Franky’s Walk and Train

Franky’s Walk and Train Any Breed, Any age, Any Problem!

Dear Clients, I wanted to let you know that I’m officially back from my vacation and ready to immediately resume our tra...

Dear Clients,

I wanted to let you know that I’m officially back from my vacation and ready to immediately resume our training sessions this week.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding regarding the last-minute changes to my schedule. I truly appreciate your flexibility, and I’m excited to get back to work with you and your dogs.

Please feel free to reach out to confirm your session times or with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,

Dear Clients,I wanted to inform you of an unexpected change to my schedule. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will be u...

Dear Clients,

I wanted to inform you of an unexpected change to my schedule. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will be unable to return from vacation until August 19th.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. I’ll be in touch to reschedule any sessions that may be affected by this delay.

Thank you for your continued support and patience. I look forward to reconnecting with you and your dogs soon.

Best regards,


Gracie is working on some training with Franky’s Walk and Train while she visits Black Wheat Brewing

Dear Clients,I wanted to inform you that I will be on holiday from July 28th to August 12th. During this time, I will st...

Dear Clients,

I wanted to inform you that I will be on holiday from July 28th to August 12th. During this time, I will still be available to take home calls and texts, so please feel free to reach out if you need any assistance or have any questions.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Best regards,


Due to the recent amount of inquiries of been receiving I’m currently not accepting anymore clients at the moment. My go...

Due to the recent amount of inquiries of been receiving I’m currently not accepting anymore clients at the moment.

My goal is to dedicate my time to behavioral cases, and I don’t want to take on more than I can handle, since this is such a sensitive territory in the training world.

If you are hoping to become a future client, I would be happy to add you to my waiting list. Serious inquiries only. I’m looking to work with people with strong dedication to there dogs training progress. If you are hoping for a quick fix, this is not the program for you.

Direct message me for more info about getting on the waiting list.

Thank you for your interest in my services. Really appreciate the trust and support.

Thank you to scramble studios  photographer Emma for capturing these moments for us!

Thank you to scramble studios photographer Emma for capturing these moments for us!

A question I get asked every now and then is “what is your certification?”  All though I have completed and received my ...

A question I get asked every now and then is “what is your certification?” All though I have completed and received my certificate in dog training and obedience, I’m still continuing to expand my knowledge everyday. In the past I’ve taken courses on puppy bite work, reactivity, behavior modification, marker training, ecollar work pros and cons, and many more. Currently I’m proud to say I’m an active member of the for dog trainers, where I’m learning lots of new things, have the opportunity to attend Q&A’s and learn from Micheal Ellis himself. All though I’m doing all of these things, there will never be an end point to my learning. I will continue to learn, improve, and apply methods to better help your dog. So yes, I have received a certificate, but anyone can do that. I take great pride in my dedication to dogs as a whole, and my commitment to continue my education in order to better help my clients reach their goals.

Happy Gotchya day Leroy! Can’t believe it’s already been a year since we picked you up ❤️ You are an absolute thrill, bu...

Happy Gotchya day Leroy!

Can’t believe it’s already been a year since we picked you up ❤️ You are an absolute thrill, but you’re bat s**t nuts, but we love it. You have been a challenge, but nothing short of a gentle soul. Training you and raising you has been incredibly fun, one of the greatest learning experiences, and a blessing. We might get overwhelmed now and then by your big personality and crazy shenanigans, but not one ounce of us regrets bringing you into our lives. You have been the perfect addition to our little family. We love you dearly. Here’s to the cutest boy ❤️


Want to challenge your skills? Try working multiple dogs at once. You would think this is twice as hard, but in my opinion it’s 4 times as hard. You have to make sure the dogs can understand when it’s their turn to act. I do this using body posture techniques and direct eye contact.

This is actually the first time I’ve done this with both, and you can see how just adding one extra dog can amp up the difficulty. For example: I was so concentrated on making sure the dogs knew who I was talking to that I merged my verbal cues with the body language cues. I also marked and went for the reward at the same time a few times, which can make the action of getting the treat out of my bag confused as the marker. but that’s why it’s important to observe your work, and challenge yourself. It’s the only way you’ll improve.

A lot of trainers talk a big game, but when it comes to their own dogs, they struggle, or simply don’t keep up with the work. In the words of , “shut up and show me your dog”

Molly is migrating into the city! This is a big step considering our first session we couldn’t even get past the sidewal...

Molly is migrating into the city! This is a big step considering our first session we couldn’t even get past the sidewalk in the front of my place. Today we made it to city hall!

Lots of openings for this week still!I offer a variety of services from Just walking your dog, to walk with training. Th...

Lots of openings for this week still!

I offer a variety of services from Just walking your dog, to walk with training. The type of training I offer includes loose leash walking, behavioural modification, basic manners, cooperative care, reactivity, aggression cases, puppy basics, resource guarding cases, cooperative play, engagment training, recall training, crate training, and much more.

I charge $50 for an hour session, and $30 for a half hour session. Depending on what type of training you would like, it could take a hand full of training sessions.

My hours are Monday- Friday 8am-6pm

Contact for more information and for a booking!

Phone number: 204-720-5362
[email protected]

Once you identify their motivation, the rest just falls into place

Once you identify their motivation, the rest just falls into place

New buisness cards!

New buisness cards!

Friendly reminder to keep your pups cool this summer! If you notice your dog is panting excessively and their tongue is ...

Friendly reminder to keep your pups cool this summer!

If you notice your dog is panting excessively and their tongue is wide and almost looks like a shovel (shovel tongue) it’s important to stop whatever they’re doing, find a cool shady area, and try and get your pup to drink some water.

Have fun!



Ralph is an American bulldog/ boxer cross, and is a beast as you can see. He struggles pretty badly with reactivity and classical approaches hasn’t seemed to work as well with it. As you can see he’s got extreme toy drive. From the minute I grabbed his leash, he found the balls on my belt and pulled me ass to the ground 😂 All though this might of been discouraging to some, I found it a really good thing cause I know his toy drive was next level.

I spent the session bonding with Ralph, and playing with him to gain his trust and respect. We had a great time. We were really put through the test when a dog walked right beside us on the sidewalk. Not going to lie, when I saw this dog coming I didn’t think I had a chance of getting his attention since I was certain he was definitely over threshold, but to my surprise he quickly turned around, ignoring the dog and reengaged in play. Why? Because he found more value in playing with me than the other dogs!

Now in the beginning the play is used for redirection, and gives him something to put his intense feelings into, but over time with constant repetition, his feelings will start to change about seeing other dogs due to the positive association of play constantly being applied at the same time he sees a dog. Now this type of play needs to have a lot of cooperative and competitive aspects to it for it to work. Changing a dogs complete mindset about their triggers can take a long time, but the results are worth the time!

Now this may seems easy and impressive right? Well I would hope so. This is my full time job. The real impressive part of it is yet to come. When I help transfer these skills to the owner to ensure she has the tools to work with her dog not only now, but years down the line. That’s what people pay for. Long term results.


cuddles with Casey in Home Depot!

Today it was raining so Casey and I decided to go back to Home Depot to work around some distractions. Today I really wanted to work on learning how to sit still and watch the word go by. Now when I’m working on this stuff I usually do prefer the dog in a down and settled, but in an environment a dog is just learning to be in, I allow the dog to get in any position that makes him comfortable. In this case, it was cuddled up next to me in a lawn chair 😅

Eventually I was able to get Casey to settle In the down position beside the doors. This was huge for him! Casey is a high drive breed, and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, teaching a high drive dog to settle is one of the most important things you can teach them. This behaviour does not come easy to them, so it’s important to use lots of reinforcement once they’re in this position so they find a lot of value in it, and are more likely to offer it on their own.

Meet Odin! Odin and I are buddies from  so we know each other pretty well.  Today was our  first session and we are work...

Meet Odin!

Odin and I are buddies from so we know each other pretty well. Today was our first session and we are working together to make his walk a bit better and working to build engagement.

Odin is an absolute pleasure, and I’m so happy I got to work with him ❤️


Meet Pete!

Pete is about 4/5 months and was recently adopted by his new mama. His mom reached out to me letting me know that Pete is quite sensitive to the world out on walks, so we are working together to show him that the word isn’t as scary as he fears. Using plenty of positive reinforcement and operant conditioning, we will help turn Pete into a more confident puppy


Just finished my session with Henry!

This little guy is coming a long really well. Today we decided to go sit outside of Sobeys and work around people distractions. Compared to how he was our first session, I’m incredibly proud of this boy!

The one thing I’ve really noticed is how much slower we are going through food rewards. This is a great thing though. I’m able to stretch out the duration between rewards now because I was so consistent with them in the beginning that’s he knows what behaviors are desired now.

I believe in the beginning it’s OK to reward your dogs lots. They’re learning a new skill and a lot of reinforcement helps. Just like us, when we are Learning a new skill, a lot of reinforcement goes a long way. Same for our puppers.

Today was Sunny’s final lesson with me! Words can’t describe how incredibly proud of am of this dog and his handler. The...

Today was Sunny’s final lesson with me!

Words can’t describe how incredibly proud of am of this dog and his handler. They have really put the work in and it shows!

Today for our last session we went to an extremely stimulated environment and I used my dog Leroy as a demo dog again. Things went very well well. A few hiccups, but I always say you’re not being fare to yourself if you’re not expecting any set backs. We pretty much went through the same stuff as last session, but the environment was the real tricky part. Both dogs did awesome!

I’m really going to miss Sunny, and all he’s taught me along the way. Thanks to him, I’ve improved on my skills, and I can’t wait to watch this guy progress! His handler now has all the tools in order to succeed, and I’m confident she’s going to keep up the work and consistency which will really pay off in the future! And thank you so much for the thoughtful gesture and gifts ❤️ I will be using all of these tools to improve my profession.

That a boy sunny 😊 going to miss you bud!

Me and Casey went the discovery centre yesterday, and this is why we decided to turn back. Casey was doing pretty well i...

Me and Casey went the discovery centre yesterday, and this is why we decided to turn back.

Casey was doing pretty well in the beginning but I quickly picked up on some very anxious and over stimulated behaviour. A lot of whining, no recall, and failing to stay in position were the biggest signs he was too overwhelmed.

Now A lot of people might of gotten frustrated, and just gone home and give up. But instead we did go back to his residence yes, but instead we switched it up and practiced recall in the backyard where he was a lot more comfortable. The improvement was instant. I had engagement again, his recall was consistent, and his body language was a lot more relaxed.

A lot of problems that have to do with dogs not listening, or all of sudden forgetting their commands is simply just the fact they are over threshold and you may be asking too much of them. If training isn’t working out, never be afraid to take a few steps back to make it easier for the dog to ensure their success.

Molly is enjoying the sunshine this morning ☀️

Molly is enjoying the sunshine this morning ☀️

New business hours:Monday: 8am-6pmTuesday: 8am-6pmWednesday: 8am-6pmThursday: 8am-6pmFriday: 8am-6pmMessage me for inqui...

New business hours:
Monday: 8am-6pm
Tuesday: 8am-6pm
Wednesday: 8am-6pm
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-6pm

Message me for inquiries about training! Lots of new open spots!

Molly is in the city! Molly is a farm dog that has had very little interactions in the city. This was a big goal for her...

Molly is in the city!

Molly is a farm dog that has had very little interactions in the city. This was a big goal for her owners, was to get her to walk more in the city. I’ve been working with Molly for a few months now, and yesterday was our first walk down 18th street! Now this is huge for a dog that isn’t used to the city, but it shows the confidence Molly has developed in me and the environments I’m taking her in. When we first started in my neighbourhood Molly wouldn’t take food from me for over a month. Now she’s taking food in the busy part of town! This is a big sign that she still may be a bit nervous, but she’s showing a huge improvement in confidence.

Molly and I walked to home hardware, and sat outside getting more used to people and dog distractions. Again, this is big for a dog that hasn’t seen much of the city, and used to be reactive with strangers and dogs.

Since this was such a big challenge for Molly, whenever ever I felt she was getting overwhelmed , I broke the structured walk for some decompression sniff breaks. To my surprise this only happened a few times which is great!

Now I’m
Not going to lie, Molly was showing a few stress signals which is to be expected but she wasn’t stressed to the point of not being able to preform. It’s important for her to learn to work through stress too. Just like us, dogs can sometimes get stuck in their own heads, and it prevents them from facing their fears. Once they have a hand full of positive experiences linked to the thing they fear, they slowly start to change their association into something more positive. And over time, their fear will decrease. How we approach this is important though because we want to be careful not to flood the dog. Which simply means we don’t want to overwhelm the dog with its fear and make them feel trapped.

Molly is an absolute pleasure to work with, and seeing how far she’s come is incredibly rewarding.

Meet the inspiration behind everything that I do…Franklin/franky!

Meet the inspiration behind everything that I do…Franklin/franky!


Brandon, MB

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm





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