Well, it's been a busy month or so. Since Ricky's first trip to the , he has had 3 more trips back. Unfortunately in the ultrasound on the first trip, we found a mass in his stomach, some nodules on his liver and some early evidence of kidney disease. On follow-up trips we did an endoscopy to biopsy the mass and some ultrasound guided aspirates of the nodules in his liver. The mass unfortunately turned out to be cancerous so we took the aspirates to make sure that it had not spread. Yesterday we met with the oncologist to come up with a plan of action. He felt that given the location of the mass and his general overall health that he would be a good candidate to surgically remove the mass and move forward with some chemo and medications afterwards. He went to consult with the surgery team to get scheduling information and quotes and came back to tell me that they had a cancellation yesterday afternoon and they could do the surgery right away. Definitely not the way I thought that trip would go. They were able to get the mass out cleanly, did take a biopsy of the liver just to be safe as well as a couple other points of interest. He was pretty uncomfortable recovering from surgery so they kept a really close eye on him overnight to get on top of his pain. They were able to wean him off the really heavy-duty drugs this morning into the afternoon and he has made the trip home this evening with me. For the second time in his life, the kitchen is set up as his Hospital Ward. The last time being his knee surgery over 5 years ago. He is pretty zonked and miserable, but he's on the good drugs and the incision looks good. He has had a bit to eat this evening but definitely not his normal appetite. Not really expecting that though so not too worried. Now we just let him recover, try to keep him from climbing the counters and we will check back in with his team in a couple of weeks to make plans going forward.