Companion Connections dog training

Companion Connections dog training Group agility, obedience
private classes
Contact for more detailed description of services

Obedience training, Canine Good Neighbour test preparation, Agility classes, Agility practise

To help dogs and owners develop a meaningful bond and help stray dogs find permanent homes. We will continue working to help dogs and owners effectively communicate through training techniques that build a strong relationship and strive to understand and teach in a language that a dog will understand.

So justice managed 32 km and gymkhana,  slow gymkhana,  over a minute runs. However,  my neck and legs hurt so much my s...

So justice managed 32 km and gymkhana, slow gymkhana, over a minute runs. However, my neck and legs hurt so much my stomach is upset and I don't know if or when I can stand. Justice and breezy chilling this morning. Justice moving far better than me. 16 km to Barrhead then untack, break with food and water, gymkhana, water, 16 km back. Trip there took 3 hours, trip back 2.5

Kyra didn't realize there was school today, and I didn't know she didn't know so she wasn't ready for the bus. She gets ...

Kyra didn't realize there was school today, and I didn't know she didn't know so she wasn't ready for the bus. She gets to stay home, however, I am volunteering her to take some videos. I took videos yesterday but my phone crashed 😢 so no videos of horses. I am hanging out with some very cute puppies (2 corgis for a day)


I participated in a mission trip to a cree reservation south of Edmonton, this group was focused around offering free vaccines, dworming and health exams. This group of Christians who are all part of Christian veterinary mission (CVM) made up of vets, vet students, a technician (me), and some helpers, stayed at a church on a native (cree) reservation from Friday to Monday. We ran a vaccine clinic for dogs and cats out of the church and a large animal group did equine dental floats, vaccines and deworming at a barn with an indoor arena. The second day I was at the barn with the horses. It went so well! I hadn't done an IV injection since 2005 and I did 5, I was shown once, the vet supervised once and I was asked to check and sedate a horse on my own! I succeeded, with the owner holding! I had no problems, I checked the horsee and gave the IV injection. I was paired up with a vet student who was also amazing and we worked together really well, she was very appreciative of my skills and my help holding the horse's head and the tongue. I truly felt appreciated, respected and trusted. The day helping with small animals was great too. I was told they missed my organisation and help as the first day I was basically helping restrain, I did an ear clean, and drawing vaccine and dewormer for vets. The coolest thing was I was actually offering my opinion/experience on dosage and administration of dewormer, nail trims and treatments, and they were listening! Even vets were listening and appreciated my advice! I can't describe how incredible the weekend was or the people I made connections with. We went to a cree church the last day before we left, different then the building we were using as we needed a service in the afternoon since we were vaccinating in the morning. We talked to people in the community, everyone was so appreciative, it was like family. The first day the small animal helped 87 patients, I think 120 over both days. I don't how many horses were helped the first day but the second day we helped 13 horses and ended at 1. The first day they ended at 5:30 so I would estimate about 40-50 between the 2 days. All drugs and vaccines were donated and services provided by volunteers, everyone excited and happy to be there helping. The vet kind of overseeing everything was Irish. He and his wife immigrated with their kids, really nice guy (Irish accents are kinda cool to). He and his wife were the ones in charge. This is their third year working in this community and the amount of animals coming in that were fully vaccinated and properly cared for because of the services donated (free spay and neuter task force also comes every year) was amazing. The stories of people in the community taking in stray dogs and cats was also mirrored by people taking in kids who needed help. Over the weekend we gave out over 30 bibles, people were asking specifically for bibles.


Very slowly practicing breezy's bow, slowly teaching her to be okay with waiting until I tell her to stand up. I'm planning to teach her to bow, which will give me the ability to get ready so when I tell her to stand up I will at the same time vault on. I can't vault on like I used to because I can't jump anymore, jumping requires multiple muscles to fire simultaneously and quickly. One of the effects of the brain injury is my muscles on the left side lost all muscle memory and can only engage quickly by reflex because a reflex by definition skips the brain, that's why it's quicker.

I taught myself to run by leaning over until I was falling and forcing my left leg to catch me. It's not normal (I typically scare people when I run as it looks like I'm falling, tripping, gonna kill myself....) but with enough repetition I can teach my brain to trigger that reflex and do those specific combination of movements faster. Basically the reflex teaches my muscles how, then I can use muscle memory so my brain only has to say go, 1 simple movement, at which point muscle memory takes over so my brain isn't directly controlling each movement. The full movement is slower than reflex but it's still better than before.

The point of the complicated story is my goal is to essentially teach breezy to teach my muscles how to jump. My plan is to use my reflexes of, stay on horse, plus with breezy providing a power boost it will give my muscles more time to engage. When I'm riding and the horse does something suddenly I rarely come off, I have, but I've almost fallen more often. Breezy will now bow at liberty and quite willingly but is still not relaxed about staying that way. I'm taking it very slow as I feel it's important I am prepared so when she does stand up, I am in a position to hang on and be able to take advantage of it so I don't get in her way. My goal is to make it so I'm not slamming on breezy's back and she is standing and stable before she feels my weight. I don't want her to end up standing with me just hanging and trying to climb up. My thinking is initially to have her saddled, have one foot in the stirrup, tell her to stand, jump up and swing my leg over as she stands. Before I do this I needed to teach her the initial bow which I've done, my next step is teaching her to wait until my foot is in the stirrup. Currently I'm just asking her to wait while I stand beside her and lean on her back.

She was very engaged and focused today while playing with her. I could take off the halter and she still followed me.
Plus, and this is huge! We figured out cantering in hand! I don't think she likes to canter if I'm close but I think I managed to train a clear enough cue and I really think what Gabi Neurohr - Understanding Horses taught us this month is a big part of it. In the past breezy would brace as soon as she felt the halter and due to me being slower and clumsy that happened quickly and at liberty breezy would get too emotional and distracted, it was just too much. I have noticed a huge change in breezy overall but today for the first time when I jogged and ask her to keep the canter and circle she didn't brace, BREEZY ACTUALLY KEPT THE CANTER AND DID A BEAUTIFUL HALF CIRCLE. Breezy was doing so well I decided to stick with half a circle as I felt if I pushed for more I would fall on my face, run into a tree, or destroy my ankle. I didn't feel like any of those outcomes would be a good thing and I really wanted to make sure Breezy knew how great she did.

I honestly didn't think I could ever be where I am after the brain injury.

Lily's new haircut done. Her heat started on Tuesday so now she's all ready for her first date. Groomed her myself and I...

Lily's new haircut done. Her heat started on Tuesday so now she's all ready for her first date. Groomed her myself and I am very proud of how it looks. I have a stud chosen, just waiting for her to be ready, then travel to Edmonton for a "date" every other day


I was so freaked out because breezy was getting shoed again and last time it was horrible! She was pushing me around and wouldn't stand still. My abilities were being put to the test and I was terrified it would show how much I sucked. Plus her feet wouldn't get done or someone would get hurt.

Breezy had 2 cc's of dormosedan (sedative) an hour and 15 minutes before the farrier came but she was perfect! Totally chill, licking and chewing.

I actually did it!

I'm so proud of us! Maybe I can sleep now😴 . I've been so stressed out.


Breezy is wearing a bridle!! No craziness, just her trying to figure out why it's stuck. She's doing really well, love this horse.


If you want to improve the communication between you and your dog, check it out! :)


Since it is staying light a little bit later now and weekends are just too busy I have discussed with my current students and we've decided to try a different time. My hope is this will make my classes and training programs more accessible to people who want/need them. Thank you, if you have any questions or are interested in any service please feel free to ask. I would love to help out any way I can.

The new time for Level:1 basic obedience group class is:
Wednesdays at 7 PM

A group class costs $125, this covers 6 classes for 1 dog. After the first 6 classes the dog may attend for a $20 drop in fee. All dogs are accepted provided they are current on vaccines (DA2PP, Rabies, Bordatella) Classes are every Wednesday. Each class has upto 5 dogs (one adult per dog- you are welcome to bring 2 dogs at once as long as there's another adult that is able to handle one of the dogs), Once you pay I will honor the service you have paid for, there is no time limit. Every week I will contact students or they can contact me to confirm whether class is a go that week, I will work with students on the week they are on.

Horsey selfies  😊

Horsey selfies 😊


Unfortunately this post is a little late due to time constraints. My group classes have been moved to 11 am on Saturday, this way people don't have to drive in the dark and it's generally warmer. I do have a heated building but it just makes getting in easier. I currently have 2 people doing the group class and 2 that sometimes drop in with their dogs. I always love meeting new people and their dogs. I'd love to help out. Check out my YouTube channel companion connections dog training. I'd love to hear from you, message me here or call or text 780-289-7672. Thank you and have a wonderful day!




The days are getting shorter and it's getting quieter so my group classes will change to every other week from 6 - 7 pm. I am still available for private classes and I am committed to helping you Foster a great relationship with your dog! Thank you.

Check out my YouTube channel, companion connections dog training
Text or call at780-289-7672


I love my horses 💖. Breezy is slowly getting better about being left alone. Tied her to a tree (this was done safely as directed by an experienced trainer) and walked back, caught justice, tied her in the round pen then went back to breezy. By now it's starting to get dark so I rolled my ankle on the way, I figured I had to give breezy a challenge 🙄. Anyway managed to limp to her, I waited until she blew out and stopped moving. She didn't call for justice at all and she didn't pull while I untied her. She was still kind of wound up walking out, not helped by the fact that I'm limping, it's getting darker and I'm trying to find a path through trees without completely killing my ankle. Breezy wanted to run but she was really respectful of the halter, she did not pull, she stopped and backed up when asked and we got through without any further injuries. When we got back to the round pen, justice was still calm. I am so proud of these 2 horses 🥰. Also, I've been putting hoof doctor on breezy's hooves every day and it looks like the middle is fusing so the top can heal. There's more of a split on the bottom. It looks like her hoof is actually trying to seal off healthy hoof and grow out the damaged part. Too dark for pictures unfortunately

We did the Edmonton corn maze with the family Wednesday night. It was a lot of fun. Dogs are allowed so there were tons ...

We did the Edmonton corn maze with the family Wednesday night. It was a lot of fun. Dogs are allowed so there were tons of dogs making it great practice for Lily. Lily without vest can go a little neurotic and talkative if she thinks she might get attention.

First time Breezy did obstacles off the yard, she did all the obstacles ,(except the water box), even the mattress and t...

First time Breezy did obstacles off the yard, she did all the obstacles ,(except the water box), even the mattress and the pedestal! She was even calm enough for me to get on her ba****ck on my own and ride her around a bit while waiting for my turn. This is the first time she's been taken off the yard by herself and she was listening so well. I really couldn't have asked for a better day and it was all thanks to Petra Collens who invited me to leave Breezy with her for a week and told me about the play day and made it happen. I am so grateful

I went for a ride with Callista to the forest behind our house while James walked. I decided to change where I tack the ...

I went for a ride with Callista to the forest behind our house while James walked. I decided to change where I tack the horses up as we had a tieing incident that ended in a cut lead rope, some stitches for me, and a traumatized Breezy. I talked to a couple friends and trainers and got some ideas, I'm going to use my round pen and instead of tieing them I'm going to loop the lead rope over and around a post so there's a little resistance but if she panics she gets loose. She's in the round pen so she can't go anywhere. My plan is to do this until she can stay calm while I tack her up, then I'll do the same thing with the trailer with the extension closed. I started this morning with the round pen. Initially I was scared for my feet because she wouldn't stop moving and she would panic and forget I existed so I sat on the fence and just waited and let her move where she wanted unless she got in my space or tried to backup. It took awhile but I managed to groom her and I even managed to get the Aussie stock saddle on her and it's a process with that thing (weighs a ton). She got loose a few times but she didn't run away (I think the feeling of being stuck triggers her - my goal is to teach her that it isn't going to hurt her and how to deal with it properly). By the end, SHE STOOD WITH ONE HOOF COCKED, RESTING WHILE I HELPED CALLISTA TACK UP JUSTICE. Wasn't tied, just looped so proud of her. Justice did amazing! She was standing so well ground tied even when callista got stuff out of the trailer. In fact after Callista took the halter off and I was giving Breezy grain justice just stood in the round pen. Callista had to go in and lead her by the mane to let her know she was allowed to leave. Both horses did really well on the walk. When I got back I did the same thing. It took a bit again but she did calm. I have decided I am going to spend the next bit working with Breezy doing tieing like that and working on teaching Breezy loading and standing in the trailer at liberty.


2220 Highway 18
Barrhead, AB


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