10 Acre Woods

10 Acre Woods We are a not-for-profit family operated Farm Animal Rescue, and Interactive Petting Farm located just east of the city of Winnipeg. We do not take in dogs.

We take animals in, socialize them and re-home them to their forever home. Check out our videos on YouTube. As valued members of our community, we try to enhance and create a friendly family environment and fulfill the needs of our community. Animal Assisted Therapy is real and very beneficial and providing this interaction to specialized groups and seniors has been a great learning experience for

all. Day-cares and school groups can call to book private visits. Groups can call to book a BBQ area. All you have to do is call 866-4341 and arrange your visit with us. The animal we take in are bottle-raised, orphaned, or runts with failure to thrive farm animals. Our goal is to raise and gain their trust to eventually rehome as pets, the animals on our farm all have a history and appropriate homes will be selected. Our intention is to give the animals the best lives possible. A common question is, "Does this have anything to do with Winnie the Poo?" Winnipeg AKA Winnie was a bear bought by Harry Colebourn in White River Ontario in 1914 and was named after his home city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. We came up with the name 10 Acre Woods because of the size of our property and the animals we have in our petting/hobby Farm. In 2001 we started doing large birthday parties and from then have done community Easter events, outdoor youth groups, traveling petting farm and are now doing Wedding events. We also do photography to capture those life events. We are currently expanding our animal compound and enclosures to better organize our farm.

Pony Health & Farm Feeding Vloghttps://youtu.be/JHSyA4duLZkTwo new rescues arrive on the farm, we discuss pony health an...

Pony Health & Farm Feeding Vlog
Two new rescues arrive on the farm, we discuss pony health and feeding. Tara started her spring cleaning and her new project is knitting of wool socks from the raw woo we process from our sheep.

Two new rescues arrive on the farm, we discuss pony health and feeding. Tara started her spring cleaning and her new project is knitting of wool socks from t...

Looking for someone in the area that makes there own buttermilk,  I have a friend in need of mesophilic bacteria...  Ple...

Looking for someone in the area that makes there own buttermilk, I have a friend in need of mesophilic bacteria... Please private message me if that is you.

Goose Attacked By Coyote - Farm Vloghttps://youtu.be/hWAg1HmPK1ELast week we had two geese come in after the flock was a...

Goose Attacked By Coyote - Farm Vlog
Last week we had two geese come in after the flock was attacked by a coyote. Unfortunately the male gander did not make it, but his mate did.

Last week we had two geese come in after the flock was attacked by a coyote. Unfortunately the male gander did not make it, but his mate did.Please like and ...

SEED SWAP 2025!   Feb 22nd 10am - 2pm.  Welcome to come set up with your seeds and share you passion for the garden with...

SEED SWAP 2025! Feb 22nd 10am - 2pm. Welcome to come set up with your seeds and share you passion for the garden with others, hang for the day, drop in trade or buy 1$ packs, will also have lots of sharing experiences dehydrating, apothecary, herbal medicines, Teas and oils. Promise you will learn something new. Encourage preordering, so I can prepack and have ready to go, also first dibs. All proceeds go towards the animals. If you sell something garden related welcome to come set up as well.
The 10 Acre Woods list
SEEDS List 2025
Beans Navy, Fava, Lima, Pinto, Haricot yellow
Beans Arikara Yellow
Melon buttercup
Melon Ha'Ogen
Melon Delice De La Table
Melon Green Flesh Honeydew
Brussels Sprouts Groninger
Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved
Cabbage Brunswick
Beans Papa de Zapetto, Little Field
Kohlrabi, Diakon, Turnip
Leek American Flag
Cucumber Mexican Sour Gherkin
Cabbage Red
Beans Goucha Carol Deppe
Squash Yellow Scallop
Squash Table Bush King Acorn
Onions Bunching Heshiko
Melon Canary Yellow
Carrot Nantes Coreless
Burdock Takinogawa
Beans Purple Mist, Bumble Bee Beans
Tom Thumb Corn
Pumpkin New England
Beans Pole green, Greencrop Bush Bean
Tomato Bonnie best
Tomato Rutgers
Tomato, Boxcar willie
Tomato New Yorker
Tomato Blackcherry
Tomato Pink Bumblebee
Tomato Purple Bumblebee
Tomato Blueberry cherry
Tomato Yellow pear cherry
Tomato Yellow Gooseberry
Tomato Chocolate cherry
Tomato Purple cocktail
Tomato Red/Orange
Tomato San Marzana
Tomato Lucky Tiger
Tomato Brandywine
Tomato Yellow
Tomato Black
Mustard Mizuna Red Streaks
Lettuce Cimmaron
Arugula Slow Bolt
Endive Frisee
Mustard Mibuna
Lettuce Oakleaf
Corn Salad Mache
Lettuce Red Romaine
Lettuce Buttercrunch
Lettuce Tango Leaf
Lettuce Black Seeded Simpson
Lettuce Little Gem Butterhead
Lettuce Iceberg
Collards Vates
Spinach Viroflay
Red Clover
Strawberry Spinach
Pepper Anaheim
Pepper Baron
Pepper Ghost
Pepper Hungarian Cherry
Pepper Melrose
Pepper Lemon Drop
Pepper Sant Fe Grande
Pepper Bell
Basil Dwarf greek
Basil Purple
Basil Sweet
Basil Nunum
Summer Savory
Delphinium Pacific Giants
Climbing Rose
Sunflower Chocolate Cherry
Oxalis Triangularis
Sunflower Evening
Beebalm Spotted
Beebalm Moldavian Dragon
Sweet William
California Bluebell
Dianthus Pinks
Saponaria Hella Rose
Peony white, rose, pink
Forget me not
Sweet Pea Blue Streamer
Petunia Mix
Alyssum White
Scabiosa Morning Bride
Lemon Balm
Echinacea Purpea
Coleus Mix
Impatiens Peach
Iris Mini
HollyHock Black
HollyHock Pink
Hollyhock White
Hollhock Rose
Hollyhock Red
Hollyhock Purple
Tree Moringa
Morning Glory
Cypress Vine white
Pink Lantera
Red Cross
Shasta Daisy
Cape Daisy
Brown Eyed Susan
Poppy Frosted Salmon
Poppy Black Swan
Poppy Purple Peony
Poppy Scarlet Peony
Poppy Swansdown
Poppy Rose Feathers


Tarot Card Readings with Tara, $25 per person. Message or call 204-866-4341 to book your individual spot or group readin...

Tarot Card Readings with Tara, $25 per person. Message or call 204-866-4341 to book your individual spot or group reading.

Bunny Bear Army and Emporia Energy Monitor with Solar Updatehttps://youtu.be/PujAXRa6_rYTwo new roosters and an angora c...

Bunny Bear Army and Emporia Energy Monitor with Solar Update
Two new roosters and an angora cross rabbit came in this week, we are also expecting two more rabbits and a goose that was attacked by a fox. Tara has completed her "Bunny Bear" army this past week with more crafting to come until the snow melts. It's been 3 months now since we installed our new solar panels and we have recently installed an Emporia Energy system to monitor our power consumption.

Emporia Energy Website: https://www.emporiaenergy.com/

Two new roosters and an angora cross rabbit came in this week, we are also expecting two more rabbits and a goose that was attacked by a fox. Tara has comple...

A first for everything, you never know if it can be done until you try.  The little man asked me to make him a hat, so t...

A first for everything, you never know if it can be done until you try. The little man asked me to make him a hat, so took a baseball cap and made him one. JD your hat is ready! Love Lolly Renee

🥶 Minus 30° On The Farm - Testing a couple pet products for our 9 black catshttps://youtu.be/gNwcIgA1d5YExtreme cold and...

🥶 Minus 30° On The Farm - Testing a couple pet products for our 9 black cats

Extreme cold and blizzard conditions hits Manitoba the past couple days, the animals are well and waiting for spring to get back outside.
We tested out two new products for our 9 black cats, that were sent to us recently. One is actually a bird feeder with a camera and the other is a smart cat water fountain.

PeckPerk Bird Feeder : https://www.amazon.ca/PeckPerk-Species11-Anti-Squirrel-Real-Time-Notification/dp/B0DCJSJC4F?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=AGTMK51LMMHOJ&th=1

Apetdola cat water fountain : https://www.apetdola.com/products/apetdola-fs10-pro

Please like and Subscribe to The 10 Acre Woods for new videos.

Extreme cold and blizzard conditions hits Manitoba the past couple days, the animals are well and waiting for spring to get back outside.We tested out two ne...

Morning Farm Feed & Setup Bird Feeder for Cats  Peckperkhttps://youtu.be/yCi0Jo7fSyMAll our animals are doing well and n...

Morning Farm Feed & Setup Bird Feeder for Cats Peckperk
All our animals are doing well and now we wait for spring and the warmer weather that it brings. We setup the AviaPeck1 for our cats while we wait for the warmer weather and the return of birds to our area.

Bird feeder with smart camera: https://www.peckperk.com/

Please like and Subscribe to The 10 Acre Woods for new videos.

All our animals are doing well and now we wait for spring and the warmer weather that it brings. We setup the AviaPeck1 for our cats while we wait ...

CLASSES - Teddy Bear($120 both days) and Toddler/Infant Moccasin($30 either day) class, Jan 18th and 19th 10-4pm, Messag...

CLASSES - Teddy Bear($120 both days) and Toddler/Infant Moccasin($30 either day) class, Jan 18th and 19th 10-4pm, Message(or call 866-4341) to book your spots.

If anyone would like a memorial bear made, please have order in by the friday Jan 17th and will be completed by monday The 20th.

Road trip to Alberta to Process Sheep and Alpaca Wool https://youtu.be/vViLydO23PkWe are packing up the car with sheep a...

Road trip to Alberta to Process Sheep and Alpaca Wool
We are packing up the car with sheep and alpaca wool to take to an Alberta wool processing facility. We are also visiting family who live in Calgary.

We are packing up the car with sheep and alpaca wool to take to an Alberta wool processing facility. We are also visiting family who live in Calgary.Please l...

Merry Christmas from all of us here on the farm!

Merry Christmas from all of us here on the farm!

Neighbouring Barn Fire - Male Goats Get Fixed & Plan for Wool Processinghttps://youtu.be/HRCdub7wq54Busy week with the t...

Neighbouring Barn Fire - Male Goats Get Fixed & Plan for Wool Processing
Busy week with the three new intact goats getting fixed and a neighbouring farm having a barn fire. We hare planning to drop off the rest of our unprocessed wood to a mill over the holiday break.

Please like and Subscribe to The 10 Acre Woods for new videos.

Busy week with the three new intact goats getting fixed and a neighbouring farm having a barn fire. We hare planning to drop off the rest of our unprocessed ...

SPRING is officially on the way! Days will now get longer, so excited start planning the garden and new outdoor projects...

SPRING is officially on the way! Days will now get longer, so excited start planning the garden and new outdoor projects!

Our hearts go out to anyone who has gone thru a house or Barn fire.  Many of the rescues we take in are because of barn ...

Our hearts go out to anyone who has gone thru a house or Barn fire. Many of the rescues we take in are because of barn fires. We had one just up the road yesterday and it shook us. Huge shout out to the family who saw, reacted and took control of the situation yesterday. You went above and beyond.

The response teams were amazing and were there by the time I got there. That said we need to all take notes and assess our own set up at home. When I arrived on scene there was no way to get the big trucks in to put out the fire. Ditches and fences surrounded the property and a small curved drive the large trucks could not fit down safely.

LESSON - Fire Response times mean nothing if they cannot access your property. Make sure your driveways and gates are wide, clear of overhanging trees, fences are not to close to drive and a fire truck can fit easily with area to work once in yard. In the winter spend the time to clear the snow as well. For those with back pasture barns, keep a good road cleared for access.

Stay safe and think proactive, I know I am rethinking things.

Three Male Alpine Goats Arrive On The Farmhttps://youtu.be/VV_5HOSsfmESaturday we had three male Alpine goats arrive her...

Three Male Alpine Goats Arrive On The Farm
Saturday we had three male Alpine goats arrive here on the farm. They will likely be rehomed and we have a number of farms that will take them, however we may need to wait until spring.
We go over the cat litter situation and how we manage 9 cats in our home.

Please like and Subscribe to The 10 Acre Woods for new videos.

Saturday we had three male Alpine goats arrive here on the farm. They will likely be rehomed and we have a number of farms that will take them, however we ma...

Teddy Bear making. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeKV2umAwMQ

Teddy Bear making. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeKV2umAwMQ

Welcome to Teddy bear making. Thru the years we have been ask to show our craft classes as these are put on thru the winter for education and as fundraisers ...

We Went Viral! - Morning Animal Feeding and our 9 Black Catshttps://youtu.be/WID75CpLyIgTo our surprise, we had a video ...

We Went Viral! - Morning Animal Feeding and our 9 Black Cats
To our surprise, we had a video go viral on TikTok having over 17 million views. It turns out that there are a lot of people out there that love black cats, having them sit around the kitchen count likely helped the video.

Please like and Subscribe to The 10 Acre Woods for new videos.

To our surprise, we had a video go viral on TikTok having over 17 million views. It turns out that there are a lot of people out there that love black cats, ...


38084 Vine Haven Road
Anola, MB


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Our Story

Thru years of working with animals it has become our passion to help as many animals as possible. We are a family and treat all of our animals with Respect as we work together to find there happy place in this world. The past few years we have become a wellness place for humans as well, the animal need your interaction and there are huge benefits to sharing your space with an animal friend. We also have an amazing team of hobby farms and other rescues we work with to increase the amount of animals we can help. We are growing strong and steady, to benefit all involved. Welcome to our world. As valued members of our community we try to enhance and create a friendly family environment and fulfill the needs of our community. Sharing what we have learned with others. We Run education classes thru out the year, leather work, gardening, wool processing and alot more. Calendar on our website has all the upcoming events and classes. We have Computer Services and repair and Animal Rescue. Animal Assisted Therapy is real and very beneficial and providing this interaction to specialized groups and seniors has been a great learning experience to all. Day-cares and school groups can call to book private visits. Groups can call to book BBQ area. All you have to do is call 866-4341 and arrange your visit with us. We do not take in dogs or cats. The animal we take in are bottle raised, orphaned or runts with failure to thrive farm animals. Our goal is to raise and gain there trust to eventually rehome as pets, the animals on our farm all have a history and appropriate homes will be selected. Our intention are to give the animals the best lives possible. Thx again and hope to see you all this summer. A common question is, "Does this have anything to do with Winnie the Poo?" Winnipeg AKA Winnie was a bear bought by Harry Colebourn in White River Ontario in 1914 and was named after his home city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. We came up with the name 10 Acre Woods because of the size of our property and the animals we have in our petting/hobby Farm. In 2001 we started doing large birthday parties and from then have done community Easter events, outdoor youth groups, petting farm and are now doing even the odd Wedding. We also do photography to capture those life events. We are currently expanding our animal compound and enclosures to better organize our farm.