February is dental month! Come in and see how we can help you with dental maintenance for your pet and check out our dental deals ๐พ
#dentalmonth #petparents #petdentalhealth #deals #petdentalmaintenance #globalpetfoods #dundasstreet #burlington
Canadian strong ๐ ๐พ
#Canadians #CanadianPets #CanadianStrong #CanadianPetParents #CanadianPetCompanies #GlobalPetFoods ๐จ๐ฆ
Scrumptious from Scratch is a cat food that's lives up to its name!
Everything starts with understanding your pet and the nutrients they need to be healthy and live a great life ๐พ
For the month of January, buy one Scrumptious can or treat and get one free!
#scrumptiousbyscratch #catfood #cattreats #catparents #bogo #sale #save #newyear #globalpetfoods #petcustomerservice #petspecialtystore #dundasstreet #burlington
*limit one case per customer
Boxing week sale event starts today!!! Save 25% off toys and packaged treats, 40% off Christmas items, and an extra 15% off all clearance items!
#boxingweekdeals #globalpetfoods #savings #pettoys #pettreats #clearancesale #petparents #petcustomerservice #petspecialtystore #dundasstreet #burlington
*bulk items and chews not included
Fromm us to you ๐พ Black Friday savings worth wagging about!
#frommpetfood #blackfriday #salesonsales #dogfood #catfood #globalepetfoods #supportlocal #petparents #dogtreats #cattreats #burlington #dundasstreet
Dogs love our Natures Harvest beef chomp sticks!! You can buy them in packs or individually, and they're Canadian made ๐พ
#happycustomers #dogtreats #natureharvest #canadianmade #qualitypettreats #petcustomerservice #globalpetfoods #petspecialtystore #dundasstreet #burlington
Two more sleeps until the sales begin! Starting this Friday, it's time to get your savings on ๐พ for our Black Friday event.....stay tuned!
#blackfriday #sales #salesonsales #petparents #globalpetfoods #petcustomerservice #petspecialtystore #smallbusiness #supportlocal #waggingtails #happycustomers #dundasstreet #burlington
We've been busy purr-paring big Black Friday savings for our valued customers ๐พ Stay tuned because you don't want to miss out on this bark-tastic event!
#blackfriday #dealsondeals #savings #globalepetfoods #petspecialtystore #petcustomerservice #petparents #staytuned #comingsoon #dundasstreet #burlington
Save 10% off Almo Nature until Nov 30th! When you feed your pet Almo Nature, you feed Nature too ๐พ
#almonature #globalpetfoods #savings #guvebacktotheplanet #petfood #petcustomerservice #petspecialtystore #dundasstreet #burlington
Simple litter is now available at Global Pet Foods ๐พ 10kg of litter for 10$ !!!
#catparents #catlitter #simplelitter #deal #save #globalpetfoods #petspecialty #petcustomerservice #interstandcatlitter #dundasstreet #burlington
Save 20% on these deliciously fresh treats until Oct 21! Tilted Barn mini wags are available in 4 different flavors and are perfect for training ๐พ
#tildtedbarn #treats #sale #dogaprents #catparents #globalpetfoods #petcustomerservice #canadianmade๐จ๐ฆ #dundasstreet #burlington
Save 15% off Tilted Barn Pet Company sticks until Sept 22 ๐พ
#dogtreats #canadianmade #tiltedbarn #savings #petcustomerservice #globalpetfoods #waggingtails #burlington #dundasstreet @tiltedbarnpetco