Dra Ana Paula Melo dos Santos

Dra Ana Paula Melo dos Santos Médica⚛️
➡️Diretora Técnica da Santa Casa e Pronto Socorro de Pfz🏥
Vereadora 🔰
Owner & Founder of
Cristã ✝️
📍Porto Feliz,SP

We are located in Brazil. My passion for Yorkshire Terrier was born a few years ago, first completes medical school and subsequently began to think about breeding, because I know that it would require too much time, since we devote ourselves to them for almost all our free time . Our breeding is entirely at hobby and we are pleased to participate in exhibitions and also accompany them in shows out

side of Brazil. Our yorkies live in total family environment, so we can share our space, warmth, passion and love.

Good news from Kennel Vale Clube! Bono won BOB 3xGroup 2nd under judge Mr. Jorge Santoianni Group 4th under judge Mr. Ga...

Good news from Kennel Vale Clube! Bono won BOB 3x
Group 2nd under judge Mr. Jorge Santoianni
Group 4th under judge Mr. Gabriel Valdez

Land York One aka Bono
F: BIS Multi Int Ch Rigair Pajero Lux
M: Rigair Milly-Vanilly
Bred/Owned & loved by me
Co-Owned & Handler Rodrigo Costa

I have been working for Christmas for many years and I am very happy to be able to take care of people's health on this ...

I have been working for Christmas for many years and I am very happy to be able to take care of people's health on this special day.
Let the spirit of Christmas warm your home with love, joy and peace. Have a blessed Christmas! 🙏🎁🎄

I would like to introduce my new girl Taylor😍Zunta's Haima Taylor F: BIS Multi BISS Int Ch Am G C H S Zunta's Haima Gree...

I would like to introduce my new girl Taylor😍

Zunta's Haima Taylor
F: BIS Multi BISS Int Ch Am G C H S Zunta's Haima Green Valley aka Calvin Harris
M: Zunta's Haima Kiss N' Tell

I want to thank my friend and partner Michael for allowing Taylor to come and live in my home❤️

Our logo update😍Made by Bibbo Camargo

Our logo update😍

Made by Bibbo Camargo


Look at Pajero's semen count at almost 11 years old!
Perfect prostatic liquid✅
Perfect semen✅
With his semen freezing we will have Pajero's progeny for many years❤️

Zunta's Haima Last Edition aka Anitta'sF: BIS Multi BISS Int Ch Am G C H S Zunta's Haima Green Valley aka Calvin Harris ...

Zunta's Haima Last Edition aka Anitta's

F: BIS Multi BISS Int Ch Am G C H S Zunta's Haima Green Valley aka Calvin Harris
M: Land York SuperStar (BIS Multi & Int Ch Rigair Pajero Lux X Rigair Milly-Vanilly)

Bred by Zunta Michael Ivan
Owned by Ana Paula - Land York
Photo by Johnny

Sobre nossos filhotes!Aqui você encontra qualidade, exclusividade e bem estar animal. Pensando na saúde dos nossos peque...

Sobre nossos filhotes!

Aqui você encontra qualidade, exclusividade e bem estar animal. Pensando na saúde dos nossos pequenos fazemos te**es genéticos (Somos os primeiros criadores de yorks brasileiros a fazer te**es de DNA) PRA/PRCD e PLL/CH e teste de Patela pois queremos reproduzir yorks saudáveis e que tenham longevidade. Nossos yorks são exclusivos pois descendem das melhores linhagens do mundo, com muitos anos de seleção e aprimoramento. Ter um filhote Land York será uma experiência única e diferenciada em todos os aspectos!
⚠️Não temos filhotes a pronta entrega!

Follow us on Instagram  Welcome to Land York, a world of canine elegance and responsible breeding!  We are more than a b...

Follow us on Instagram

Welcome to Land York, a world of canine elegance and responsible breeding! We are more than a brand, we are a passion dedicated to breeding the best examples of the adorable Yorkshire Terrier breed. Our team is composed of the best bloodlines in the world, we have world champions, American, European and South American champions.

Our journey is marked by tireless dedication to providing healthy, beautiful and loving Yorkshire puppies. Each pup is raised with care, respect and the highest standards of care in a totally family environment, so we can share our space, warmth, passion and love. We work hard to ensure that each Yorkshire Terrier is a true ambassador for the breed, carrying with it the elegance and charm that Yorkshire Terriers are known for.

From our thorough grooming routine to our most special moments, here on Land York's Instagram, you'll find essential tips for caring for Yorkshire Terriers, irresistible entertainment for dog lovers and a behind-the-scenes look at our appearances in shows, commercials, inspiring events and actions.

Join us on this journey dedicated to Yorkshire terriers. Follow us to follow our adventures, share our passion and celebrate canine elegance at its finest. 🐶❤️

Never let anything stop you from reaching your dreams.

Never let anything stop you from reaching your dreams.

Essa é a Princesa Shanti, filha do Pajero... Ela já está pronta para o fim de semana😍😍😍

Essa é a Princesa Shanti, filha do Pajero... Ela já está pronta para o fim de semana😍😍😍

Pajero's Progeny

Pajero's Progeny

BIS Multi&IntCh Rigair Pajero Lux Pajero competed in the best shows in Europe, the United States, Brazil and South Ameri...

BIS Multi&IntCh Rigair Pajero Lux

Pajero competed in the best shows in Europe, the United States, Brazil and South America. Here are some results of Pajero's brilliant career:
76x BOB
26x Group First
35x Group Placement
1 Best in Show
3x Reserve BIS
11x BIS Placement
🇱🇻 Latvian Champion
🇱🇹 🇪🇪 🇱🇻 Baltic Countries Champion
🇧🇷 Brazilian Champion
🇧🇷 Brazilian Grand Champion
PanAm Champion
Grand PanAm Champion
International Champion
🇨🇱 Chilean Champion
🇺🇸 Class Placement YTCA, NY 2015
🇺🇸 Class Placement Progressive Dog Club 2015
🇮🇹 Excellent at World Dog Show 2015
🇺🇸 Class Placement Progressive Dog Club 2016
🇺🇸 Class Placement YTC of GNY 2016
🇺🇸 1st prize YTCA 2016
🇺🇸 Winners Dog YTCA 2016
🇺🇸 Best of Winners YTCA 2016
🇺🇸 Reserve Winners Dog Progressive Dog Club 2017
🇺🇸 Class Placement YTC of GNY 2017
🇺🇸 Class Placement YTCA 2017
🇺🇸 Winners Dog at Westminster Kennel Club 2017
🇧🇷 Yorkshire #1 in São Paulo ranking dogshow 2015
🇧🇷 Yorkshire #1 in Brazil 2016 ranking CBKC
Handlers: 🇧🇷 Charly Andrade , 🇨🇦 Ilona Rodionova , 🇨🇦 Tatyana Kolesnikov and 🇱🇻 Natalia Priladisha
Breeder: Natalia Priladisha
Owner: Ana Paula Melo

Land York One aka Bono F: BIS Multi Int Ch Rigair Pajero Lux M: Rigair Milly-VanillyBred/Owned & loved by Ana Paula Melo...

Land York One aka Bono

F: BIS Multi Int Ch Rigair Pajero Lux
M: Rigair Milly-Vanilly

Bred/Owned & loved by Ana Paula Melo
Grooming by Charly Andrade
Photo by Johnny


Pôrto Feliz, SP


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