AQUARICA – Celebrating 7 Years
AQUARICA opened on Dec 8, 2017 and yesterday we celebrated our 7th year anniversary.
What does turning 7 mean for AQUARICA? It means we have been fortunate to have ongoing support from our great customers and suppliers, and that we have been able to put together a team that customers trust and enjoy interacting with. Thank you to each and every one of you for enabling us do what we enjoy.
Aquarica will donate an amount equal to 7% of sales between December 10 to December 24 to local charities FeedNS and Hope for Wildlife. Please consider supporting these (and other) organizations who do a great job of helping those who need a helping hand.
With our 7th year behind us, we have also decided to open 7 days a week. Starting Monday Dec 16th, we will open on Mondays from 12-5.
Our livestock arrivals since our prior November 16 update and still available:
Male Bettas (Dumbo, Half Moon, Koi Plakat,
Female Bettas (Dumbo, Koi Plakat)
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
King Blue Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Glo Tetras
Albino Threafin Acaras
Threadfin Acaras
Geophagus Sven
Silver Aro
German Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred, reg and long fin)
Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred)
L-081 Gold Nugget Plecos (wild caught)
Julii Corys
Panda Corys
Male Guppies (Luminous White, Koi Red, Yellow Dragon)
Female Guppies (Koi Red, Green Cobra, Blue, Pink Tuxedo)
Kohaku Swordtails
Assorted Platies
Assorted Peacock Cichlids
Starry Night Cichlid
Clown Knife
African Banded Barbs
Kribensis (locally bred)
Denison Barbs
Golden Honey Gouramis
Cobalt Dwarf Gouramis
Spotted Rainbow (Pseudomugil Gertrudae)
Botia Kubotai (wild caught)
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Bamboo (Rock) Shrimp (wild caught)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Neocaradina Shrimp (Red Fire, Orange Rili)
Caradina Shrimp (Fancy Red Tiger)
Mystery Snails
Albino Clawed Frogs
African Dwarf Frogs
Singapore Plant Shipment and Canadian grown aquatic plants
Expected arrivals this week: Dry goods, more fish, Tropica Tissue Cultures, and Thailand Plant Shipment.