MORNING! 😊😊 Early socialization, between 8 weeks and 14/16 weeks of age, is one of the most important things you can do NOW to raise a confident & resilient adult dog. Since puppies move out of their primary socialization period by about 4 months of age, NOW is the time to expose your puppy to positive social experiences. One part of the socialization is play with other puppies! And what better way, than playdates carefully organized and supervised by a certified trainer? ✅✅
I am now planning 'playdates' for when I am back to in-person training in March! ✅✅
Just putting 'feelers' out to see who has a new puppy and might be looking for the 'dog-dog early socialization' in a playdate supervised by a Certified Professional Dog Trainer?
We can help you to learn about what your puppy is communicating with their body language; coach you on how to get your puppy's focus on you, and to build the concept of 'permission' to access resources - like the other puppies at the playdate; and coach you on how to 'call your dog out' from play; and answer other 'puppy raising' questions you may have while the pups play!
Playdates are held outdoors, in a large fenced in yard in Tidehead, NB. At 1pm, on either Saturdays or Sundays in March. (March 8th, 16th, 22nd and 29th - dates TBS based on interest). $30 each.
Pups must have at least their 1st vaccine and preferably Bordetella. You will be required to sign our Liability Waiver.
Please "weigh in" in the comments below or reach out to me via the FB Messenger here, and let me know if you are interested. We need 'puppies' and people in order for the playdates to have any effective socialization benefit!