In honour of Feel Good Friday (which after last night's huge game win for Canada do we need more lol) i want to thank my incredible staff and clients. Many know that I struggled with this birthday....I sure don't know where 50 years goes and I definitely don't feel my age (except when I get up off the floor between appointments🤣). Your kind words and messages made me feel so incredibly special. I have no words other than THANK YOU!
Thank you Team Canada for the birthday win and now off to Toronto for more celebrations!!!!
Have a great weekend!!!!!
#50thbday #bdaycelebration #feelgiid #fgf #feelgoodfriday #happyfriday #soarvetservices
We had the absolute pleasure of meeting these cute little buns yesterday. Sweet Pea came to us for an assessment and was accompanied by her husbund Bumble!!! Bumble happily ate a banana while his wifey received her assessment and treatment.....I'm pretty sure he will get an earful later from her🤣
I dont think I could have asked for anything cuter!!!
#bunny #bunniesofinstagram #banana #rehabvet #acupuncturevet #medicalacupuncture #lasertherapy #soarvetservices
Another round of gorgeous kiss-seeking patients🥰
YES I will be your valentine!!!
#valentines #bemine #bemyvalentine #dogkisses #kissingbooth #dogs #valentinesday #rehabvet #dogsmakeeverythingbetter #dogsmakemehappy #soarvetservices
Valentines day is a week away and our kissing booth is back.
What better way to bring some happiness to this world than some kisses from our SOAR valentines. 🥰😍
Happy Friday!
#valentines #bemyvalentine #kissingbooth #dogvalentine #valentinesday #Friday #feelgoodfriday #soarvetservices
Skwisgaar has been working hard at his fitness journey. We are celebrating an almost 1kg weight loss!!!! We know it isn't easy but are so proud of him and his very devoted family!
Keep up the great work!
#catsofinstagram #swimcats #weightloss #conditioning #cats #watertreadmill #soarvetservices
Some patients REALLY love their treatments. Carling loves her snacks, and acupuncture, and tolerates her gym time.....but she thinks massage is her favourite😊
#caninemassage #massage #ccmt #dogmassage #puglife #pug #pugsofinstagram #seniordog #seniorpet #seniorpetsofig #ccrp #ccft #soarvetservices
All the best for 2025!
#happynewyear #newyear #soarvetservices
As we approach the middle of December and the Christmas Holidays, please note the schedule changes! If you need food or medications please let us know by Dec 18th so we can ensure everyone gets what tye need in time for Christmas🥰
#christmasschedule #christmas #holidayschedule #holidays #christmasiscoming #soarvetservices
Happiness on a chilly Sunday🥰
#dogsmakeeverythingbetter #dogsmakemehappy #dogs #dogsofinstagram #christmascountdown #christmas #christmasphotoshoot #vet #vetmed #rehabvet #vetrehab #thankful #soarvetservices
Happy December 1 everyone!
Just a reminder e will be accepting donations to the food bank this month. Personal hygiene, canned goods, pet food and supplies all are much in need.
#christmasiscoming #christmas #dog #dogs #dogchristmas #foodbank #donations #dvm #vetmed #soarvetservices
More dogs. More Christmas. = Happiness
#merryxmas #merrychristmas #dogs #dogsofinstagram #christmasphotoshoot #rehabvet #vet #vetrehab #ccrp #soarvetservices