We do what we want.
Zoomie beach days are the best days!
I'm glad we can still find some spots to run and play with fresh accessible water.
Shame to our city for enforcing a leash policy at a DOG beach. Rogue thinks that makes absolutely no sense at all.I have to agree with her. How are we to keep a leash on a dog that wants to run in and out of the water with their friends? And as we know really well...leashes on a running dog do break legs.
#beachplay #dogsitting #dogbeach #dogadventures #lakelife #riversandmountains #borntoplay #dogsofcastlegar #castlegardogpark
The pool has been our new friend Maple's favorite spot to play. She's in it every chance she gets. Even before bedtime.
#dogpool #poolparty #itsapawty #dogplaytime #dogsitting #summerisstillhere #dogcation
River walk with Piper & Rogue.
#dogsitting #dogadventures #riverwalk #dogwalk #letsswim #naturetherapy #westkootenays #dogsofcastlegar #riversandmountains
Take a walk with me.
#lifewithrogue #dogwalk #intothewoods #dogsofcastlegar #dogadventures #foresttherapy
Today took a bit of an unexpected turn. Who knew when I woke this morning to head to the dog park that I would be coming home with an injured bird. A Nothern Flicker, to be exact. This is now the second time I have had this type of bird in my home. The first time, one was stuck in my house and refused to leave for an entire night and day. It was content sleeping on a piece of driftwood I had hanging over a window. It truly was unafraid, and it took a lot of coaxing to get that one to fly away and be free. This poor one was injured and couldn't fly.
I just happened to have a blanket, box, and a dog water bowl in my car. So I tracked it and caught it. It was left in the shade with some water before I realized it for sure was not a fledgling and needed more help than I could give it.
Caring for a wild bird today was not in my plans. But it sure was the birds plan. Everything today worked out in its favor. We, as creatures of this earth, are always lead to what we can save and heal. Near the end of today, it appeared happy and was even giving me little chirps. A reminder to be flexible, to flow with what life throws you, and to stay grounded and hopeful. Thank you little spirit animal.
We in the Kootenays are so very lucky to have volunteers in the area from @littlemittensrescue
If ever you feel the need to donate please consider them
And thank you, @amandancapone, for spotting it in the first place.
The wild need us. With this heat you can help my setting out water for our precious creatures we share life with.
Rogue & I are happy to be home to enjoy our hobbies together. Taking a much needed rest and recovery day.
#lifewithrogue #dogadventures #dogwalks #waterdog #dognaps #restingandrecovering #alonetime
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Beach days are the best days.
When we care for your dog they get to enjoy our lifestyle too!
#letsplay #waterlover #getthestick #waterdog #beaches #lakelife #mountainlife #naturetherapy #westkootenays
Thank you for choosing me as your guardian β€οΈ and best friend.
#lifewithrogue #adogsbestfriend #adogsagirlsbestfriend #adogsavedme
When it's just the two of us. But we tried this viral hands in paw challenge anyways.
#pawchallenge #handsin #handsinchallenge #justthetwoofus #lifewithrogue
First time having Capone here to myself. I did try all the tactics to get him down for his naptime, but he had other ideas.
#dogsitting #pitbulls #dognap #fomo #gotosleep #weloveyou #dogsofcastlegar
A dog's life.
#naturelovers #naturevibes #stormiscoming #dogslife #lifewithrogue #dogadventures #roandcapone
One of the many things dogs are great at. Motivating you to always enjoy the outdoors. Lovers of the simple things.
#dogsitting #dogadventures #dogfriends #getoutside #naturelovers #naturevibes #riversandmountains
Nature, dogs, friends. A dream right here.
Who needs the radio around here when you have the continuous sounds of play. On repeat. All day.
#dogplay #dogplaytime #petsitterlife #dogslife #dogsitting #lifewithrogue #dogcation #napsareforsissies
Rogue & Rio with their constant make out play sessions.
#dogsitting #doglove #dogslife #lifewithrogue #dogsofcastlegar #letsmakeout