Who and Why are we?
We are a home-based business offering boarding services, as well as providing in-home daily visitation sitting for cats, aquariums and even dogs! The business idea came from a personal weekend getaway where we struggled to find someone knowledgeable and trustworthy enough to stay or visit our home to watch our pets.
After doing some research we realised that was because there was really no one in the area that met that criteria and it sparked an idea! I have been around animals since I was a small child, and have been caring for my own for 15+ years and it's something I enjoy very much. I have owned and kept everything from fancy mice, to horses so I am experienced in many different species of domesticated pets. I decided to put my passion to work for me and started this business.
We decided to focus on creating the boarding experience as much like home as possible so your pet, and you, would be less stressed during their stay. We have transformed a space in our basement into a pet friendly, safe environment that is video monitored and has separate temperature control. It also allows secure, supervised out of cage play time with us!
Every animal that stays at Seguin’s Parrotlets and Pets gets the best possible care we can provide. We promise to love your pet as if it was our own, whether they are staying for a weekend or a month.
As for the Parrotlet side of things; We started keeping Pacific Parrotlets in 2018, and we fell in love with our first pair that we welcomed into our home. These little birds stole our hearts the second they laid their first unexpected clutch of eggs and we heard the first peep of a baby. It then spread into a love for birds all around. We have since then grown our flock to include 2 Quaker parrots, and 11 bonded pairs of Parrotlets, ranging in colour from Albino to Turquoise and all the Pieds in between. Our birds are breeders but their health and happiness are first and foremost. They have over-sized cages with plenty of toys and only the best quality pellet food and seed. The love we put into these pint sized birds make for the best, healthiest babies around.