kerstin kraus - solution focused COACHING

kerstin kraus - solution focused COACHING I want you to get as fast as possible to where you want to be - without fancy tools, or role playing

Business & Life Coaching, with special expertise in Expat Coaching - via Skype, phone, or in person.


"At some point you have to take the "leap into the unknown". First, because even the correct decision is wrong when it's made too late. Second, because in most cases there isn't such thing as certainty."
Lee Iacocca

And what keeps you from taking a leap?


„An irgendeinem Punkt muss man den Sprung ins Ungewisse wagen. Erstens, weil selbst die richtige Entscheidung falsch ist, wenn sie zu spät erfolgt. Zweitens, weil es in den meisten Fällen so etwas wie Gewissheit gar nicht gibt.“
Lee Iacocca

Und was hält Dich davon ab "zu springen"? ;-)

After one week training to become a coach for The Work of Byron Katie, I'm looking forward to sharing this wonderful att...

After one week training to become a coach for The Work of Byron Katie, I'm looking forward to sharing this wonderful attitude with all of you!

I have to admit, since the beginning of 2013 I was somehow too busy with' thinking' and planning the upcoming months, in...

I have to admit, since the beginning of 2013 I was somehow too busy with' thinking' and planning the upcoming months, instead of just taking action. Today I stumbled across two wisdoms Steve Jobs once phrased:

Just wanna share these true words I've just found. A wonderful & happy weekend to all of you!

Just wanna share these true words I've just found. A wonderful & happy weekend to all of you!

Möchte Euch noch fix diese wahren Worte senden, ich soeben gefunden habe. Wünsche Euch allen ein wunderschönes & glückli...

Möchte Euch noch fix diese wahren Worte senden, ich soeben gefunden habe. Wünsche Euch allen ein wunderschönes & glückliches Wochenende!


Being a fan of "The Work of Byron Katie" this early morning, while running through our neighborhood I was actually "working" a stressful thought, and as a result I eventually thought:

"Before we stop to trust others, we should first stop believing our own thoughts."

Caught up in those little day-to-day challenges of my life in Brazil I've almost forgotten to be "present". But this vid...

Caught up in those little day-to-day challenges of my life in Brazil I've almost forgotten to be "present". But this video, the beautiful song, and it's wonderful message deeply touched and inspired me. Never give up to be your best!

Music video by Beyoncé performing I Was Here. (C) 2012 Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment

Dies erlebe ich jeden Tag besonders in einem Land, dessen Sprache ich (noch) nicht spreche! :-)

Dies erlebe ich jeden Tag besonders in einem Land, dessen Sprache ich (noch) nicht spreche! :-)


“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”
Albert Einstein

Finally on Sunday, June 17th, I will start becoming a "Coach for The Work". It's just the first part of a long journey, ...

Finally on Sunday, June 17th, I will start becoming a "Coach for The Work". It's just the first part of a long journey, but I'm very excited!

Join in the ultimate inner adventure. Spend nine days losing the fear-based stories you have innocently clung to all your life.

It's worth to read ...

It's worth to read ...

from my good friend Scott Fornaciari Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa , and their little bo...


While reading the book "the five people you meet in heaven" I was wondering 'which person I've met to this day in my life, has changed my life forever?' An interesting thought, and not easy. But the next even more important question is: Is this change and it's entailed impact, which came into my life, actually true????'


Santana De Parnaíba, SP


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