Aquarica Tropical Fish

Aquarica Tropical Fish Aquarica is a locally owned business carrying freshwater and saltwater fish and fishkeeping supplies.

Your one stop store for your fish tank: specialty tropical fish, supplies, installation and maintenance.

AQUARICA – Feb 22, 2025 Lots of New ArrivalsLots of great fish arrived the last few weeks, along with a double plant ord...

AQUARICA – Feb 22, 2025 Lots of New Arrivals

Lots of great fish arrived the last few weeks, along with a double plant order a few days ago. Here are some of the most recent fish arrivals and still in stock:

Female Bettas (Dumbo, Koi)
Male Bettas (Half-Moon, Koi)
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras
Blind Cave Tetras
Blood Fin Tetras
Red Mask Borelli Apistos
Guapore Red Three Stripe Apistos
Electric Blue Ram
Electric Blue Acara
Assorted Discus
Geophagus Sveni
Black Ghost Knifes
CW010 Gold Laser Corys
Panda Corys
Pygmy Corys (wild caught)
Assorted Platies
Pineapple Swordtails
Assorted Male Guppies including Albino Blue Sky Red Tail
Assorted High End Guppy Pairs: Blue Tail, King Cobra
Assorted Peacock Cichlids
Rope Fish (wild caught)
Senegal Bichirs
Multifasciatus Shell Dwellers (locally bred)
Synodontis Petricola
Clown Killifish
Yellow Blood Parrot
Platinum Green Tiger Barbs
Dwarf Neon Gouramis
Neon Dwarf Rainbows
Pea Puffers (wild caught)
Denison Barbs
Harlequin Rasboras
Golden White Cloud Minnows
Siamese Algae Eaters
Kuhli Loaches (wild caught)
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Hi-fin Loaches
Large Orandas
Caradinas (locally bred Red Crystal, Black Crystal)
Assorted Neocaradinas (lots of colours)
Bamboo Shrimp (wild caught)
Assassin Snails (wild caught)
White Wizard Snails (wild caught)
Blue Ramshorn Snails (locally bred)
African Dwarf Frogs

Lots of great fish still available from prior orders including german blue rams, green neon tetras, glowlight danios, lots of wild caught fancy plecos, assorted varieties of corys, and more.

Plants arrived this week include:
Anubias var nana on Wood, Anubias Petite on Wood, Java Fern on Wood
Mother plants of Amazon Swords (Americanus, Cordifolius, Martii, Radicans)
Mother plants of Anubias barteri var barteri
Java Fern Mats, Potted Java Fern (Lg)
Anubias (Golden Coin, Coffefolia, Striped, Barteri var nana, Barteri var Barteri (Broad Leaf))
Amazon Swords (Devil Eye, Fancy Twist, Ozelot Green, Ozelot Red, Paul Kloecker, Amazonicus, Bleheri, Osiris)
Tiger Lotus Red
Banana Plants
Vallisneria spiralis
Egeria Densa
Assorted Tropica 1-2 Grow Cups

And more! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – Be Canadian. Buy Canadian.As proud Canadians, it is more important than ever that we support our fellow Canad...

AQUARICA – Be Canadian. Buy Canadian.

As proud Canadians, it is more important than ever that we support our fellow Canadians. Many Canadian sectors will be hurt by the US tariffs meaning less money coming into Canada. To keep our economy strong, we need to keep money in Canada by buying more Canadian made products, from Canadian companies.

Where possible, Aquarica will reduce or eliminate spending on US made products and products from US based companies. We encourage you to take actions in your life to Buy Canadian. We are The True North Strong and Free! Aquarica will be taking the following steps:

1. We will increase our reliance on local/Canadian fish breeders and plant growers.

2. We will increase our product line of Hagen products (trading under the names Hagen, Fluval, Aquaclear, Marina, Exo Terra, etc). Hagen is a family-owned Canadian company.

3. We will no longer stock GloFish. GloFish is trademarked by a US firm (Spectrum Brands) which controls all GloFish production in the world. Other than GloFish, all our livestock comes from local breeders, and countries in Asia, Central America, and Sri Lanka.

4. We will not expand our current product offerings from US owned companies such as Aqueon, Mars Inc. (API), Caribsea, Feller Rocks, Zoo Med, and Seachem. To balance our customers needs, we will continue to carry existing products from these suppliers, with a long-term goal to replace with Canadian and non-US made products.

5. We will not add any US based fish foods to our lineup. Our current selection of fish food is from non-US providers: Fluval and Northfin are Canadian based, Hikari is Japanese, Tropical is Polish, and Vitalis is UK based.

Now for the fun stuff, the following are our arrivals since prior Jan 2 New Year Facebook update:

Female Bettas (Dumbo, Koi)
Male Bettas (Half-Moon, Koi)
Black Phantom Tetras
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
Ember Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Diamond Tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Pristella (X-Ray) Tetras
Green Neon Tetras (wild caught)
Ruby Tetras (wild caught)
German Blue Ram
Apistogramma Red Neck Viejta (locally bred)
Assorted Discus
Gold Angels (locally bred)
Orange Head Blue Ghost Angels (locally bred)
Albino Red Head Angels (locally bred)
Julii Corys
Panda Corys
Venezuelan Corys
Otocinclus (wild caught)
Assorted Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred)
L29 Galaxy Pleco (wild caught)
Blue Phantom Plecos (wild caught, XL and Jumbo)
Hi Fin Green Phantom Plecos (wild -caught)
L129 Colombia Zebra Pleco (wild caught)
Red Breasted Piranhas (wild caught, 4.5-5 inch)
Assorted Platies
Clown Killifish
‘Purple’ (ie deep red) Blood Parrot
Yellow Blood Parrot
Congo Tetras
Orange Thick Lipped Gouramis
Albino Black Sharks
Melon Barbs
Cherry Barbs
Glowlight Danios (wild caught)
Rasbora Hengeli (wild caught)
Chili Rasboras (wild caught)
Tiger Badis
Denison Barbs
Panda Gara (wild caught)
Zebra Loaches (Botia Striata) (wild caught)
Dwarf Chain Loaches
Hillstream Loaches
Hi-fin Loaches
Jumbo Orandas
Amano Shrimp
Bamboo Shrimp (wild caught)
Neocaradina Shrimp (Red Fire, Yellow, Super Blue)
Zebra Nerite Snails
Assassin Snails
African Dwarf Frogs
Albino Clawed Frogs

Singapore and Thailand Plant Shipments.

As always, more livestock arrives every week! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – Happy 2025!Happy New Year everyone!  Wishing that 2025 brings you everything you need and more!  At Aquarica,...

AQUARICA – Happy 2025!

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing that 2025 brings you everything you need and more!

At Aquarica, as we enter our 8th year, we continue to pride ourselves in providing great customer service (now open 7 days a week), a large selection of healthy livestock, and all the dry goods you need and want. We will continue to work with local breeders to source high quality angelfish, shrimp, bristle-nose plecos, guppies, corys, and more. And we will continue to provide you with great value everyday (please see our website for sample livestock prices). ,

Our livestock arrivals since our early Dec update and still available:
Male Bettas (Dumbo, Half Moon, Koi Plakat)
Female Bettas (Dumbo)
Emperor Tetras
Angelfish (locally bred, blue ghost veiltails, platinum)
Assorted Discus (3 inch)
Sterbai Corys (locally bred)
Electric Blue Rams
Gold Rams
Oscars (6 inch)
Electric Blue Jack Dempseys
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Orange (large)
Golden Blue-Eye Bristle-nose (locally bred)
'Freshwater' Moray Eel (wild caught 16 inch, should be kept in brackish)
XL Black Shark (5 inch)
XL Rainbow Shark (5 inch)
Kenyi (5 inch)
Glofish Shark
Glofish Tetras
Assorted Platies
Rasbora Hengeli (wild caught)
Panda Garra (wild-caught)
Long-fin Leopard Danios
Pea Puffers (wild caught)
Kuhli Loaches (large, wild caught)
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Gold Barbs
Denison Barbs
Bamboo (Rock) Shrimp (wild caught)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Neocaradina Shrimp (Red Fire)
White Hercules Snails
Mystery Snails
Assassin Snails
Albino Clawed Frogs
African Dwarf Frogs
Singapore Plant Shipment and Canadian grown aquatic plants

More livestock expected to arrive Jan 3, 8, 9th! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – Boxing Week SpecialsHope everyone had a beautifyul White Christmas!  As part of our recent 7th year anniversa...

AQUARICA – Boxing Week Specials

Hope everyone had a beautifyul White Christmas! As part of our recent 7th year anniversary, we will be making a donation of $1,532 split equally between FeedNS and Hope for Wildlife.

Our boxing week promotions from Dec 27 to Dec 31, 2024 are as follows:

Dry Goods:
All Fluval Cannister Filters: $15 less than Advertised Price by Largest National Pet Chainstore
Fluval Flex 9 gallon kit: $139
Fluval Betta Premium Kit: $99
Seachem Prime 500 ml: $20
Seachem Stability 500 ml: $20
Cholla Wood (approximately 6 inch): 3 / $18
Aqueon 7-in-1 Test Strips (50 count): $16
Almond Leaves (10 pack): $7

Livestock Specials (Livestock prices cannot be shown in Facebook - please refer to our webpage):

All Bettas
Large Cobalt Dwarf Gouramis
Feather Fin Synodontis (2.25 inch)
White Cloud Minnows
Long-fin Leopard Danios
Hengeli Rasboras
Large Assorted Platies
Pea Puffers
Fancy Male Guppies
Kohaku Swordtails
Assorted Neocaradina (Cherry) Shrimp
Large Apistogramma Orange Cacatuoides

We received 3 plant shipments, and lots of new livestock since our prior update. More livestock arriving during boxing week. Come take a look! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – Celebrating 7 Years AQUARICA opened on Dec 8, 2017 and yesterday we celebrated our 7th year anniversary.  Wha...

AQUARICA – Celebrating 7 Years

AQUARICA opened on Dec 8, 2017 and yesterday we celebrated our 7th year anniversary.

What does turning 7 mean for AQUARICA? It means we have been fortunate to have ongoing support from our great customers and suppliers, and that we have been able to put together a team that customers trust and enjoy interacting with. Thank you to each and every one of you for enabling us do what we enjoy.

Aquarica will donate an amount equal to 7% of sales between December 10 to December 24 to local charities FeedNS and Hope for Wildlife. Please consider supporting these (and other) organizations who do a great job of helping those who need a helping hand.

With our 7th year behind us, we have also decided to open 7 days a week. Starting Monday Dec 16th, we will open on Mondays from 12-5.

Our livestock arrivals since our prior November 16 update and still available:
Male Bettas (Dumbo, Half Moon, Koi Plakat,
Female Bettas (Dumbo, Koi Plakat)
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
King Blue Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Glo Tetras
Albino Threafin Acaras
Threadfin Acaras
Geophagus Sven
Silver Aro
German Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred, reg and long fin)
Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred)
L-081 Gold Nugget Plecos (wild caught)
Julii Corys
Panda Corys
Male Guppies (Luminous White, Koi Red, Yellow Dragon)
Female Guppies (Koi Red, Green Cobra, Blue, Pink Tuxedo)
Kohaku Swordtails
Assorted Platies
Assorted Peacock Cichlids
Starry Night Cichlid
Clown Knife
African Banded Barbs
Kribensis (locally bred)
Denison Barbs
Golden Honey Gouramis
Cobalt Dwarf Gouramis
Spotted Rainbow (Pseudomugil Gertrudae)
Botia Kubotai (wild caught)
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Bamboo (Rock) Shrimp (wild caught)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Neocaradina Shrimp (Red Fire, Orange Rili)
Caradina Shrimp (Fancy Red Tiger)
Mystery Snails
Albino Clawed Frogs
African Dwarf Frogs
Singapore Plant Shipment and Canadian grown aquatic plants

Expected arrivals this week: Dry goods, more fish, Tropica Tissue Cultures, and Thailand Plant Shipment.

AQUARICA 2024 Black Friday AND 7th Anniversary Sale (Tuesday Nov 26 to Sun Dec 8)We are celebrating both Black Friday an...

AQUARICA 2024 Black Friday AND 7th Anniversary Sale
(Tuesday Nov 26 to Sun Dec 8)

We are celebrating both Black Friday and Aquarica’s 7th anniversary of proudly supporting the Atlantic fish keeping community with the following promotions:

1. Please go to our webpage to see livestock specials:

2. $10 Essentials: 250 ml of Seachem Prime, Stability, or Excel

3. Aquarium Kits* and More:

Marina 5 gallon kit: $60
Marina 10 gallon kit: $80
Marina 20 gallon kit: $139
Vista 16 gallon kit: $149 ($189 kit and matching stand!)
Fluval Premium kits (29, 26bow, 45bow, 55): $30 off
All Hang on Back Filters: 15% off
All Caribsea Substrate: 10% off

*all prices and discounts shown include any applicable manufacturer coupons
Excludes special orders, and prior purchases. HST is in addition to prices shown.

AQUARICA – Nov 16 UpdateJust a quick update on our new livestock arrivals since our prior Nov 2 post: Assorted Male Bett...

AQUARICA – Nov 16 Update

Just a quick update on our new livestock arrivals since our prior Nov 2 post:

Assorted Male Bettas (really nice half moons, dumbos, plakats, kois)
Female Female Bettas (really nice kois and dumbos)
Assorted Glo Tetras
Green Neon Tetras (wild caught)
Neon Tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Black Phantom Tetras
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
Red Devil Angelfish
Assorted Small Angelfish (Platinum, Black Marble, Gold) (locally bred)
Assorted Large Angelfish
Electric Blue Acaras (locally bred)
Kelberi Peacock Bass
Green Severums
German Blue Rams
L-052 Butterfly Plecos (wild caught)
L-200 Green Phantom Plecos (wild caught)
German Super Red Bristlenose (locally bred)
Assorted Female Guppies
Albino Blue Sky (including Orange tail variant) Guppies (locally bred)
Kribensis (locally bred)
Leopard Bush Fish
Hillstream Loaches
Celestial Pearl Danios
Pygmy Gouramis
Long fin Cherry Barbs
Lake Tebera Rinbowfish
Forktail Blue-eye Rainbowfish
Norman’s Lampeye
Freshwater Sole
Caradina Shrimp – Red Crystals (expected Nov 16)
Neocaradina Shrimp – (Orange, White, Black, Red, Yellow, Dark Blue, Blue Jelly)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Dwarf African Frogs

Thailand Plants (new supplier) including beautiful XL anubias mother plants, and assorted anubias on wood. Tropica 1-2 Grow cup order expected to arrive Nov 18.

New livestock arrives every week! Hope to see you soon!
All pictures taken at Aquarica.

AQUARICA – Nov 2 UpdateTake a moment to soak in the calm air in Atlantic Canada. Is there somewhere else you would rathe...

AQUARICA – Nov 2 Update

Take a moment to soak in the calm air in Atlantic Canada. Is there somewhere else you would rather live right now? Not me. I have my family, peace, clean air, and everything I need. Right here. Right now. Appreciate and help preserve it!

Our livestock arrivals since our prior Oct 7 update and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Black Orchid, Black Samauri, Platinum, Half-moons)
Female Koi Bettas
Assorted Glo Tetras
Assorted Glo Pristella Tetras
Neon Tetras
Ember Tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Hatchet fish (wild caught)
Assorted Medium Angelfish (White Marble, Silver, and more)
Assorted Small Angelfish (Veiltail Blue Ghost, Black Marble, Gold) (locally bred)
Black Rams
Electric Blue Rams
Yellow Blood Parrots
‘Purple’ (Red) Blood Parrots
Silver Arowana (10 inch)
Assorted Oscars
Jack Dempseys (locally bred)
Brochis Splenden
Julii Corys
Panda Corys
Black Venezuelan Corys
Venezuelan Corys
Sterbai Corys
Albino Corys
Assorted Bristlenose Plecos including Long Fin Golden Blue Eye (locally bred)
Lima Shovelnose Catfish (wild caught)
Assorted Platies
Assorted Male Guppies (Pingu, Blue Elephant Ear, Dragon Elephant Ear, Tiger Elephant Ear, Assorted Elephant Ear) (locally bred - Albino Blue Sky and Orange Albino Blue Sky)
Assorted Female Guppies
Congo Tetras
Yellow Labs
Synodontis Petricola
Feather Fin Synodontis
Saddled Bichirs
Rope Fish (10 inch, wild caught)
Dwarf Neon Rainbows
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Clown Loaches (wild caught)
Fire Eels (8 inch, wild caught)
Denison Barbs
Flying Fox
ID Sharks
Platinum Green Tiger Barbs
Halfbeak Celebes (wild caught)
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Chili Rasboras (wild caught)
Long-fin Zebra Danios
Golden Honey Dwarf Gouramis
Turquoise Dwarf Gouramis
Red Tail Black Sharks
Rainbow Sharks
Glo Sharks
Neocaradina Shrimp – (Fire Red, Yellow)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Pagoda Snails (wild caught)
Nerite Snails (wild caught)
Blue Ramshorn Snails (locally bred)

ADA Tissue Cultures, Singapore Plants, and local plants.

We will be announcing expanded hours soon, including opening on Mondays. New livestock arrives every week! Hope to see you soon!
All pictures taken at Aquarica Nov 1.

AQUARICA – Oct 7 Tanks Galore UpdateLooking for your first aquarium kit or to expand your fish room?  We have one of the...

AQUARICA – Oct 7 Tanks Galore Update

Looking for your first aquarium kit or to expand your fish room? We have one of the largest on-hand selections in Atlantic Canada including:

Standard bare tanks - 10, 15, 20, 20 long, 28 low boy, 30, 35 cube, 40 long, 40 breeder, 50 lowboy, 60 breeder, 75, 210

Rimless low iron tanks - 4 cube, 6 long, 7 cube, 9, 11 cube, 12, 12 extra long

Kits - Fluval Betta, Various 5s, Flex 9, Marina 10, Flex 15, Vista 16, Marina 20, Fluval Premium Bowfront 26, Fluval Premium 29, Flex 32, Biocube 32, Fluval Premium 45 bowfront, Fluval Premium 55, Various Aquatlantis kits.

If you don’t see it above and our supplier has it, we’ll get it in for you! Stands in-stock too!

Our livestock arrivals since our prior Sept 5 update and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Koi Plakats, Half-moons)
Female Koi Bettas
Assorted Glo Tetras
Neon Tetras
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
Bloodfin Tetras (A. Anisitsi)
Assorted Angelfish
Blue Ghost Angelfish (locally bred)
Electric Blue Acaras
German Blue Rams
Platinum Parrots (locally bred)
Geophagus Surianemsis
Jaguar Cichlid
Rocket Gars (wild caught)
Albino Hoplo Catfish
Brochis Splenden
Hi-Fin Pepper Corys (locally bred)
Panda Corys
L201 Snow Ball Plecos (wild caught)
L007 Galaxy Pleco (wild caught)
Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred)
Sailfin Spotted Plecos
Leopard Hi-Fin Plecos
Assorted Platies
Assorted Male Guppies
Assorted Peacock Cichlids
Congo Tetras
Ornate Bichirs
Clown Knife
Glass Catfish (wild caught)
Threadfin Rainbows
Bosemani Rainbows
Paskai Rainbows (Pseudomugil Paskai Red)
Pearl Gouramis
Panda Loach (wild caught)
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Borneo Suckers (wild caught)
Clown Loaches (wild caught)
Mascara Barbs
Melon Barbs
Denison Barbs
Tiger Barbs
White Cloud Minnows
Long-fin Zebra Danios
Glo Danios
Glo Sharks
Dwarf Mexican orange Crayfish
Neocaradina Shrimp – Black (Fire Red, Red Rili, Blue Jelly also in stock)
Bamboo Shrimp (wild caught)
African Dwarf Frogs
Mystery Snails
Pagoda Snails
Blue Ramshorn Snails (locally bred)
Red Pumpkin Nerite Snails

Singapore, Tropica, and local plants available including large shipment on Oct 3.

Lots of other great items in stock including Discus,Yellow Fin Spiny Eels, Large Wapoga Alleni Rainbows, Red Neck Manacapuru Angels, Horseface Loaches, Kribensis, Sailfin Mollies, XL Albino Cherry Barbs, Black Neon Tetras, Lemon Tetras, XL Blue Phantom Plecos, Assorted Guppies, and much much more!

Additional livestock arrives every week! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – Sept 5 ‘School’ Update!The word school referring to a place of learning traces back to Greek scholē, which, s...

AQUARICA – Sept 5 ‘School’ Update!

The word school referring to a place of learning traces back to Greek scholē, which, surprisingly, means "leisure". To the Greeks, leisure allowed a man to spend time thinking and finding out about things. Hence, the connection between leisure and the pursuit of knowledge, and eventually to a place of learning.

The school in "school of fish" is etymologically unrelated and comes from Middle Dutch schole and is related to Old English scolu, meaning "multitude" or "school of fish," and to Modern English shoal in the same meaning.

Thanks to the Merriam Webster website for the above information.

Enjoy all your school(s)! Our livestock arrivals since our prior August 8 update and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Koi Plakats, Half-moons)
Female Koi Bettas
Neon Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Black Phantom Tetras
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
White Fin Rosy Tetras
Lemon Tetras
Assorted Glo Tetras
Silver Hatchet Fish (wild caught)
Electric Blue Rams
Albino Oscar (4 inch; 12 inch available held offsite)
Lemon Oscar
Red Spotted Gold Severum
Kelberi Peacock Bass (6 inch)
Platinum Angels (locally bred)
Manacapuru Red Neck Angelfish
Blue Paraiba Angelfish
Yellow Blood Parrots (hybrid)
‘Purple’ (i.e., Red) Blood Parrots (hybrid)
‘Red’ Texas Cichlid (hybrid)
Green Terror
Firemouth Cichlid
Albino Corys
Julii Corys
Pygmy Corys (wild caught)
Brichis Splendens (wild caught)
Brochis Ambiacus (wild caught)
Otocinclus (wild caught)
L106 Orange Seam Pleco (wild caught)
German Red Bristlenose (locally bred)
Honeycomb Bristlenose
Male Guppies – Luminous White, Tiger Elephant Ear, Purple Queen, Assorted
Assorted Female Guppies
Golden Blue-Eye Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred long fin and regular)

Lamp Eye Killifish
Congo Tetras (males)

XL Albino Cherry Barbs (males)
Assorted Glo Barbs
Wapoga Alleni Rainbowfish
Golden Honey Dwarf Gouramis
Red Honey Gouramis
Pygmy Gouramis
Siamese Algae Eaters
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Clown Loaches (wild caught)
African Dwarf Frogs (regular and platinum)
Caradina Shrimp – Black Crystal, Red Crystal, Blue Steel, Black Galaxy (all locally bred)
Neocaradina Shrimp – Blue Diamond, Yellow, Red Rili, Blue Jelly, Fire Red
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Orange Rabbit Poso Snails (wild caught)
Assassin Snails (wild caught)

Singapore Plant Orders

Another 150+ species in stock! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – Lucky 8/8 Update The number 8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture because it sounds similar to the word...

AQUARICA – Lucky 8/8 Update

The number 8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture because it sounds similar to the word for prosperity. August 8 is also a significant astrological date as it is the date the Lion’s Gate Portal opens. And this year even more so, with 2+0+2+4 adding up to 8! Live it up!

Our livestock arrivals since our prior July12 update and still available:
Assorted Male Bettas (Koi Plakats, Half-moons, Giant Plakat)
Female Koi Bettas
Cardinal Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Rummynose Tetras
Assorted Glo Tetras
Silver Arowana
Assorted Discus (2.5-3 inch)
Platinum Angels (locally bred)
Black and White Veiltail Angels
Apistogramma Cacatouides Super Red (locally bred)
Sterbai Corys
Hi-fin Pepper Corys
Panda Corys
Rainbow Shiners (males)
Assorted Platies
Assorted High-Fin Platies
Assorted Balloon Mollies
Assorted Sailfin Mollies
Assorted Swordtails (locally bred)
Synodontis Petricola
African Banded Barbs
Dwarf Neon Gouramis
Pearl Gouramis
Neon Dwarf Rainbows
Forktail Blue Eye Rainbowfish
White Cloud Minnows
Denison Barbs
Albino Cherry Barbs (males)
Kuhli Loaches
Siamese Algae Eaters
Albino Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred)
Rope Fish (wild caught)
Weather Loaches (wild caught)
Yellow Fin Spiny Eels (wild caught)
Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)
Harlequin Rasboras (wild caught)
Kubotai Rasboras
CPDs (locally bred, expected Aug 10)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Sarasa Comets
Zebra Nerites (wild caught)
African Dwarf Frogs
Golden Clams (freshwater wild caught)
Singapore Plant Orders

Tropica1-2 Grow Cup Order expected Aug 9

Another 150+ species in stock! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – July 12 Livestock Update July 12 is National Simplicity Day!  A day to appreciate the small things and live a...

AQUARICA – July 12 Livestock Update

July 12 is National Simplicity Day! A day to appreciate the small things and live a simple life. Sounds good to me!

Our livestock arrivals since our prior June 25 update and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Koi Plakats, Half-moons, Dumbos)
Female Koi Bettas
Cardinal Tetras (wild caught)
Assorted Tetra Glofish
Otocinclus (wild caught)
Angelfish (Marble, Leopard)
XL Port Acara
Black Ghost Knife
Julii Corys
L128 Blue Phantom Plecos (Reg, Lg, wild caught)
Dalmatian Mollies
XL Black Lyretail Mollies
Golden Blue Eye Bristlenose (locally bred)
Assorted Peacock Cichlids (Red Jacob, Strawberry, Blue)
Starry Night Cichlids
Albino Kribensis
Elephant Nose
Siamese Algae Eater
ID Sharks
Rainbow Sharks
Clown Loaches (wild caught)
Zig Zag Eels (wild caught)
Tiger Barbs
Green Tiger Barbs
Lg Killifish Panchax Yellow
Lg Halfbeak Celebes
Red Honey Gouramis
Phoenix Rasboras (wild caught)
Hengeli Rasboras (wild caught)
Lg Celestial Pearl Danios (locally bred)
Badis Scarlet
Albino Clawed Frogs
Rock Shrimp (wild caught)
Neocaradina (Cherry) Shrimp – Bloody Mary, 24k Yellow Gold Stripe
Nerite Snails (wild caught)
Freshwater Golden Clams (wild caught)
Koi (3.5 inch)
Singapore Plant Orders (arrived July 11)
Another 16+ species and 1-2 Grow Cup Order expected July 18

Another 150+ species in stock! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – June 25 `Recent Arrivals Update Congratulations, we are half way to Christmas!!!  All photos in this post wer...

AQUARICA – June 25 `Recent Arrivals Update

Congratulations, we are half way to Christmas!!! All photos in this post were taken at Aquarica between June 19-21.

Our livestock arrivals since our prior June 5 update and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Plakats and Half-moons)
Female Koi Bettas
Black Neon Tetras
Golden Red Rio Tetra
Glo Barbs
Black Rams
Lg Electric Blue Acara (locally bred)
Zebra Knife Fish
Geophagus Red Head Tapajos
Jack Dempseys (locally bred)
German Super Red Bristlenose (locally bred)
Black Bristlenose (locally bred)
Golden Blue Eye Bristlenose (locally bred)
Kohaku Swordtails
Male Guppies – Pink Tuxedo, Luminous White, Blue Elephant Ear, Golden Black, Red Dragon
Female Guppies – Koi, Red Dragon, Assorted
Elephant Nose (June 26)
Golden Honey Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Neon Gouramis
Yoyo Loaches
Clown Loaches
Polk-a-dot Loaches
Hillstream Loaches
Glass Catfish
Dwarf Neon Rainbows
Gold Barbs
Tinfoil Barbs
Celestial Pearl Danios (locally bred)
Dwarf Orange Crayfish
Black Crystal Shrimp (June 25 - locally bred)
African Dwarf Frogs
Vampire Shrimp (June 26)
Rock Shrimp (June 26)
Amano Shrimp
White Wizard Snails

Assorted Coral Frags (locally cultivated)
Tropica 1-2 Grow Cups
Singapore Plant Orders (June 27)
Colombia wild-caught shipment expected June 29th

As always, lots of other species, plants, and full selection of dry goods in stock! Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – June 5 Recent Arrivals A serious note today.  We celebrate June 6th, 2024 as the 80th anniversary of D-Day.  ...

AQUARICA – June 5 Recent Arrivals

A serious note today. We celebrate June 6th, 2024 as the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Although it is a celebration, it is important to recall that 75 million people were killed on D-day and throughout WW2. D-day was necessary, but it is unfortunate that it became necessary.

It continues to defy logic that some ‘leaders’ continue to perpetuate the cycle of war and violence against innocent people in the name of ‘re-unification’ or other rationale. These ‘leaders’ have to be stopped by brave souls. Please take a moment to think about those who have fallen and, if you can, do whatever you can do to dissuade ‘leaders’ from further wars.

Imagine all the people, livin’ life in peace…

And now back to our regular programming, livestock arrivals since May 8 and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Plakats and Half-moons)
Female Koi Bettas
Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras
Neon Tetras (both wild caught and tank raised)
Cardinal Tetras
Glo Tetras
Glo Barbs (June 6)
White Fin Rosy Tetras (June 6)
Lg. Silver Dollars
Lg. Bolivian Rams
Lg. German Blue Rams
Black Ghost Knife
XL Discus - Pigeon Snakeskin, Red Leopard, Yellow Pigeon Checkerboard, and Tiger Turquoise
Assorted Angelfish
Polar Tiger Parrots (locally bred, various sizes)
Platinum Parrots (locally bred, various sizes)
Albino Corys
Julii Corys
Adolfo’s Corys
Venezuelan Corys
Cory Punctatus (wild caught)
XL Brochis Splenden (wild caught)
Otocinclus (wild caught)
Vampire Plecos (wild caught)
Golden blue-eye bristlenose plecos (long fin and regular, locally bred)
Dalmatian Mollies (June 6)
Assorted Platies
Clown Killifsh
Lg Bush Fish
Elephant Nose (June 5)
Neon Dwarf Rainbows
Blue Rainbowfish
Bosemani Rainbowfish
XL Red Rainbowfish
Celestial Pearl Danios
Chili Rasboras (wild caught)
Cherry Barbs (locally bred)
Green Tiger Barbs
XL Tiger Barbs
Pearl Gouramis
Dwarf Neon Gouramis (June 6)
Yellow fin Spiny Eels
Black Sharks
Black Ruby Barbs (June 5)
Denison Barbs
Yoyo Loaches (June 6)
Polk-a-dot Loaches (June 6)
Hillstream Loaches
Weather Loaches (wild caught)
Lg. Golden Weather Loaches
Sarasa Comets
African Dwarf Frogs
Albino Clawed Frogs
Rock Shrimp (wild caught)
Amano Shrimp (June 6 – wild caught)

Singapore Plant Orders (including new arrival June 6)

Lots of beautiful livestock from prior arrivals including Assorted male and female guppies, golden white cloud mountain minnows, Synodontis Petricola, Balloon Mollies, L333 King Tiger Plecos, L129 Colombian Zebra Plecos, Kuhli Loaches, Assorted Neocaradina and Caradina Shrimp. Lots more selection in stock!

Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – May 8 Recent Arrivals Our livestock arrivals since April 23 and still available: Assorted Male Bettas (Plakat...

AQUARICA – May 8 Recent Arrivals

Our livestock arrivals since April 23 and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Plakats and Half-moons)
Neon Tetras
Cardinal Tetras (May 9)
Glowlight Tetras
Glo Pristella Tetras (May 9)
Black Phantom Tetras
Venezuelan Corys (May 9)
XL Discus - Pigeon Snakeskin, Red Leopard, Yellow Pigeon Checkerboard, and Tiger Turquoise (May 9)
Assorted Angelfish (May 9)
Koi Angelfish
Yellow Blood Parrots
Polar Tiger Parrots (locally bred)
Geophagus Sveni
L106 Orange Seam Plecos (wild caught)
Super Red Bristlenose
Black Bristlenose (locally bred)
Assorted Guppies (locally bred)
Assorted Balloon Mollies
Assorted Swordtails (locally bred)
Clown Killifsh (May 9)
Golden White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Celestial Pearl Danios
Chili Rasboras (wild caught) (May 9)
Silver Flying Fox (May 9)
Yellow fin Spiny Eels (May 9)
Rock Shrimp
African Dwarf Frogs
Albino Clawed Frogs
Denison Barbs (May 9)
Weather Loaches (wild caught) (May 9)
Sarasa Comets
Butterfly Koi
Koi (4 inch Kohaku Red and White, Goromo Reticulated, and Hi Utsuri Red and Black)
Amano Shrimp (wild caught)
Neocaradina Shrimp – Fire Red, Blue Diamond
Caradina Shrimp – Indian Zebra, Red Crystal, Blak Crystal

Tropica 1-2 Grow Cups
Singapore Plant Orders

Assorted Coral Frags (locally cultivated)

Lots of beautiful livestock from prior arrivals including including Peruvian Altum Angelfish, Red Breasted Piranhas, Red Head Tapajos Geophagus, Red Neck Viejita Apistogramma, Panda Corys, Pepper Corys, Albino Corys, Flash Plecos, Green Phantom Plecos, Horseface Loaches, Clown Loaches, Zebra Loaches, Polk-a-Dot Loaches, Kuhli Loaches, Burundi Frontosas, Ornate Bichirs, Orange Rabbit Poso Snails, Assassin Snails, Wizard Snails. And much more!

More livestock from Peru and Singapore expected the week of May 13th.

Hope to see you soon!

AQUARICA – April 23 - Me at the ZooNot me, but Jawed Karim was at the zoo and his ‘Me at the Zoo’ video was the first vi...

AQUARICA – April 23 - Me at the Zoo

Not me, but Jawed Karim was at the zoo and his ‘Me at the Zoo’ video was the first video uploaded to YouTube on April 23, 2005. A few months later in October 2006, Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion US (that is more than the GDP for some countries!). Happy 19th birthday YouTube – there are some great fishkeeping videos out there!

Our livestock arrivals since March 29 and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (locally bred, and imported)
Assorted Female Bettas (locally bred)
Ember Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Neon Tetras
Rosy Tetras
Glowlight Tetras (April 24)
Assorted Glo Tetras
Bolivian Rams
Adolfo’s Corys
Sterbai Corys
Red Head Tapajos
Platinum Polar Parrots (locally bred)
Blue Polar Parrots (locally bred)
Male Guppies – Blonde Cobra, Platinum Red Elephant Ear, Elephant Ear Dragon, Assorted Elephant Ear
Female Guppies – Assorted, Green Cobra
Kohaku Swordtails
Synodontis Petricola
Long-fin Zebra Danios
Forktail Rainbows
Hengeli Rasboras (wild caught)
Chilli Rasboras (wild caught)
Kuhli Loach (wild caught)
Botia Striata (Zebra Loach) (wild caught)
Denison Barbs
Clown Loaches
Clown Knifefish
Assassin Snails
Wizard Snails
African Dwarf Frogs
Black Moors (April 24)
Butterfly Koi (April 24)

Singapore Plant Orders

Hope to see you soon!


1600 Bedford Highway, Unit 100
Bedford, NS

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 5pm
Tuesday 12pm - 5pm
Wednesday 12pm - 5pm
Thursday 12pm - 7pm
Friday 12pm - 7pm
Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm




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