My Mother's Day was complete when I got to follow up on a foal I had helped with Thursday night.
On my way home from clients, I got a text from another client asking if I was able to help a foal born at 3am that morning. This filly hadn't been able to latch. This is a very experienced and knowledgeable family, and they'd been working with the vet all day, so of course, I headed out to their farm - foals are very fragile and time is againstyou when things don't run smoothly. After an assessment, I quickly realized the muscles in her cervical and facial areas were tightly contracted to the point that this filly wasn't able to open her mouth beyond a tiny space only the tip of her tongue fit through. Applying techniques to release the muscles and relax her (she immediately fell asleep, allowing the body to reset itself). It wasn't long before she was opening her mouth . We weren't successful that night with getting her to latch, ( she was working through now being able to move her jaw and neck freely) but she did start drinking from syringes then out of a bucket, and 24 hrs later, I got the update that she started nursing on her own.
It was absolutely heartwarming to see her yesterday frolicking in pasture with mom and nursing💗
This is a reminder that BODYWORK CAN BE LIFESAVING!! If you needed a reason to seek out a trained and qualified professional, this is it!
I continue to be grateful to my clients for their trust in me to have a positive impact on their horses.