.
3)Remove the cream from the face.
Which Diseases Can be Helped by Acupuncture?
Using the Amazing Meridian Energy Pen
Put a gel (Aloe vera gel etc not provided)onto the skin (gel enables good electrical contact).Select one of the metal heads.
Click the start button, screen shows "0", hold the trailing end of the pen, put the probe gently on the skin (as shown in instuctions), then slide slowly.
When you find the right points, the pen vibrates strongly,(If not, please continue to slide the pen to find out acupuncture points, shown as photo.) and shows the electric pulse. You can see it in the digital display.(At this moment you can slide the probe in a small area along the meridian channels until the muscles have a strong vibration feeling around.)
There are seven number shown on the display,0-6.It means the strength of electrical pulse output. ("0" weakest, "6" the strongest) Continue press the start button to increase the strength of electrical pulse output.(Shown as photo)
The following is an excerpt from an official WHO document entitled “Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials.” Compiled by John A. Amaro D.C., FIAMA, Dipl.Ac, L.Ac.. Email: [email protected]
Pain Function:
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) currently is one of the most commonly used forms of electroanalgesia. Hundreds of clinical reports exist concerning the use of TENS for various types of conditions, such as low back pain (LBP), arthritic pain, sympathetically mediated pain, bladder incontinence, neurogenic pain, visceral pain, and postsurgical pain.
It is applicable for pains in cervical vertebrae, shoulders, waist, feet, etc. And serves as an adjuvant therapy for various diseases such as frozen shoulder, arthritis and neuro-musculo pain, etc.
Relieve the pain :
shoulder pain
Chronic Lower Back Pain
Muscle pain
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Tennis Elbow Pain
Nerve Pain and many more
What conditions are most often treated with acupuncture?
In veterinary medicine, there is evidence of the success of acupuncture for treating disorders of the reproductive, musculoskeletal, neurologic, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and dermatologic systems. The most common conditions that are treated include traumatic nerve injuries, intervertebral disk disease, degenerative myelopathy, epilepsy and other central nervous system disorders; asthma, allergic dermatitis, lick granulomas; and chronic pain such as that caused by degenerative joint disease.
Accessories and Functions:
Ball type: strong strength feature, with good effect;
Dome type: contact with the body area, softer feature;
the most convenient one to click points on various parts of the skin.
A function switch and intensity control button.
1.The essence of Chinese medicine, health promotion;
2.Fusion of modern biotechnology;
3.Without piercing the skin to do acupuncture;
4.Simple operation, easy to carry;
5.Safe and effective, with no side effects;
7.Transient pulse;
8.Accurate physical therapy;
9. Two types of heads for choose and possess three main functions:
(1) Dome type:Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification;
(2) Node type: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains;
10.Affordable family use
The One Acupuncture Point Everyone Should Know
Main technical parameters:
Dome type:Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification.
Node type: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains.
Spheroidal: Partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviating pain .
Size: 200x30mm
Battery: 1 x AA battery (not included)
Package Includes:
1 x Meridian Energy Pen
5 massage Acupuncture heads
1 x User Manual
Amazing Meridian Energy Pen
Package Includes:
1 x Meridian Energy Pen
5 massage Acupuncture heads
1 x User Manual
NZ$ 57.14
Добави в кошницата
(approx USA$ 42.11)
Щракнете върху Цена за конвертор на валута
PDF Files for a basic Acupuncture Understanding
How does acupuncture work? Scientific Evidence
Atlas Of Acupuncture Points
Synopsis of Scalp Acupuncture
Cardinal points of Acupuncture
Acupuncture in Pain Management
An ancient Acupressure prescription for mental clarity
Acupuncture treatment simple recipies angina pectoris
Cancer and Acupuncture?
The One Acupuncture Point Everyone Should Know
Acupuncture, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia - an alternative medicine approach that works!
A systematic study of acupuncture practice: acupoint usage in an ...
Acupuncture Pain Management for Patients with Cystic Fibrosis:
Please do not use the pen with the following electronic medical equipment:
(1) Pulse regulator and other internal transplante use medical equipment;
(2) Artificial heart, lungs and other life-sustaining medical electronic equipment;
(3) Electrocardiography or other wearable medical devices.
Ultimate Healing
Multiwave oscillators
Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.
More information click here
Rife pro optio 2h-7h
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""I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife)."."
The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here
PEMF Pulser combo
Very powerful 6500-7000 gauss magnetic pulser
Bob beck type blood zapper
Colloidal silver generator
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The Meridian Energy Pen is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and meridian therapy in combination with bio-engineering technology, developed into a high-tech health and beauty electronic unit. The Meridian Energy Pen is a major breakthrough in Chinese,.