#theruffhousekennel #dogsportslife #ruffsport #heathermcleod #rehomed #dutchiemix
Nathan would be extremely proud knowing how many dogs you’ve helped since being with RuffSport❤️
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
Carolyn Jackson,
Victoria Guillen
#ruffsport #aquadogs #teaching #coaching #theruffhousekennel #heathermcleod #helenandlily
#Sportmix #theruffhousekennel #ruffsport #discdog #heathermcleod
#theruffhousekennel #ruffsport #yorkshireterrier #boardandtrain #boarding #heathermcleod
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
Carolyn Jackson,
Lisa Cousins,
Victoria Guillen
Canada Day Weekend!! Home Base!!
#ruffsport #theruffhousekennel #whippeterrierbccross #heathermcleod
Little, Little Leaguers under 12" - Little Leaguers 16"
New Handlers/Young dogs/and those retirees that aren't - 2023/2024, 10 years of age and over!
Most labs? Most Mals? Most Goldens? Most Tollers?
Experienced - Handlers with their dogs that have been training and competing over 2 years!
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
Carolyn Jackson,
Lori Dietrich,
Victoria Guillen