✨ Position filled, thank you! ✨
We are in need of part time help for approximately 3.5 months to fill a medical leave. Ideal start would be September 11, but open to discussing alternative dates. At minimum, looking for someone to muck ~12 stalls Monday - Friday. If you can handle horses and help with feed and turn out, even better. If just mucking, flexible on start time (after 8:30am and to be done by 3:30pm), otherwise it would be 8:30am start. The odd weekend day may be available if our current employee is unavailable to work. There is also the possibility of staying on after the contract period with reduced days.
We are a small, very family-oriented operation with an easy work environment, great clients and zero tolerance for drama of any sort. Horses are sport horses, current and retired, so would prefer someone who has at least some horse knowledge, but more than willing to train for the position.
Fair pay, to be discussed depending on workload, and will be paid on the books with wsib coverage. This is not a riding position, and no living accommodations are available.
Please e-mail [email protected] with resume and references