Bronx Update.
I am very happy to say that Bronx is regularly using the washroom on his own, and he has gained 90% ability in his front legs and 60% ability in his hind legs. He is eating with gusto as he normally does, and as always, he is very happy to see me and tries to get up to come to me as I enter his kennel. He can now get up to a sitting position with his front legs.
The veterinarian is very hopeful about these improvements. Thanks to all the generous donations Bronx has received, he has an appointment with the neurologist next Friday. Due to Bronx's improvements, the veterinarian believes the issue is an embolism that will be non surgercal in nature but has a high probability of correcting on its own.
I can't thank everyone or express my gratitude enough for your generous donations to help with Bronx's medical expenses. He is a very loving and respectful boy and loves meeting and getting affection from people. He immediately fell in love with my new student, the person filming, as all my dogs did.
Thank you all for your love, concern, and support for Bronx.
You can donate to Bronx at
Or you can send etranfer to
[email protected]
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Bronx's story.
Bronx was on death row in Victoria because he bit a stranger unprovoked, and he had previously unintentionally killed a little dog.
This is an edited version of all the videos that were presented as evidence in court. You can see the full video here:
The dog trainer hired by the City of Victoria, Lizbeth Plant of Cowichan Canines, used stuffed dogs sprayed with urine and a toy doll to try and prove Bronx was an aggressive and dangerous dog. As a Dog Psychologist, I used real dogs to actually prove Bronx was not an aggressive dog. I succeeded with these videos, won the court case and saved Bronx's life. He has been my dog ever since.
If your dog has been seized by any authority in British Columbia, I can help you. You can reach me at 250-465-1090.
If you would like to donate to help with Bronx's current medical bills, you can do so at his GoFundMe campaign:
Or you can send an etransfer to [email protected].
Thank you for your support.
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Bronx has suffered what we believe to be a Fibrocartilaginous Embolism and he is unable to stand or walk. I let Bronx out yesterday morning as usual with his friends for playtime and when I went back an hour later to put them back in thier kennels, Bronx was whimpering and he couldn't stand up or walk. I rushed him to the emergency vet. In order to determine exactly what is happening with Bronx, the vet needs to do a CAT scan and an MRI and I need to meet with a neurologist. The cost for all of this will be between $4,000 and $6,000. I cover all the costs to house and look after these dogs from the money I make helping other dogs and I don't have the funds needed to cover the expensive testing needed to find out what is wrong with Bronx. I have started a GoFundMe campaign to raise the funds needed to do this testing. Here is the link to this fundraising campaign. Any donation will be greatly appreciated to help my boy Bronx.
If you would like to donate to Bronx directly, you can send an etransfer to [email protected].
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Just because you want to show love to someone doesn't mean they want it. With dogs, it is not hate, it's a personal space thing.
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Once I claimed the fence from Stella to teach her to not bark at Billy and the other wolves howling and to just calmly watch them instead, that's what she does.
It is not about training your dog, it is about teaching your child. Except these kids have fur, don't speak English and communicate mainly with the projection of energy, thought and intent through the eyes, never receive treats as a 'reward', and their Mother licks their neck to love them, thank them and to console them.
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If your dog constantly goes into the personal space of other dogs, this is how you teach your dog to respect the personal space of other dogs.
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Understanding the intent of eyes.
The first way dogs communicate with each other is by looking at each other. Dogs who are concerned about your presence are going to look you in the eye to "see" what you are saying to them. You can't pretend to have no negative feelings about a dog you are looking at because your eyes tell the truth.
Whenever you look at a dog who is an alert state of mind, eyes open full to wide open, without blinking, TO THE DOG, you are challenging them, correcting them, or threatening them, even if you are trying to give them affection. The dog more than likely has NOT been abused, it thinks it is being abused by you in that moment.
If you are concerned about a dog in any way, just like a dog, your eyes will be open full to wide open and you will not be blinking. And that, my friends, is the main reason why dogs bark at people who are looking at them. If you are close to a dog who is barking at you and you have no intent of challenging the dog to ask them to sit, relax and to stop barking, then just stop looking at the dog. Words have a greater effect on creating and intensifying barking and reactivity because dogs dont speak English, so stop talking to them when they are barking.
If you have a dog who is challenging you at an entrance way, just keep looking at the dog without blinking, projecting assertive energy, until the dog moves back and sits. If the dog stands back up again as you enter, just stop, Tsss, and look at the dog until it sits again. Then you either stand in front of the dog and lick their neck with your fingertips, or you just walk past them and ignore them and then give them affection when they come to you and smell and touch you.
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If your dogs do not get along, giving them affection at the same time is where you start to help them associate each other with love, acceptance, peace and affection.
In the dog world, this is how you 'hug' your dog. Once they accept this 'hug' and come to you for that 'hug' whenever you hold out your hand palm up, you can then hug them like a human all you want.
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Please watch the video in its entirety to see how licking the neck can calm the most fearful of puppies and dogs and let them know, without words or treats, that they are loved, safe and protected.
Dogs are not paternal. When left alone, a Dog Mother is alone in a den with her puppies until they are about 3 months old before she introduces them to the pack. On a psychological level, a 3 month old puppy is equivalent to a 3 year old child. How different of a relationship will children have with their Mother if they have no idea their Father, nor any other human, exists until they are 3 years old. This is how it is with puppies. That is a major difference between our species on a psychological level and is the basis for all behavioural issues people have with their dominant dogs and puppies. The Alpha male represents their leader, not their human Father. The Dog Mother is both the human Mother and Father.
Children need to learn how to socialize properly, how to play properly and to be respectful by the time they are 3 years old and start socializing with other children and adults outside the family. It is up to the Mother and Father to teach these lessons to their children. It is Important for children to learn and practice these lessons so they are socially accepted.
Puppies need to learn these same lessons by the time they are 3 months old and are introduced to the pack. It is Only the Mother Dog who teaches these lessons. For the first three months of their life, the Mother Dog is the sole nurser, nurturer, teacher, disciplinarian and protector of the puppies. It is very important to note that only dominant Mothers discipline their puppies. Submissive Mothers do not discipline their puppies because they instintually don't know how to and their dominant puppies are incorrigible by 3 months of age. Do we not see the same in the human world where some Mothers are disciplinarians while other Mothers let their kids get away with everything and never discipline them
Help for reactive, aggressive or fearful dogs who do not respond to treats or traditional or 'science based' dog training techniques.
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Understanding the difference between an Alpha, a Beta and a Charlie dominant dog.
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How to teach your dog not to bark at the fence, no matter what they are barking at. You do the same thing when your dog barks at something in your home. It is not about training your dog, it is about teaching your dog to be calm and relaxed instead of being in an excited state of mind barking.
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How can a treat fix this dog's aggressive reaction when it is being aggressive towards the treat? How can throwing treats on the ground redirect the focus of a dog who doesn't care about treats? How effective is a treat at permanently correcting your dog's behaviour if the behaviour continues when you don't have treats?
This is not rocket science and Every bcspca certified dog trainer and behaviourist Knows it. They Know treats will not work to fix your dog's behaviour because their treats have NEVER worked to fix the behaviour of other dogs who act like yours does over the last 50 years, no matter what new 'scientific' technique they come up with. If your dog or puppy does not accept treats, then a treat based trainer or behaviourist can not help you.
What is their solution when treats don't work? They isolate, drug or kill the dog and then they claim that their treat based, 'scientific', 'force free', 'humane', 'positive reinforcement only', 'animal kind' dog training techniques work on ALL dog's. They don't. They only work on about 70% of dogs, the submissive and low-level Charlie dominant dogs. These methods do not work with Beta and Alpha dominant dogs who are in an alert state of mind. They never have and they never will, because dogs don't communicate with each other in English or any other human language and a Mother Dog NEVER rewards her puppies with treats, she thanks them with acceptance and affection. These are irrefutable, scientific facts.
What does work with 95% of dogs is becoming their calm, confident, assertive, accepting and affectionate Mother Dog who doesn't use words, treats or dominance to teach and discipline her puppies. The other 5% are Apex Alpha dominant dogs with whom you do need to represent their Alpha Mother Dog who corrects their inappropriate and disrespectful dominance with dominance to teach them to respect those who are less dominant than they are, and you can not do that if you yourself are not an Alpha.
That is why I curr
Assessing a new dog for daycare.
NONE of the dogs I work with respond to treats or traditional dog training methods. That is why they come to me.
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Does your dog love you but yet barks at and moves away from you when you approach them with a harness, muzzle, leash, collar, brush, or any other object? If so, your dog does now know what that object is and is therefore nervous about it. If you try to force the object on them, they will freak out, and in some cases, they will bite you. If you associate the object with affection from their Mother Dog first, they won't.
My intention was to make a video with my dog Meilna to show you how to properly put on a harness. As I entered the gate, a dog I had for rehabilitation started barking at and moving away from the harness. This was a great opportunity to show you how to teach a dog who acted this way to be calm and relaxed with the harness without the use of treats, words or aversive techniques. Just the love and affection of a Mother Dog.
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A 1 yo high energy Beta dominant puppy learning how to play properly and to be respectful.
This young boy has had lots of issues with other dogs and people because he has no respect for personal space. My dogs and I teach him boundaries. When you correct and teach a puppy the same way balanced dogs do, they immediately learn appropriate behaviour simply because they now know what you are asking of them when you don't use words. Dogs don't communicate with each other using English or any other human language.
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An example of playtime in the top play area with the dogs from the main kennel building. The dog's are usually out for an hour, 4 times a day except when the weather is bad, then they spend time playing in the main building.
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