7 males
4 females
1700.00 each
Today we are going to talk about the importance of Colustrum(kgatsele) .
Intake of colustrum by newly born kids.
We had a situation whereby the kid was born and kid had a problem with standing ,we had to assist the kid and the doe so that the kid can have first test of colustrum. .
Intake of colostrum, the "first milk”, is crucial for successful rearing of lambs/kids.Colostrum is special or important becauseit contains a high level of nutrients important for kid's health and performance. Colostrum also contains a high level of antibodies against a variety of infectious agents. At birth, the kid does not carry any antibodies because antibodies in the ewe's bloodstream do not cross the placenta. Colostrum strengthen disease defense mechanism ,the kid gets the antibiotics through the milk or colustrum from the mother thus It has to be fed during the first 24 hours.
feeding colostrum later than this period offers little or no advantage. This is because the intestinal wall of the newborn is only permeable to antibodies (large protein molecules) during the first 24 to 36 hours and absorption is most efficient during this period. If the ewe/doe has inadequate colostrum, cow colostrum can be given(kgatsele ya dikgomo ) .
Normally, the newborn stands and suckles within 30 minutes of birth. If you do not see the newborn standing after an hour, it is wise to assist the newborn to stand and nurse so they can get the colostrum.
Growth of the young, particularly during the first weeks of life, is entirely dependent on milk of their mothers. For this reason, it is important to ensure that does produce adequate milk. The health and structure of the udder should be examined. Faulty udders may mean insufficient milk production for adequate kid growth .
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Today's activities at the farm were as follows .
*Random selection - hoof trimming
*kraal cleaning
One of the questions we normally get is, WHY IS THE KRAAL CLEANED OR WHY SHOULD THE KRAAL BE CLEAN ?
Cleaning the kraal prevents foot rot in animals or goats during rainy seasons and can also be used to control ticks. Clean kraals allows does and kids to find each other's scent quickly and allowing quick bonding.
Help to reduce mortality rates.Diseases and dust add to the list of things that can cause problems at / in the farm.
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The juniors ..young ewe .