Strong Brew Hamstery

Strong Brew Hamstery Strong Brew is a hamstery devoted to producing quality hamsters in health, size and temperament. As such, we pick our hamsters carefully.

We are located in the GTA, however our hamsters are all over Ontario and some of the USA. Strong Brew Hamstery aims to produce healthy, well-tempered hamsters. Hamsters with good health, composition, and personality are chosen to be bred. Hamsters that do not meet our strict standard are kept here as pets or are sold as pets only, and should not be bred. We sometimes use new blood to increase the

quality of our pups and may not have a full lineage on some litters. Strong Brew Hamstery’s overarching goal is to produce healthy, well-tempered hamsters in an assortment of colours that adhere to NHC and CHA standards. We follow the IHANA and OHC Codes of Ethics set forth, and will be showing this year. One half of the SBH team is the President of the Ontario Hamster Club, and is working on becoming a certified judge. We have relationships with other breeders all over the world. Strong Brew Hamstery hamsters are first and foremost beloved pets and are treated with respect, love, kindness and as friends. Any pup bred in this hamstery is welcome back should their owner not be able to care for the pup. Adoptees are encouraged to stay in contact with Strong Brew Hamstery through our email, page, or website. We are happy to answer any questions about our hamsters, and aid owners to the best of our ability. For more information on adopting head to our website:

Hi, I'm here πŸ‘‹ things are slightly calmer around here so my plan for this weekend is to get through my emails and applic...

Hi, I'm here πŸ‘‹ things are slightly calmer around here so my plan for this weekend is to get through my emails and applications. I really appreciate the patience. This has been really hard to manage now I'm back to work but I think I have a plan that will get me replying to people at least weekly which is better than monthly. I do apologise a ton, I know people are excited to hear back and I don't mean to make you wait. At the same time though, I haven't had any pups so the wait doesn't affect things too much, I promise.

That being said, love was in the air this Valentine's Day so 🀞🀞🀞

Splat and Flik are still thicc but working on their bikini bods lol. I'm breeding the other girls in the meantime which means Little Miss will be up soon. I was considering using Bucket with her, who was from our Garden Pups litter. Should be a fun crew! Just gotta collect him from his breeding contract home once Casper goes back home. πŸ₯°

I hope you guys had a lovely Valentine's day and I wish you all a happy family day too. Hopefully you'll see more of me soon! In the meantime, keep being awesome and know that the humans behind SBH can't wait to share more of the hambeans with you.

I promise we are still ticking. I'm woefully behind but I'm hoping to get caught up soon. Life is just getting in the wa...

I promise we are still ticking. I'm woefully behind but I'm hoping to get caught up soon. Life is just getting in the way and I do apologise.

So here is a to enjoy in the meantime.

Firstly, thank you everyone for your messages about Whisk. I'm still reeling, but it's sunk in a bit now. I'm just so sa...

Firstly, thank you everyone for your messages about Whisk. I'm still reeling, but it's sunk in a bit now. I'm just so sad, she was really a super sweet girl and her silly ears and personality are a huge loss.

Secondly, I apologise immensely for being so slow. Everyone warned us that when Pebz began daycare we'd be sick, and I believed them, but it's totally different when you're experiencing it. I was finally feeling better last week when I ended up getting food poisoning and was completely down for the count. We also threw Pebz a 1st birthday party so when I could finally stand upright, we were busy with that.

Now Hamdad is sick again, and Pebz is teething molars and has been having a hard time. I know I'm behind on emails and applications but I'll get to them as soon as I can. Hopefully this week or early next week.

The hams are otherwise well. is actually still here too and I brought in a male, Casper, to breed with her. This will be her second and final litter then she will retire. So if you have a Rhythm sized hole in your heart, give me a shout.

Splat and Flik are working on getting swol so I can breed both of them. Otherwise I'll work with Ribbon, Eowyn and Magic to get some pups as I know people have been patiently waiting.

Again, I'm so sorry I'm so slow, but I do really appreciate the patience and understanding. Please do remember that running SBH is a hobby for me and not my main (or let's be real, any πŸ˜‚) source of income. I do have a day job, and now with the baby we have less time but I'm trying my best to make it all work.

Have a great Tuesday friends.

Unfortunately, instead of sharing  's photo and telling you all the exciting news of the birth of her litter, I am devas...

Unfortunately, instead of sharing 's photo and telling you all the exciting news of the birth of her litter, I am devastated to share with you my curly girl passed away earlier today.

Whisk, my gorgeous yellow satin rex girl, is gone, and I'm not sure how to cope. My sweet, gentle girl, with a love of goji berries and a tiny dash of mayhem, didn't survive her labour. She was bred to Hawthorne and was due today.

This morning I checked in on her before I started work and something about her seemed off. I could tell she was in labour though, and having experienced it myself I figured she was feeling crummy. I checked a bit later in the morning and I saw she did have one pup (though they didn't seem to be alive) but she was okay.

At lunch, I popped upstairs and the pup was alone (and yes, deceased) in one nest and she had passed away in another nest. My heart is broken.

Whisk had gained a good amount of weight, and based on how quickly she deteriorated I expect had a uterine rupture. I've seen this a few times before, and all the females passed quickly. This isn't something we can prevent and I don't think in an animal this small, is something fixable.

Breeding is hard. Pregnancy and labour is hard. We often forget this reality because we have so many modern interventions to help humans when things go sideways. We forget because people don't talk about it. That's why, despite being hard, this transparency is important.

recently lost one of her momma hams and pups, and it's a gut wrenching experience. We do everything we can to set these litters up for success, but things still go sideways. We have to say goodbye to cherished and beloved pets.

It's experiences like Whisk's that make backyard, unethical breeding so infuriating. These are our very loved companions. They deserve our best. They deserve our love.

I just feel raw. I knew it would happen again, it always does, but it never gets easier.

I'm so sorry Whisk. I love you so much. Hug your wee little baby, and find all the best snacks at SBH Meadows. I'll miss you so much. Sweet dreams.

I'm so sorry guys, it has been a week. Pebz has been sooooo sick. We finally had to start her on antibiotics but otherwi...

I'm so sorry guys, it has been a week. Pebz has been sooooo sick. We finally had to start her on antibiotics but otherwise she's been miserable and sleeping most of the last few days. Hamdad and I aren't feeling much better, but we are holding things together for tiny tyke.

In the meantime here's a photo of miss who is the prettiest hambean ever.

Sorry guys, we were on a good roll but our sweet Pebz has been really unwell. Not sure exactly what she brought home and...

Sorry guys, we were on a good roll but our sweet Pebz has been really unwell. Not sure exactly what she brought home and shared from daycare, but she's been sick since Friday and last night spiked a fever. Adults are fine, still feeling crummy, but not that crummy.

I'll get to emails and apps as soon as I can.

In the meantime this is , she would prefer to have snacks over babies but I'm hoping I can convince her to have some pups since she's such a gorgeous and sweet girl!

Mr.   is my third old man and such a good boy! He had surgery in the fall and has been doing great since. Minus the book...

Mr. is my third old man and such a good boy! He had surgery in the fall and has been doing great since. Minus the book lice I found a couple weeks ago he's been a champ. With that, he's been hanging out on the main floor getting many visits from Pebble.

Hopefully we start to see some of his grandpups soon!

Dr. Mr.   Esq is just a week and a bit younger than Lunchie, so he will also be 2yrs in April. He's such a good boy. He'...

Dr. Mr. Esq is just a week and a bit younger than Lunchie, so he will also be 2yrs in April. He's such a good boy. He's lost a bit of weight and muscle mass, his left eye has a cataract which isn't bugging him right now. But he's doing really well, still wants all the snackos and love. He loves his Pebble and his Juli. I do feel an impending sense of anticipatory grief though with him. I'm not ready to say goodbye to my very best and shiniest of boys. Thankfully I don't think we will be at that point anytime soon, but still.

His pups here will hopefully be having pups soon. Espresso is his grandson, so it's nice to see his line continue and other people get to enjoy my illustrious boy.

The goodest of good hams. πŸ’—

I figure if I took photos of everyone I should share them and give a quick update on everyone! Oldest ham in house is  ,...

I figure if I took photos of everyone I should share them and give a quick update on everyone! Oldest ham in house is , he's 2yrs in April.. He's still as opinionated as ever. He loves to p*e in his wheel and store his food there. He plays the song of his people every night. He loves snacks and gentle pets.

He's been healthy since his weird constipation/hemorrhoid issue last year. He's lost a bit of fur and muscle mass, but that's to be expected with an older ham. Sometimes he has a sticky eye when he wakes up. Other than that he's nice and fluffy and a very good good boy.

Hello hamsome!   is here to hopefully make some gorgeous little babies. He's from the Bug's Life litter and normally liv...

Hello hamsome! is here to hopefully make some gorgeous little babies. He's from the Bug's Life litter and normally lives with ! He is the darkest yellow black/melanistic yellow we've bred here likely due to his descendants from Mr. Hubert.

Thanks for letting us borrow him! 🀞 For some 2025 babies. Promise I'm working on them, I'm just slow these days lol.

This is like... A couple months almost out of date now 🫣 but I never posted it on November 26th so thought I would try t...

This is like... A couple months almost out of date now 🫣 but I never posted it on November 26th so thought I would try to catch up! Little Miss Pebble is getting very big and this was her super fun and cute Santa outfit. Dr. Mr. Esq of course made an appearance and enjoyed many cookies!

The last month and a bit have been exceptionally busy and for that I apologise! Between Christmas, Pebble's first birthd...

The last month and a bit have been exceptionally busy and for that I apologise! Between Christmas, Pebble's first birthday, and now preparing for daycare and back to work, I haven't had much time to devote to social media, emails or applications. Hoping this week will change that.

The hamsters here are all doing fine. Booker is on a breeding vacation. I've been trying to breed her and do have a contract male here so hopefully pups soon.

Hubie decided to invite the bugs back, so he and got a clean out and are living downstairs with very minimal set ups. Super bummed but hoping I caught the darn book lice before it got super yucky.

All in all I'm trying to get breeding done, just struggling with timing and some of my girls need to shed some Christmas weight. But everyone is good otherwise.

Hope everyone is enjoying January!

Happy New Year! We hope you had an amazing 2024. We certainly did - so many new things and firsts for us!The first new t...

Happy New Year! We hope you had an amazing 2024. We certainly did - so many new things and firsts for us!

The first new thing about 2025 for us is this little fuzzy friend. His name is and he comes from .saddlebagshams and he is sooo sweet. Espresso is the grandson of Dr. Mr. Scissors Esq which is so wonderful.

Everything here is good but busy. Dr. Mr. Scissors Esq is slowing down and losing a bit of weight. He has a cataract in his left eye. But he's still always the first one out and loves cuddles, snacks and attention. I'm not ready to face my wonderful boy nearing his 2yr birthday πŸ₯Ί. Lunchie has been seeming older for a while, but other than losing belly fur and wrinkles he is good. Hubie doesn't seem to be showing his age at all.

The girls all decided to enjoy Christmas snacks so once they slim down some and I pickup our contract males we will be breeding. I did try to breed for a Christmas litter but it didn't work out.

My plan is to get updated photos of everyone to share soon though. Hamdad, Pebz and I had a great and very busy Christmas. Hopefully the new year will give me a bit more time to hang out with the hammies. And... Get to my emails I'm so sorry I'm so dreadfully behind, this December has been crazy.

Merry Christmas from   and all the SBH hammies! Did you see all their stockings hanging up?  does such a amazing job on ...

Merry Christmas from and all the SBH hammies! Did you see all their stockings hanging up? does such a amazing job on them every year!

We hope Bretty-Claus brought you everything you asked for. πŸ’—πŸ₯°

β€˜Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the houseAll the hamsters were chewing, we don’t own a mouse;The stoc...

β€˜Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
All the hamsters were chewing, we don’t own a mouse;
The stockings were hung on the bin sides with care,
In hopes that St. Bretty-Claus soon would be there.

Hamdad, Hamum and Pebz were all snug in their bed,
While visions of chewing ShyVis danced in their head;
And mum in her nightgown, and dad in his jammies,
Had just settled down after snuggling the hammies.

When out on the balcony there arose such a clatter,
Scissors sprang from his nest to see what was the matter.
He opened the cage door, all in a flash,
Poked his nose out the window, and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to Scissors' wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny hamdeer,

With a little ham-driver, so lively and steady,
Scissors knew in a moment it must be St. Bretty.
More rapid than robos her hamdeer they came,
And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

To the top of the balcony! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”

As bedding that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the hamdeer they flew,
With the sleigh full of treats, and St. Bretty-Claus too.

And then, in a twinkling, Scissors looked up and saw,
The prancing and pawing of each little paw.
As he drew in his paw, and was turning around,
Through the front door St. Bretty-Claus came with a bound.

She was dressed all in fur, from her head to her toes,
With a cute furry face, and a bright pink nose.
A bundle of treats she had stuffed in her cheeks,
Until the sides of her face looked like mountain peaks.

Her eyes – how they twinkled! her dimples how merry!
Her ears were like wings, her nose like a cherry!
Her sweet little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the crescents on her cheek were as white as the snow;

The end of her hat she held tight in her teeth
And a fuzzy scarf encircled her head like a wreath;
She had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when she laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

She was chubby and plump, a right jolly old ham,
And Scissors laughed when he saw his dear hammy fam.
A wink of her eye and a twist of her head,
Soon gave Scissors to know he had nothing to dread;

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And placing a paw on the top of Scissors' head,
She gave a quick nod, and vanished instead.

She appeared in her sleigh, to her team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But he heard her exclaim, ere she drove out of sight,


helped me open the 22nd and 23rd days of our advent calendar! He got a snackie and this super cute ham figurine.

Did you see all the ham stockings hung up for Hamster Claus? Did you notice anything? πŸ‘€

Hopefully I'll get some Christmas photos before tomorrow. It's been a crazy day so getting all our traditions in is hard. This year I don't think I'll be getting proper Christmas photoshoot photos of everyone but hopefully I can get some refreshed photos of the crew for the new year!


opened a giant flax spray from our advent calendar! Yum! She won't be enjoying it but Lunchie can't wait to p*e on it.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas eve!


Thanks for the butt Hubie 🀭. helped open the 20th day of our advent calendar. We got these fun little snacks which Hubz took back to his enclosure. You can see the fur regrowing on his side post surgery but it's still a little wonky.

Yesterday I managed to redecorate all the enclosures in time for Christmas. Hammies got their wooden and paper items back since the paper mites seem to have buggered off (🀣). Hopefully that remains the case.

I have videos for 21, 22 and 23 to upload today. Gotta do 24th - it's another snack so I'll have to figure out who to share it with!

Hamdad, Pebz and I are going to see Hamdad's mum so it should be a fun day. This is Pebble's first Christmas - despite my labour beginning last year at 2:15am Christmas morning, little miss Pebz did not make an appearance until 12:48am on Boxing Day. She narrowly missed a Christmas birthday.

Hoping she enjoys herself though - she has been immensely spoiled by us and I'm sure the rest of the family is going to make her first Christmas and birthday so fun and exciting!


Burlington, ON


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