Awesome ideas! @kongcompany
October 8th, remember @kissablek9care It's coming to our location, Pet Planet Sierra springs, for a day of teeth cleaning. Your pet is awake and relaxed! Call the store today to book, 403 -948-0059
#petplanetsierrasprings #sierraspringspetplanet #airdriealberta #supportlocalairdrie #airdriebusiness #airdriebusiness #weloveanimals #supportlocal #dogteethcleaning
This week's woohoo Wednesday, sweet potato chews! From @crumpsnaturals 20% off is a great deal, only today. Hopefully see you there!
#crumps #dogtreats #healthydogtreats #petplanet #petplanetsierrasprings #sierraspringspetplanet #weloveanimals #airdriebusiness #airdriealberta #supportlocalairdrie
Awesome Deal on most dogs favorite crunchy treats! 50% off on woohoo Wednesday today only.
#woohoowednesday #petplanetsierrasprings #sierraspringspetplanet #petplanet #airdriebusiness #airdriealberta #supportlocalairdrie #weloveanimals #supportlocalairdrie
Every Thursday! All cat and dog treats, (excludes frozen)
#treatsforcats #treatsfordogs #treatthursday #petplanet #petstorelife #petplanetsierrasprings #sierraspringspetplanet #airdriepetstore #airdriebusiness #airdriealberta #supportairdrielocal #supportlocal #weloveanimals
Every Thursday is treat Thursday! Come on in for all your cats and dogs needs at 15% off. See you there!
#treatsforcats #treatsfordogs #treatthursday #petplanet #petplanetsierrasprings #sierraspringspetplanet #airdriepetstore #airdriebusiness #supportairdrielocal #welovepets
#outwardhound #airdriepetstore
Puzzle Mats
Too cold to go outside?
Try puzzle mats to keep your pups mind active! Just fill with small treats or kibble and watch your doggo’s brain at work.
#outwardhound #airdriepetstore #petplanetsierrasprings #PetPlanet