* - Contact - *
Let's talk about it.
Before we begin, I'd like to acknowledge that yes, I realize this video is taken at home, in a stress free environment. And yes, HD is 22 and has not been in work for years, so we are not looking at big extravagant movements. HOWEVER, the idea still the same. 😉
There is a lot of controversy when it comes to contact. Yes, I am a firm believer that changes need to be made when it comes to the welfare of horses in competition - we as a sport have a long way to go in this aspect.
But let's focus on a major stress factor for horses. CONTACT.
Personally, I believe contact is not inherently bad. Pressure is not inherently bad. But I believe we as riders, are often not very competent in using these in a beneficial way.
When we hold too much contact - we create TENSION.
When use too much pressure - we create TENSION.
So, HOW can we expect fluid, extravagant movements when we keep compiling tension?
Bitting up, adding more RESTRICTIVE equipment, or using harsher training methods are not solutions to solve problems.
Adding more pressure to an already stressed horse is NOT going to create a positive outcome. It will, however cause nec tension - and so we add to that cycle above.
I believe, we need to focus more on creating a POSITIVE association to contact and pressure.
Contact and Pressure do not need to be stressful - and I believe this is the piece the vast majority of us are missing.
The goal should be SOFTNESS.
In this video, you can see where I pick up a bit of contact - my goal isn't for HD to hold any specific position, but to encourage him to relax through his neck. If you watch closely before I pick up contact, you can see where he tightens through his body, starting to pull forward with his neck rather than use his body. This brief contact is my cue for him to relax through his neck, reminding him to use th
Holding Space
Sometimes, we just need to take a step back and allow our horse the space and time to process. 🌹
You cannot rush the process, just as you cannot force relaxation. Sometimes, all we need to do is be present, breathe, and allow our horses to find a space where they feel comfortable enought to relax.
The Power of Consent.
This pretty mare can be very guarded when it comes to her neck - and rightfully so.
Over our sessions, we have gradually worked up to this point. ❤️
Can you see where she is given the opportunity to choose to end the session?
Remember - your horse has a voice. It is up to us to learn to listen. ❤️
If given the option.... Where would your horse choose to be?
Would they choose to be with you, or would they choose to be with their herd mates?
Here's your challenge for the week - take some time to just sit in their field. No halter. No food. No expectations.
Just sit and be present - where will they choose to be?
Always, always, always celebrate the little victories - yes, I want to hear about them!
Here's our little win tonight: a little sound trot around the arena. ❤️
Can we just take a minute to appreciate those little happy ears? 🥹
What do I love most about working with horses?
Moments like these. 🥰
This pretty mare is very self aware, and will let you know what she's thinking and feeling - it is such a privilege to be able to share a space with her in this state. ❤️
And the winner of my St. Patrick's Day giveaway is....
Carrie Arkwright - Thompson!
Congratulations!! 🎊🎉
Here's you're Monday reminder that sometimes, less is more. 🥰
A fun little exercise from this weekend!
We've been working on weight shifts at liberty off and on for a while now. It's a nice gentle way to help strengthen, without requiring any big movements.
Remember: we don't want to repeat the same exercise fot an extended amount of time. Change it up and have fun with it!
* Our new normal *
We had a short ride today, and I gave HD the option of loping if he felt up to it. Our new cue for this is me simply saying "ok" and allowing him the choice. Somedays, the answer is no. Today, the answer was yes. 🥰
This was our first lope under rider since May, and while it was short - I couldn't be happier with him. 🥰
He is 100% in charge with what we do now - he decided when our lope was done.
Thank you to everyone who has helped HD and I this past year. 🥰
Did you know, there is a Supporting Small Business section on my website?
Supporting other small businesses is important to me, so they will continue to have a home on my website. Don't worry - others will be added as I continue to meet and work with these amazing people! 😊
Make sure to check them out!
Little Striped Fox - Hand Stamped Pet Tags
Horse Sense North
The Bureaus Barn
Samantha Barber - Graphic Designer
Robin Culin's Woodworking
Twine & Co