Look what we found under our handy dandy microscope 👁️🔬. Can any of you name these critters? We can! They came from a customer who asked us to ID the type of algae in their tank. The small one is a Ostreopsis dinoflagellate, and the larger one is a Ciliate with a belly full of dinoflagellates! #reeftank #saltwateraquarium #reef #canadianbusiness #jlaquatics
Here’s a close up of just some of the Tropica plants we carry in store! Short plants, tall plants, carpeting, mossy, and everything in between! Not pictured is a wide selection of the ‘1-2-GROW plants Tropica offers that we have in the front of the store. Let us know if you have any questions and we will be glad to help! Everything available in store as well as online! 🌿
It's always exciting feeding the nassarius snails. 🐌
#jl #jlaquatics #lfs #vancouver #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #marineaquarium
Such a show off 😒
#jl #jlaquatics #bc #britishcolumbia #canada #lfs #vancouver #saltwater #saltwatertank #marinetank #corals
The perfect little fish for your nano tank, the neon goby can happily live its full life in a 10 gallon aquarium. Super active and full of personality it's one of my favourite fish no matter the size!
It's been about 2 years since I brought this Phantom/Blueline hybrid home from Poma Labs. At the time he was all black, about the size of a loonie and I thought the Coral Beauty I had was going to murder him 😫.
Fast forward - he's gone through his "omg it's just a glorified Grey Poma" stage and his Blueline traits are really kicking in. About 4-5" now and while not a mean fish let's everyone know he runs the show 🤣.
So glad I didn't give up on him for being an ugly duckling and can't wait to see the full size coloration develop!
#lovemyangels #saltwateraquarium #angelfish #captivebred #alwayshungry #fowlr #lps #jlaquatics #vancouver #canada #vancity
Just in... Baby captive bred Interruptus Angel!
I think I'm in love 😍 🤣
Only one - Approx 2": $2899
Check out our story later today for other cool things that came in late last night!
#iwant #rarefish #captivebred #angelfish #saltwaterfish #saltwatertank #fowlr #reefporn #jlaquatics #canada #vancouver #vancity
3 months ago we put this little guy in our display reef. If you don't remember he had HLLE. Now with just good water quality (and a little vitamins) he's pretty much 100%! 😊🐠🎉.
Keep this in mind if your fish starts to get, or has this. It's a relatively easy fix but does take time.
#allbetternow #reef #reeftank #aquarium #coral #fishtank #fish #saltwateraquarium #saltwatertank #allmymoneygoestocoral #saltwater #reefaquarium #corals #reefporn #coralreef #nanoreef #tropicalfish #sps #reefaddict #reefer #reefers #lps #jlaquatics #vancouver #vancity #canada #canadian
3 months ago we put this little guy in our display reef. If you don't remember he had HLLE. Now with just good water quality (and a little vitamins) he's pretty much 100%! 😊🐠🎉.
Keep this in mind if your fish starts to get, or has this. It's a relatively easy fix but does take time.
#allbetternow #reef #reeftank #aquarium #coral #fishtank #fish #saltwateraquarium #saltwatertank #allmymoneygoestocoral #saltwater #reefaquarium #corals #reefporn #coralreef #nanoreef #tropicalfish #sps #reefaddict #reefer #reefers #lps #jlaquatics #vancouver #vancity #canada #canadian
We finally received some yellow tangs and very limited other Hawaiian fish over the weekend.
Commercial fishing licenses for aquarium collection are apparently not being renewed, and may be outright cancelled so the future availability is uncertain.
#yellowtang #hawaii #reeffish #saltwateraquarium #saltwaterfish #jlaquatics #vancouver #vancity #canada #canadian