Hi Everyone!
Dropping in to say ‘hello’ today, and show the latest set of Wedding Toast glasses for Bride and Groom 🌺 and
offering much LOVE and many Congratulations to Mr & Mrs in September!
Have a blessed rest of your day!
Hi Everyone!
Long time again, I know… 😊
Working on a DayBed transformation for my own living room!
Almost have the first‘basics’ completed…
Today spent another afternoon just cutting pieces … now …. for the custom fit ‘end’ cushions . So, three ‘back rest’ cushions have been completed as is the custom fit pleated skirting ….
Have a blessed remainder of your afternoon!! 🌺🌺
Hi Everyone !
Wanted to say thank you to my newest gal, Nala, in Saskatchewan !
Thankyou for trusting in me to give you quality treats!
Pumpkin -Apple and Peanut Butter- Bacon on the way for you Monday morning !! 👍👍
** AUTHOR’s Note:
Treats arrived Thursday and Nala is happy !!!
Have a blessed evening !🌺
Jewel’s new Custom Denim Squeaker Bone-9” long.
They both want it but Herc is more aggressive! 😂
Hi Everyone! Built two of these cubes for a lady and her sister, complete with engraved memorable quotes from their father before he passed. 🌺 JCT-2023
Hi Everyone!
Long time in between posts again, I realize…😔
Latest Treat Container ready today to head to it’s Home with Brandi and her ‘crew’.😊.
I am blessed to have her as a repeat ‘Jewel’s’ customer! Thankyou for your support!
She appreciates this specific container I designed for her originally , back when, and I have now replicated it successfully a third time. Her Fur Babies LOVE their treats!
The Lord is gracious to me!🌺
As praise worthy notation, my work is available to view , and a barcode for my website at our local liquor store here in Bon Accord! Shout out for Andrew, Mario and ‘Chelsea’s’ Resteraunt, advertising on my behalf! “Chelsea’s “ and our newest Liquor Store are AWESOME within our community!
Check them out when you’re in town!!👍👍👍
Have a blessed afternoon!
Hi Everyone!
Latest piece completed and for sale!
This glass was created on the inspiration of twenty six words, representing each letter of the alphabet of characteristics we should all strive to “Reflect…” to other’s every day in our lives.
My work is all hand drill engraved, and lettering is very labour intensive, but shows beautifully in glass.
There is only one of these. Not every person requires a set of two, and I feel that this glass has significance on it’s own.
If interested in any of the pieces that are here for sale, send me a message!
Have a blessed day!
Hi Everyone!
The last, number four, in my ‘Hunter’s Series’…. If interested in any of my work, send me a message!
Have a blessed afternoon!
Hi Everyone!
Have finished up the ‘Hunter’s Series’… a set of four Beer Glasses. This video is of Number Three in the set.
Another post to follow with Number Four…
This set is now ready for sale! Send me a message if interested in any of my work posted here on the page!
Have a blessed afternoon!
Hi Everyone!
#2 in the ‘Hunter’s Series” , completed today!
Once all four in this set are finished up, I will attempt one post with all four glasses. Forgive the camera shake, as I was juggling both. 😊
Again, all my pieces are hand drill engraved using Dremel tools with various bits, stones and polishing rubbers.
If interested in any of my pieces here, send me a message. If you have need of a custom work tailored to you, send a message! I would be happy to chat with you about it.
Have a blessed afternoon.🌺
Hi Everyone!
Well, Round #2! 🤣
Two years back or so, I had built a scratching post for Puss. Some of you may remember? Lol
She didn’t like it. The carpet was too short…consequently, she never used it.
She continued to attack our front stairs with her stropping. I have even tried spraying her with water to dissuade her every time I catch her at it! And so, she started stropping the stairs when I’m sleeping!
To combat her, I have resorted to using a strip of heat tape on each of the stair fronts! While it has stopped her, it doesn’t’look’ good to me.
And so…
Thankyou to Jon and Stephanie! I explained my need to Jon over the weekend after having spied some carpet they have renovated laying outside in the backyard. Consequently? I have refined, and refinished Puss’s ‘new’ post today!
Hopefully, she will stay as ‘entertained’ as in the video from now on!!