Dylan is doing really well I will be getting a close up of his ear tonight. The improvement is amazing.
Sad Day!
Larry died today, he had been ill and in decline for six months. He lost the use of his legs and couldn’t raise his head anymore. He began crying night and day, which we stopped for a while with Tramadol, but two days ago he was even crying with Tramadol, which is a strong pain killer. He no longer had any quality of life and we had no choice but to euthanize him. He went peacefully with Carlos by his side. He was a lovely old guy. We were told he was 19 in 2022 when we rescued him,, but I think somebody exaggerated a bit; anyway he was an old guy when he came in. He walked for a while, but couldn’t manage any more. He visited our swimming pool when he first came in until he couldn’t manage that either. He was a very big dog, as big as Guga was. He will be missed. He had a good two years here. He was beginning to suffer and we couldn’t stand by we knew it was his time to be pain free. He had a large tumor on his chest. He is now at the rainbow bridge running and maybe swimming in a huge lake with all his DIB friends. His kennel mates Holly and Polly will miss him. For all of us another bit of our hearts goes with him. I am posting a happy vid of Larry swimming. Please donate if you would like to help us. You can donate via PayPal using [email protected] Thank you to all those that do.
Lenny's X-rays post surgery.
Second Surgery Lenny I actually wrote this last night but was too tired to post it.
Good Evening from Brazil. It’s been another long day. Lenny had the second surgery and all seems well. We will have to take her for x-rays tomorrow to confirm all is okay. She is recovering in a restrictive space on a small veranda. She is a brave girl and didn’t cry. It is heart breaking to see her unable to walk. It’s heartbreaking to know that the soulless person who ran her over and didn’t even stop is still at large. I can’t help wishing that they suffer too with nobody to help them sometime soon. I know I shouldn’t think that way, but they could of at least stopped and called someone for help. She was left to die without the help that came her way. First the motor boy took her to the side of the road then two lovely ladies moved her close to their home. They called our friend the reporter who called us. It takes a village. We could only do this because we knew we would get help. We thank you all for your help with sharing and donating. We have covered the bill for the surgery and have the x-rays to pay for tomorrow. Then there are medications to still pay for anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. Dylan is still on meds too and we have many who are on meds for the rest of their lives here. Tomorrow I will get some videos showing her, but it’s dark and we don’t want to start moving her just for pics. I will also do an update on Dylan’s ear. Meanwhile we are tired we ate at nearly 3pm for the first time today. We left home without time for breakfast. We had a major electrical problem as all the kennels were in darkness for two nights. That will be the next expense to come our way. There is always something. It’s fixed now thank God because the top half of the property was in darkness completely and any emergency up there would be a disaster in the pitch black. We thank you all for being there. If anyone would like to help then please donate to dogsinbrazil20@hotm
Lenny is Warm Dry Safe and Out of Pain.
Good Evening from Brazil. There is nothing but rain all week here. Mud everywhere and more rain is forecast to come. Lenny is very calm and doesn’t struggle to stand up she knows she can’t manage it. Her second surgery is Monday. We are hoping it will all go well. She is a lovely young puppy around six months old and has had a bad start to life. Most of the dogs here have suffered a lot in their lives and all have a sad story to tell. Dylan is doing well and I hope to do an update on him tomorrow. Liam the Shih Tzu abandoned at the city shelter at night with his sister who was adopted the first day leaving Dylan depressed and sad as he was there for two months. Here in the house he has turned into a bright, happy and clever guy. We are still hoping someone will send the Preser Vision Areds pills for him to hang onto his remaining eye as long as possible. They are not sold here. They are amazing for dogs with eye diseases. He does bump into things, but has learnt the layout of the house fairly quickly. He frequently lies on his back with his legs in the air making little growling noises and he knows his name already. Monday will be a busy day with the surgery taking place. Please everyone pray all goes well for Lenny. If you would like to help with meds for Lenny, Dylan or Liam we would be very grateful. Please donate to [email protected] via PayPal.
Lenny Ran Over.
Good Evening from Brazil. The day started calmly until we got a call about a puppy who has been run over and is badly injured and unable to walk. She was screaming in pain. When we got there and saw her we decided to take her straight to the xray clinic. It turns out she has broken both knees and has abrasions on her legs, body and chin. Our vet has seen the xrays and will be doing surgery on Thursday and more surgery on Monday. The person who ran her over couldn’t be bothered to stop and left her lying in the road. I really don’t know how these people can just keep driving. Obviously they have no hearts. She is at home here with us on anti- inflammatory meds and pain killers and restricted to a small area. It is heart breaking to see such a young dog dragging itself to move. Recovery will take a long while and we will have to pay for two surgeries this week. She is full of worms and didn’t want to eat. We will try again later to get her eating. Anybody who can help with surgery costs please donate via Paypal to [email protected]. We are going to call her Lenny. I have posted her xrays and her on the way home in a card board box as we were out when we got the call.
The young Ones
Three young house dogs playing together.
Old Dogs Here
Good Evening from Brazil. Zeke and Blake are both in their twilight years and facing all the problems of getting old. Zeke can still stand or take a tiny walk. He sleeps most of the day and has a completely white face. I decided to take his video as we have no idea how long he will be with us. They have both moved down to the bottom of the property, so that we can keep a close eye on them. Blake is slightly better off than Zeke he can walk further and has more energy. Zeke came in with a broken vertebra which fused. He was beaten up by some nasty people. He couldn’t walk when we rescued him way back in 2015. The vertebrae were very low down his spine near his tail and the medulla wasn’t broken, which allowed it to fuse. He has always had an odd gait, but managed to walk again and run again after the attack. Blake was living in a square in town where street people were sleeping. They were raping Blake during the night. He had a terrible infection in his anus and was seeping blood and pus. He is an affectionate dog and a quiet dog. If you would like to help us with these old dogs with medical problems please donate to [email protected] via PayPal.
Dylan Feeling Better.
Good Evening from Brazil. It’s been the first dry day for quite a while. Dylan is doing very well. He is very happy here. The wound is closing up although he will need a surgery to open up his ear hole once all is healed. Here he is with Carlos who he loves. Just watch his tail wag and the little kiss he gives Carlos. Please donate to [email protected] via PayPal to help us continue this mission.
Dillan On His Feet
Good Evening from Brazil. Finally Dylan is on his feet. He had a little walk and wagged his tail. The wound is one third of the size it was. He is healing very quickly. He has put on more weight. We had a busy day and a gale force wind has been blowing all day. Liam the one eyed Shih Tzu is now at home and has started to bark. Dogs are usually quiet when they first arrive then their personalities open up after a few days. He is very calm and moves slowly due to the eye sight difficulties. His remaining eye is not good. If anyone can send us this product from the USA it would really help. We have restored vision to Saba with this product https://www.preservision.com/ It’s extremely good but not available here. Please donate via paypal to help us keep going with these rescues. Please donate via PayPal to [email protected] Thank you all for your support.
Dylan's first tail wag
Today we saw and videoed Dylan’s first tail wag. It was such a joy to see. His wound is looking good. It’s a healthy red color now instead of grey. The maggots have all gone now. He is much more comfortable, but still very, very, thin. He has is battling Tick disease tick disease until he has taken at least three weeks of meds. Its early days to say he will survive everything he has been through. If all goes well his skin will heal completely then he will need a minor surgery to open up his ear hole because he will be prone to infections in his inner ear if we don’t. There is quite a way to go with him yet. Tomorrow we are picking up a blind Shih Tzu, who has been in the city hall pound for two months and is very depressed. He was dumped outside the pound and tied to a post during the night with a female. The female got adopted, but to find someone here that will adopt a blind dog would be very difficult. He has been shown to many people but nobody wants him. He is only five years old. We will have him checked out to see if there is any chance of him recovering some eye sight. He will have to live in the house where we can keep an eye on him. We do have a blind dog in the kennel right in front of the house, Holly an old poodle mix, who was dumped at the bottom of the road. please donate to [email protected] via PayPal to help us to help them. If you look carefully at the video you can see his little tail wags.
Dog Without His Ear.
Today's rescue. His ear has been eaten entirely by maggots. It looks like the damage will have taken his eye out too. We will do our best to get him better. He is extremely thin and was covered in ticks. Many people walked past him lying in agony on the streets. We searched yesterday for him, but couldn't find him. Today somebody helped get him to a clinic, but they cannot keep him. We took him out of the clinic and will take him to Dr Andre tomorrow. He had blood tests at the clinic that the lady took him too and the wound cleaned out. He is a fragile state and may well have tick disease too. His recovery will take a long time. He will need a lot of attention. He is very quiet and depressed, but he is eating. He is one sad little dog. Hopefully he will make a good recovery mentally and physically. Please donate to [email protected] via PayPal Thank you.
A Peek into Our Day!
A little glimpse of what goes on all day here. These two dogs are Pearl and Emerald. Found abandoned in our street. Please donate to help dogs like these two cuties. Donate via Paypal [email protected] Thankyou.