For trick #4 Zuko learned “Bow Under a Magic Square”. He surprised me with how fast he figured it out so I had to try it again with Katara and she picked it up quick too! This is one of my favourite ways for building muscle memory for the “bow” position for a dog who doesn’t just naturally offer it with free shaping!
#dogtricks #magicsquare #bow #novicetrickdog #papillon #puppy #redmerle #bordercollie
The 3rd trick Zuko did for his Novice trick title was “Paws in a box”. For this trick you can use any box or a magic square. We used a magic square and turning it upside down made it the perfect height for him. You can make your own with PVC, but I bought these at a Do More With Your Dog workshop a long time ago. I’m pretty sure they sell them on their website still if you really want one. I taught this using shaping but you could also teach it using luring. I find Zuko really enjoys shaping games and it’s fun for me to watch him figure it out too 🙂
#dogtraining #magicsquare #paws #shaping #dogtricks #papillon #puppy
The 2nd trick we did for Zuko’s Novice title with Do More With Your Dog was “Send to Pedestal”. We used a Klimb from @Blue-9 Pet Products but you can use any raised bed to teach this trick.
Let me know in the comments if you try teaching it using the steps I showed in this video :)
Zuko’s working toward his Novice Trick title. The first trick we picked was 2 on/2off. For this trick they are supposed to have their front feet on the floor or a target with their rear feet on an elevated board or object. Zuko’s pretty tiny so we used the mini fitbone from @FitPaws for this exercise. You do NOT have to train a front foot target for this exercise, but I think it makes sense to train both of these things at the same time. As he gains more understanding, I will get pickier about how straight he’s standing but this was a great session for his first time trying it!!
#dogtraining #caninefitness #2on2off #positivereinforcement #tricktraining #canineconditioning #fitpaws #puppyfoundations
For trick #14 we did a variation of “Jump” called the flamingo jump! This is our last trick for the My Furry Valentine title and I hope you’ve enjoyed following along. When I started posting these I figured if I got ONE person to join and start doing more stuff with their dogs, it would be worth all the extra work to edit these videos and share them. Well 40 people joined our Facebook group: Getting Tricky with it, and we’ve already had a number of people submit for trick titles! If you want to join and just learn tricks with your dog and not submit for titles that’s totally cool too. I really just want to build a community of tricksters to encourage eachother and keep the momentum going, especially over the winter when our dogs need a little extra mental stimulation!
#domorewithyourdog #dogtricks #valentinesday #flamingojump #dogtraining #positivereinforcement #loveyourdog
Trick #13 was “Special Delivery” and I did a bit of a discrimination task and had Katara bring me a heart from a container of flowers.
#domorewithyourdog #dogtricks #valentinesday #specialdelivery #heartsandflowers #bring #itemdiscrimination #dogtraining #positivereinforcement
Trick #12 was “Pick Me” and Katara learned how to pick a card from my hand. Do you think the card she picked was fitting for her personality?
#domorewithyourdog #dogtricks #valentinesday #pickme #pickacard #dogtraining #positivereinforcement
Trick #11 of Katara’s My Furry Valentine title was send to an X or an O. I sent Katara to an O shaped FitPaws disc and she held her roses while she balanced on it ❤
#domorewithyourdog #dogtricks #valentinesday #XsAndOs #dogtraining #positivereinforcement