Two Brown Dogs Canine Consultants

Two Brown Dogs Canine Consultants Dog Training in Brandon and western Manitoba Two Brown Dogs is owned and operated by Renee Will.

I am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and have 20 years of training experience.


Two Brown Dogs will leave Facebook at the end of September. Check us out on Instagram or our website.


We have had requests to add Puppy Head Start to the Minnedosa classes beginning Tuesday August 30th at 7:30 to 8:15 PM. The class is for puppies aged 8 to 12 weeks at the start of class.

For more information contact [email protected].


A new session of classes start in Minnedosa Tuesday August 30th. There are three spaces left. If we have more demand a second class will be added.

For information and/or to register contact [email protected]

This is a terrific 8 min. video. Families with young children - and all other dog owners - should watch. Learn how to ga...

This is a terrific 8 min. video. Families with young children - and all other dog owners - should watch. Learn how to gauge when a dog wants to be and does not want to be touched.

Does your dog want to be touched right now? Learn how to tell here! Do you need individualized help for your fearful dog? Work with us 1-on-1: https://www.d...


An important and easy phrase to remember "Dog and baby on the scene = parent in between".

Every dog and parent professional says Supervise dogs and kids, especially babies. What does that really mean? Here are some examples of Full active supervision. Check it out and let us know if you have questions. 💬 (Link in our bio!)


Ever tried carrying around a treat in your pocket? the dogs always know!

The more you watch and learn about your dog's calm safe body language the easier it becomes to pick up on these subtle s...

The more you watch and learn about your dog's calm safe body language the easier it becomes to pick up on these subtle signals.

What do you observe here? Let’s look at the dog’s body language and the situation. This is a rather common occurrence, the family dog is sitting comfortably next to mom or dad (their trusted person), and their toddler needs or wants to come over to their parent. They come running over quickly closing the distance between them and the dog. The closing of the distance can be an uncomfortable situation for the family dog.

Do you see the dog’s ears change in image 2 as the child starts to approach? What about the dog’s eyes?

Now, image 3 really tells us even more! Notice the dog’s mouth, does it look tense?

What are some other clues in the dog’s body language that you notice?


Though it may seem like a fun thing for kids, dogs are NOT meant to sit on. EVER!!! Please do not ever encourage a child to sit or step up on a dog. This can cause pain, fear and conflict. All can increase the chances of a dog bite.

Is your dog “tolerating” what is happening in a situation? Or is the dog really telling them they're uncomfortable and want this to stop? We encourage families to observe their dog's body language so that they can understand what their dog is telling them.

How do I know what to look for if they’re uncomfortable?
❗Half moon eyes, your dog is leaning their body away from what is going on,
❗Yawning when they aren’t tired
❗lip licking

There are many body language signals that dogs display to us if they are uncomfortable, and even if they are enjoying something. Dogs use their bodies to communicate discomfort, stress and joy. Maybe they are happy and content and come over to you while you are holding your baby and get some pets, or they are happily wagging their tail with a loose body.

Recognizing how your dog uses their body to communicate is an important way to build and strengthen bonds.

This is the most difficult time for your dog - when the strange little being starts moving around and does not look anyt...

This is the most difficult time for your dog - when the strange little being starts moving around and does not look anything like you. Dogs and Toddlers is atTwo Brown Dogs.

This is the stage where mobility really takes off! Some babies cruise around holding onto furniture while others just go right into running! It is no wonder that our dogs get confused and conflicted by these fast-developing adorable toddlers! Here are some things to consider BEFORE your baby reaches this exciting milestone.

Where does your dog currently hang out? Will this be a safe spot or will it be directly where your baby might try to reach? Ex: If your dog normally hangs out in a living room chair or couch, how will you prevent your child from approaching your dog in their comfy spot? (INVITES decrease BITES!).

Where will your dog be while your baby practices these new awkward skills? Success stations really come in handy now. Crate, Gate, separate and rotate is key! Give space-stay out of their face.

Preparing ahead by thinking about your furniture and set up will help everyone be ready for mobility. Remember, changes you make now for safety are temporary. This does not last forever. Dogs need time to adjust to your baby’s new posture and behavior. Allowing that time and providing safe space invites bonds to grow. We know that is your long term goal. 😊


Again, Chirag Patel with an easy and effective strategy

Family Paws programs offered by Renee Will at Two Brown Dogs licensed by Family Paws Parent Education.

Family Paws programs offered by Renee Will at Two Brown Dogs licensed by Family Paws Parent Education.


Tummy time is an excellent time for your baby to strengthen their muscles and prepare for all the milestones ahead. Is your dog ready for this stage? An excellent way to know if your dog is ready for this stage is by preparing with your dog BEFORE your baby is ready for this. (Read on for tips!)

✅ Try sitting on the floor and see if your dog is able to follow known cues from you. A great one to try is sit or down. Do they get excited? Jumpy? Sitting on the floor is often an invite to play. This can be confusing to our dogs and we want to teach them what we want them to do BEFORE we expect them to do it. This is why we want you to practice ahead of time so now you can work on your desired behavior with your dog when someone sits on the floor.
👉Ex: Sit on floor = down, Sit on floor = mat/bed

Often we play with our dogs on the floor or we only sit on the floor (prior to kids) when interacting with our dog. This new activity is confusing. Many families become very concerned at this stage when their dog tries to engage and play as they used to.

✅ This is why we highly suggest practicing this BEFORE you need it!!! Set up a success station so everyone succeeds!

Planning makes Perfect. Dogs and Storks and Dogs and Kids available at Two Brown Dogs.

Planning makes Perfect. Dogs and Storks and Dogs and Kids available at Two Brown Dogs.

When a baby begins facing outward, their eyes are large, facing straight on. They go from being in someone's arms and being rocked to facing forward and looking all around very quickly, this can be a very big change for many dogs. Newborns and young babies’ eyes are very intense and they hone in! Having a baby sitting up on your lap facing outward could be the first point of discomfort for some dogs.

It can be easy (and totally normal) to think that your dog is “fine” or adjusted to everything. But, the word “fine”, doesn't mean that your dog is comfortable, even if they still have gotten up and moved away or growled in an uncomfortable situation. Help us shift this thinking to:

What can we do to prepare, plan and prevent situations? What can we do to set up our dog and child for success?

Instead of having your baby face straight on directly at your dog, you can move your body or position the baby so that their side is towards the dog.
NEVER allowing a child to crawl up to or on, reach for or grab the family dog. Invites decrease bites!!!

We also have to change our expectations that our family dog should tolerate or put up with uncomfortable situations. They're constantly giving us subtle signals, but we can learn what to look for and how they communicate so that we are able to recognize and intervene when we see signs of stress and discomfort. Increasing our Dog Aware skills is a life long learning experience!

Did baby start to move in the direction of the dog and their ears perked up? Did they yawn? Lip lick? That’s giving information, time to intervene. Knowing what you are seeing is the first step!


Is your baby almost ready to begin solids? Among what we've listed above, here are a few more helpful thoughts to keep in mind as your baby approaches solid food fun. Remember planning and practicing ahead helps set everyone up for success.

✅ We suggest your dog does not have access to the high chair while your baby is enjoying a meal.
✅ Even dogs that are anxious or fearful of a child will approach for yummy food. For them, It may be worth coming close even if they are scared because there is yummy food there.This can often lead to conflicts. Set your dog and baby up for success with a success station during meal times.
✅ Gates, crates, play yards and even with leashing all can be excellent options for management at meal time.

Dogs and Toddlers program available in home and on-line from Two Brown Dogs. Contact Renee at

Dogs and Toddlers program available in home and on-line from Two Brown Dogs. Contact Renee at [email protected]

ALERT!!!! Your baby is on the move and crawling! What a milestone. This often is a VERY stressful adjustment for many dogs.

An easy tip: Make sure your dog’s food, water, and toys are out of your baby’s reach and your dog has a kid-free, safe place to relax. This is a time when grumble zones and growl zones become particularly relevant. Remember! Crowded spaces equal grumpy faces! PROACTIVE supervision!!!

It can also be extra helpful to be observant of your dog’s body language. What do they do when they first observe your baby crawling? Or moving? We strongly suggest preventing crawling babies from approaching dogs, even the best, friendly, calm dogs get uncomfortable with unpredictable crawling babies. Support your dog with proactive supervision and success stations. Don’t wait until they communicate it’s too late!!


If you do not follow Pluto here is a terrific video created by Pluto's Mom NJ Wight. I had the privilege of meeting her last fall and I believe what she has done to promote understanding of, and compassion for senior dogs and their owners is quite wonderful. There are some great ideas here for wobbly legs and lost marbles.


The brilliant Chirag Patel showing how quickly dogs learn what is expected of tgem

Great article about dogs' warning signals. This is a conversation I have with so many owners who, once having had the ch...

Great article about dogs' warning signals. This is a conversation I have with so many owners who, once having had the chance to see and hear what their dog is saying, find difficult situations much easier to manage.

When a serious dog bite incident hits the news, the person bitten will sometimes report that the dog bit “without warning,” but this is very unusual behavior among dogs.


All rural classes for the spring session - Minnedosa, Killarney and Neepawa are full. Hopefully we can continue our commitment to rural areas in Westman with a summer and/or fall session.


Registration for Killarney classes must be in by Monday March 28th. There may not be enough registrants and we will decide Monday if the class is a go.


Killarney Classes for beginner dogs and dogs that have previously been in TBD classes.
Where: Agriculture Centre
When: Saturday April 2nd to 30th at 11:00 to 12:00 PM

For fee and registration information contact [email protected]


Minnedosa Classes for beginner dogs and dogs that have previously been in TBD classes.
Where: Minnedosa Conference Centre
When: Sunday April 10th to May 8th at 1:00 to 2:00 PM

One makeup class available on May 15th if you have to miss a class.

For fee and registration information contact [email protected]

Please note this is a day and time change from the original post.

Brilliant way to identify if your dog is going over-the-top.

Brilliant way to identify if your dog is going over-the-top.

Thanks to Umemama ( for this nice infographic on dogs reaching threshold.

We cannot repeat this enough. Protect your child and your dog - be proactive not reactive.

We cannot repeat this enough. Protect your child and your dog - be proactive not reactive.

Furry, cute, just lying there. Young babies and toddlers are drawn to them. The DOG.

Parents, please intervene and teach your child that the dog is not a place to sit or crawl on. Prevent these encounters by using gates and always being in between.

“Dog and baby on the scene, Parent in between!!!”

Too often young babies and toddlers are permitted to approach and freely touch the family dog. In many cases the dog is uncomfortable but does not want to leave as the trusted adult is there too. Over time this can lead to discomfort and your dog may communicate this with a growl or snap.

Allowing space NOW while baby is unpredictable and unsteady will increase your chances of comfortable interactions down the road.

Too much too soon is never the way. Don’t rush this process. Like anything else these bond take time to grow. Allow that time.

Your dog and child have time to build bonds with your help over time.


All the best in the holiday season to all Two Brown Dogs' friends past and present. Wishing you happy tails in 2022.🌲

Excellent examples of management strategies to prevent wars in your home. Dog Safe Zones - the way to go.

Excellent examples of management strategies to prevent wars in your home. Dog Safe Zones - the way to go.

Changing how you interact with your dog is something I raise in every class. Walks are about the dog and the environment...

Changing how you interact with your dog is something I raise in every class. Walks are about the dog and the environment - you are just in the way. Play, training, sniffing walks, organized dog sports and trick training are about you and your dog and building your bond.

A walk doesn't always have to be a "walk", but a way to explore. Author is


This study concluded that 88% of dogs requiring surgery for foreign body ingestion had signs of a behavioral disorder and no signs of a medical disorder.

Hyperactivity-impulsivity was strongly related to foreign body ingestion with anxiety and attachment also connected to a lesser degree. They also found a relationship between hyperactivity and shredding objects - to such an extent that the researchers suggest that regular shredding of objects may be an indicator of hyperactivity in dogs.

In senior dogs, non-edible object ingestion was more likely to be a sign of digestive pain.

The study can be found here:


Brandon, MB


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