It's in the books! The Pacific K9 Olfactoree Jamboree 2024 is a wrap. What an epic experience we had this past weekend!
3 DAYS, 5 JUDGES, 112 TEAMS, 661 RUNS & far too many happy dogs to count!
Everybody took something away from the experience - lots of new titles, championship titles, placements or maybe, like me, new things to add to their training plan 😁
Big THANK YOUS go out to our judges Michelle, Ashley, Christina (thanks for the score room assist), Yvonne, Heather (& Doug) for setting fun and challenging hides for our competing teams.
Thank you to Camp McLean volunteers Lynne & Rowan and Camp Ranger Doug! to all the sponsors and the Tug Dog volunteers. Finally, to all the scentwork teams that decided to join us on this adventure THANK YOU ALL!!
If you're joining us for the event, we are SO excited that you are!
Don't forget to sign up for dinner with the judges on Saturday evening (even if you're only competing on Friday or're still invited).
We'll see you very, very soon!
Ber Bites preorder closes September 18th! 1 day left!
Make sure you choose the shipping options 'Tug Dog Scent Pick Up - I'll meet you at the trial in Langley :)'.
Only 2 DAYS LEFT to order PACIFIC K9 OLFACTOREE JAMBOREE swag for delivery at the event!
We have extended the store hours for 1 day and the store will now close August 29th at 11:55 PM.
If you order before the store closes, your items will be ready for pick up at the Jamboree!
IT'S HERE! Registration opens at noon today (Aug 13th) for SDDA RP's to enter Tug Dog's PACIFIC K9 OLFACTOREE JAMBOREE.
Registration is BY JUDGE so be sure to prioritize the order of what you want to enter and then identify who will be judging.
3 days, 4 judges and ALL of the things! Games, Started x2, Advanced x2, Excellent x2 & Elite x4.
Additional details in the premium and link to it can be found on the event page of our website:
Registration for Tug Dog's next AGILITY FUN MATCH opens TOMORROW - May, 12th @ 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Do miss out! You can find the premium on our website in the EVENTS section:
We're seeking volunteers for our SDDA Games trial on April 21st. We are offering Aerial, Distance and Speed components!
Whether you're new to scentwork or have experience, volunteering offers a unique perspective on the sport and a chance to see skilled teams in action.
Volunteers are integral to our event's success, ensuring everything runs smoothly. We are so grateful for them - any and all help is appreciated!
Come out and join us for a fun day volunteering! Sign up here and let us know when you're available:
Busy weekend this weekend at Tug Dog Training so come out and join in the fun!
SATURDAY we have our Pet First Aid workshop with Sam Langley. Hands on demos and a chance to ask all your questions (leave your dog at home for this one - we have ready and willing demo dogs)
SUNDAYS are for DROP-INS! First, join Libby for our SCENTWORK drop-in and then stick around to hang out with Sheena for RALLY drop-in (novice/intermediate & advanced/masters)
More info. on our website: or just head over and sign up on our registration portal
#TugDog #RallyObedience #RallyObedienceTraining #RallyObedienceTrials #RallyObedienceCommunity
#ScentDetection #ScentWork #K9NoseWork #ScentDetectionDogs
#DogFirstAid #PetFirstAid #CanineFirstAid
Join Tug Dog Training on February 24 for another Scentwork Fun Match! We're planning SDDA inspired searches - Started level AND our challenge class - JOSE & FERDINAND's EXCELLENT ADVENTURE!
More info and link to the premium here -
#tugdog #scentworktrial #scentdetection #k9scentdetection #dogtraining #k9nosework #noseworkdogs #noseworking #scentworktraining #scentwork #scenttraining
We have DROP-INS! Come join us for Scent and Rally Drop-Ins. Hour long sessions where you can practice your skills with friends.
Check out our registration portal for available times:
#tugdog #rallyobedience #scentwork #rallyobediencetraining #scentdetectiontraining #rallyobedienceteam #dogsport #noseworkdog #rallyo #scentdetectiontraining #dogtraining #trainingtime #dogsports #snifferdog
Join us in welcoming Libby Mathew as a new Tug Dog Training instructor. Libby is working towards her CPDT- KA and spending lots of time with the incomparable Penny the Aussie...with big feelings.
This session Libby with be leading some 1 hour, Scentwork drop-ins to give us more of what we love to do - spend time with our dogs!
Welcome aboard, Libby!
Check out our registration portal to see what times are available and sign up:
#tugdog #scentworktraining #scenttraining #workingdogtraining #scentdetectiontraining #dogtraining #trainingtime #dogsports #scentdetection #noseworkdog #snifferdog #rewardbasedtraining