Okay - next step: giving up the next level of delusion. Maybe even cutting through delusion altogether - who knows, it's a possibility.
This is where covid becomes a gateway; once we start to look at covid as a symptom instead of a disease. A symptom of the larger affliction of having pretty much disconnected from reality; where we believe we can shape nature to what we want it to be and fix any unwanted results - creating the next level of problems (which will of course at the same time be another opportunity to cut through delusion/change our ways).
What keeps us from actually seeing this and acting on what we can now recognize as insanity? It's always the same aswer: FEAR. It's what keeps us stuck, and has been keeping us stuck ever since we gained self-awareness. The total irony is that the most fearful are those who need the illusion of control the most - and they create the institutions that control the masses: religion, scientism (I group at least 95% of todays "scientists" here - Faucci, Tam, The Experts), political ideologies (Trump as much as Trudeau as much as Merkel as much as Macron as much as ....). And much closer to home: a family member or a trusted friend who all of a sudden turns on you because of fear (I've had a friend become extremely hostile because he is so fearful that his past lifestyle of smoking way too much dope leaves him vulnerable and completely in the grip of fear).
The thing to remember is that blame never works; the only meaningful thing you can do is change your own perspective and then let go. The outcome isn't up to you, ever! This is where you cut through delusion altogether...Good luck and have fun!