Sharin' the Love of Dogs

Sharin' the Love of Dogs Dog Walker/ Housesitter. Over 20 yrs experience. Pet first aid certified. I'm passionate about helping animals in need. We are ALWAYS looking for foster homes.

Rescue volunteer & foster home for dogs, cats and feathered friends. Dog walking & housesitting services provided to your best friend. When you can't be there, I'm the lady you trust with your pride and joy. My dogs are family and yours are treated the same. I provide PERSONAL care as if they were my own. I walk one dog at a time to ensure individual needs are met and lots of TLC is given. Homemad

e healthy treats provided. As a dog owner, for my entire life, Currently owned and loved by 4 dogs, 11 ducks, 20 chickens and 4 kids…LOL.


FOR ADOPTION: I’m ready to be fancy like the Ritz Carlton. You see I want to be spoiled and to feel like a princess because I had the complete opposite for the last 5 years of my life. I’ve been kept away from anything that should bring me joy; Fresh air, walks, good food but… most importantly love.

Like other female puppy mill dog , everything is new to me. Every movement, every sound and every look, I’m unsure and I run. But dont think that I like running, I’d be happy to be on the couch and lay low. A fenced yard is ideal as that’s all the exercise I need.

I’m not trusting of all humans yet but I’m slowly getting there each day with my foster who knows a lot about pups like me. Maybe you have another pup I can learn from? That would help pave my way to success, as that’s what I deserve. I’m hoping my new owner has the time to show me love and patience as I continue to figure out this new world and another dog I can learn from. It can’t be as scary as where I came from but I need to be shown that with some guidance.

If you feel your home would provide lots of nurturing and dedicated care please contact my adoption coordinator Lauren and hopefully we can be the right match.

Adoption applications can be found here:




The Ultimate 2.0 Golden Paste🫚🍄‍🟫🍵

Turbocharge this popular recipe with the power of decaf green tea🍵 and medicinal mushroom🍄‍🟫 powder for the ultimate anti-inflammatory, immune- and brain-boosting bowl booster, topper and mix-in.

This low cost “miracle spice🫚” is one of the world's most extensively researched🔬 and promising natural compounds for cancer treatment and inflammation management and is a medicinal herb that desperately needs to be incorporated into our pets’ lives.

Turmeric’s active component, curcumin, also reduces inflammation in dogs with arthritis, boosts BDNF and protects against neurodegenerative diseases.

We’ve upgraded this popular recipe with medicinal🍄‍🟫mushroom powder for added longevity-promoting benefits (glutathione and ergothioneine) and immune-boosting beta-glucans. And green tea’s potent polyphenols protect against DNA damage.🍃

On page 125 of our new book, The Forever Dog LIFE, we give you additional add-ins to upgrade the absorption and effectiveness of this Ultimate 2.0 Turmeric Paste.


Fireworks started here last night! Be ready:


🎶Biggie biggie biggie can’t you see, sometimes your teefs just hypnotize me🎶
Please help us welcome Biggie, a lovely 10 year old senior boy with a great smile who has endless love and kisses to give. What can we tell you about Biggie? He is a gentle and sensitive boy who is smart, playful, snuggly, and loving. He has a very sweet disposition, loves smooches and of course has quite the million dollar smile! We have a huge soft spot for seniors and are very happy to be able to help Big get the medical care that he needs and the peaceful, loving retirement home that every senior dog deserves.

Biggie came to us as a transfer from a shelter where he was dropped off by his owner. We don’t know the circumstances surrounding the situation but we can tell you that the shelter was overcrowded and it almost ended very badly for this old man 💔. We understand that life gets tough sometimes but it’s heartbreaking to watch an animal looking for his owner that is never coming back. We feel Biggie’s loss deep in our soul. He’s confused, and feeling abandoned and scared, wondering why his world has turned upside down and what he did to deserve being left behind. No animal deserves to be treated this way. Senior animals are such a treasure. They are wise, calm, loyal and thankful for every ounce of love and affection.

We have some medical issues to address with Biggie of course. He has bad skin, bad ears, and dry eyes plus some growths on one of his eyes we will need to get checked out. He is headed to the vet on Friday and we will share more at that time.

Welcome to EBRO Biggie. We got ya buddy🤎
Special thanks to all the wonderful volunteers of FREEDOM DRIVERS transport services and One Last Chance for arranging this boy’s safe trip to us.

We are a non-profit charity relying solely on donations to help the dogs we take into foster care. If you wish to donate to assist us with Biggie’s medical bills, please visit our donation page at:


It's Spud, your Bud! This dapper chap is Spud and he's been up for adoption for a week now and not even one inquiry? We thought our site was down! So this morning we checked, updated his bio, updated some photos and know he'll be sharing his love with a new family soon! Check him out:
Share him out!


HBRs Darcy is checking in to say HELLO on the sunny morning 🌞

Darcy and the rest of the puppies are growing FAST. Learn more about our adoption process at



Fostering saves lives. Fostering is a journey that will change both the lives of the rescued dog and the foster family forever.

Want to become part of an amazing team?! Apply today at

We NEED foster homes right now to bring in a number of dogs waiting to be rescued. Please help if you can! FILL OUT AN APPLICATION TODAY!

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays


SOULMATES: This is the tale...of true love.

In June 2020, we welcomed a beautiful Rottweiller into our care from a local shelter. Elvis was a big boy, weighing in at almost 130 pounds, he also had a big voice, and loved to howl to music and the radio, thus his name. When Elvis was ready for his adoption debut in October 2020, we received the email that would change this dogs life forever.

Rob Thomson reached out to us expressing interest in adopting Elvis. He sent us a beautiful email before filling out an application as he wanted to paint us a clear picture of his devotion to the breed. He outlined in detail his life with his previous dogs, Jake his first Rottweiller who he had for 16 years, and then Thor, for 8 years until Cancer robbed him of his health, he outlined his passion and desire to give Elvis a second chance for a new life, and included photos of himself and Jake and Thor that made our hearts swell. We received ample adoption interest in Elvis, but Rob stood out and we proceeded with his application.

When Rob and Elvis had their meet and greet, Elvis melted in his presence, Rob emphasized repeatedly that he will provide Elvis with the best that life can bring from that day forward, and he did. He repeatedly posted updates on Elvis over the years. We spoke to Rob in May 2023 as he wanted our guidance, we are always available to our alumni adopters for advice. We learned that Elvis, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of his leg, bone cancer, fracturing his ankle and he was in extraordinary pain. We put Rob in touch with our trusted surgeon who explained that even if we amputate, and do chemo, this was still considered palliative care as its not curative, he understood and felt Elvis deserved the best in medical care, and he provided it to him.

We spoke with Rob a few more times since Elvis's leg amputation. The last time being July 14th when we asked how he was, he told us Elvis was doing excellent and adjusted to being a tripawd, chemo is working out well, bloodwork and xrays remain clear of spread of the cancer, his last words to us were "Thank you for everything you did for Elvis".

On November 4th, Rob was at work. He was a professional wrestler. Rob was performing at a wrestling show that evening which also served as a Cancer fundraiser. While he was backstage, he suffered a massive heart attack.

He was only 45 years old.

In even more devestating news, Rob's mother, after having just said goodbye to her son and suffering such a devestating loss, made her way to Rob's home. Elvis, just lost the most important person in his life, she was going to bring him home with her and what she was met with is incomprehensible, Elvis, was found deceased, having passed peacefully in his sleep.

We knew Elvis was on borrowed time, and Elvis depended on Rob, we along with the family, believe that Rob collected Elvis to bring him home with him, one last time.

Both of their passing, on the same night, in different places, are indicative of the incredible connection and bond that Rob and Elvis shared. Their love persisted until the end and symbolizes a reunion in the afterlife, where we hope Rob will now rest with all of his precious Rottweillers, where they can be together eternally.

Good night and sleep well Rob and Elvis, and Rob its our turn to thank you for everything you did for Elvis, including this.

May you both rest in peace.

More about Rob:

Mr.Boogie Bear has been waiting 475 days for his forever home. Can't believe this gentle giant hasn't had a application ...

Mr.Boogie Bear has been waiting 475 days for his forever home. Can't believe this gentle giant hasn't had a application come in yet. 7 years young, Good with dogs but fearful of new people. Big strong healthy boy at 120 lbs. UTD and neutered. visit to learn more to see if he is a good match for your forever companion


⚠️ If your dog isn't feeling well and has loose stools, rice is the LAST thing you want to give him. It's true he needs fiber to absorb excess fluids and nutrients to replace the ones he’s lost ... but rice has neither!

Here's why you should avoid rice for your dog ...

🍚 Arsenic Is Common In Rice
Health effects from arsenic include cancer, vascular disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, neurotoxicity and reduced brain function. Arsenic is in pesticides and herbicides, wood preservatives, phosphate fertilizers, industrial waste … so it drains into the groundwater that feeds wells and irrigation systems. And rice appears to absorb more arsenic from water than other crops.

🍚 Rice Can Lead To Diabetes
A diet high in carbohydrates like rice increases the insulin demand in your dog, and that stresses the pancreas and can lead to diabetes … and today 1 in 300 dogs will get diabetes.

🍚 Rice Is Nutrient Poor
Rice is devoid of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. It’s a carbohydrate and dogs don’t need carbs. They survived for thousands of years on other animals, fats and plant materials like berries and grasses.

🍚 More Rice Means Less Meat
When there’s rice in dog food, that means there’s less meat in the formulation and dogs need MEAT to make essential amino acids like taurine. And rice often outweighs other ingredients and can lead to weight gain and diabetes.

🍚 Rice Isn’t Natural Food For Dogs
Like wheat, corn and barley, rice isn’t found in an edible state so it needs to be processed. Wild dogs don't forage in rice or wheat fields ... they're looking for the henhouse.

So really, rice isn’t nice … for your dog.

Click here to read more about reasons to avoid rice.


A Poem to my Foster Dog
Copyright 1999 by Diane Morgan

I am the bridge
between what was and what can be.
I am the pathway to a new life.

I am made of mush,
because my heart melted when I saw you,
matted and sore, limping, depressed,
lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.

For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.

I am made of steel,
because when the time comes,
when you are well and sleek,
when your eyes shine, and your tail wags with joy
then comes the hard part.

I will let you go not without a tear,
but without a regret.
For you are safe forever
A new dog needs me now.

Look at this sweetie! ,Kuno enjoying his hike with our little one eyed Bandit. Kuno is still waiting for his forever hom...

Look at this sweetie! ,Kuno enjoying his hike with our little one eyed Bandit. Kuno is still waiting for his forever home. Please care and share. ANML RESQ Network of Ontario

Please care and share so these sweet dogs can find their forever home ASAP.

Please care and share so these sweet dogs can find their forever home ASAP.

too cute 😍

too cute 😍


Beauty 🖤🧡🖤


An eastern Ontario man is pleading for the public's help after his truck was stolen in a busy parking lot, with his dog inside.


𝟭𝟬 𝗦𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝗗𝗼𝗴𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻 𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗲𝘀

Mast cells are located throughout body tissues, and this includes the “outside” tissues in the nose, skin and eyes. Environmental allergens such as pollen and dust attach to these cells and the body responds by releasing histamine. This is the basic explanation of why antihistamine medications work.

1️⃣ Combne 1 gallon of water with 1/2 - 1 cup vinegar, or use plain water. Use this to wipe down the coat (to remove pollen, so do this every time the dog's been outside)and/or as a rinse after bathing. Use it to rinse the paws as well.

2️⃣ Dust and vaccum more often than you think you should (sorry)

3️⃣ Use a high quality air filter.

4️⃣ Rethink bringing fresh flowers into the

5️⃣ Close the windows when possible.

6️⃣ Wash the dog's bed, water bowl and toys more often.

7️⃣ Keep notes of the pollen count and weather pattern vs your dog's reaction. Some dogs do better after a rain while others get itchier. Sometimes it's due to mold count rather than pollens. In that case you could schedule longer or shorter walks based on the pattern you see on your records.

8️⃣ Use the info about oral allergy syndrome (see Monday's post) as a guideline when choosing foods including treats.

9️⃣ Quercetin with bromelain is a supplement to consider at the start of allergy season. Dosage I suggest is 40mg per kg of body weight. Start lower and work up slowly.

🔟When yeast overgrowth causes itchy ears, consider mixing fifty percent witch hazel with fifty percent apple cider vinegar. The combination provides acidity which yeast doesn’t like, and acts as an astringent that may combat inflammation. A cotton ball dabbed into the mixture can be used to wipe the ear flaps.
Do not use on open sores as it can cause a deep burning feeling.

Handsome Kuno sniffing the air before running off to find the smell...his happy place! I can't believe this sweet boy is...

Handsome Kuno sniffing the air before running off to find the smell...his happy place! I can't believe this sweet boy is still waiting for his forever home. Please visit


Training Tip Tuesday:


Interdigital cysts can make your dog’s paws painful and irritated. Here are the causes of interdigital cysts and appropriate treatments for them.


💜Always grateful for pets who make life so much better for us humans ❤️ Happy National Pet Day:

Very important,  especially for dogs like my fosters boys, Kuno and Boog. Wish all people knew and respected.

Very important, especially for dogs like my fosters boys, Kuno and Boog. Wish all people knew and respected.

Boog and Kuno are still waiting for a home of their own. Please visit Anml-Resq Network of Ontario at www.furkidsrescue....

Boog and Kuno are still waiting for a home of their own. Please visit Anml-Resq Network of Ontario at to apply.
They are not a bonded pair but have been in foster care together, good friends.
please care by sharing so these sweet boys can find their forever homes.


Barrie, ON



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