A very quiet morning here at the Refuge with temperatures warming up to a balmy -6°C! The Donkeys are enjoying their time outside in the paddocks - hopefully the clouds will clear this afternoon for some sunshine! 🫏☀
Did you know you can sign up to become a Bray-ve Hearts Monthly donor and support the Donkeys & their care?! Even a small donation of $10/month helps us ensure the Refuge continues to be a safe and secure forever home for our resident Donkeys & Mules. Check the "Make this a Monthly Donation" box when you donate to become one of our wonderful Bray-ve Heart Monthly Donors! https://turtlevalleydonkeyrefuge.com/support/donate/
WE ARE HIRING. Stable Hands
If you are interested in working for the betterment of the Donkey's Care please contact the Donkey Refuge for the Job Description, Hours and Days of work ,
Email to; [email protected]
or call 250-679-2778
Stable Hand position includes'-
Working with a team of Staff cleaning the Donkey Barns, Water Troughs and Paddocks.
Feeding meals, Haltering and Leading donkeys to and from the Barns
Tools ; Wheelbarrow, Manure Forks, Rakes, Snow Shovels and driving a tractor.
Shifts start at 7:30 a.m.
Wages start at $19.00 an Hour
Employee Benefits for Full Time Staff after 6 months employment
Resume and Work References required.
Little Teddy and Jose's owner had passed away and the family reached out to the Refuge for help. The owner loved and cared for Teddy and Jose for many many years and he wanted to know they will be safe in their senior years.
Teddy and Jose have settled in nicely and are excited about all of the new donkey friends that they are making.
Recent Dental Appointments resulted in Secret having three extractions, Foggy having 1 extraction and Skye having 3 extractions.
As the Donkeys age their teeth can become loose in the gums which can impact their ability to chew their food properly. Dental Care for our Senior Donkeys is a very important part of their Health Care.
Donation for Donkey Dental Care can me made here
Tax Receipts are provided for all donations.
Thank you for your kind support.
Our donkeys are weighed regularly and if their weight drops it can be concerning. Testing their blood, looking for dental issues or perhaps they are getting older and need more calories once the colder temperatures set it.
Stormy, Cotton, Abner and Kiki are enjoying an extra meal to help them gain their weight back.
We welcome new arrival Lisa.
Lisa's best donkey friend passed away and she was having trouble adapting to the loss. Lisa is a real sweetheart and is having no trouble settling into her new home.
We are keeping busy here at the Refuge. The Donkeys are now having their meals in their barns or paddocks depending on the weather.
We now take this opportunity to spread the Donkey Compost and then harrow the pasture to prepare for next year.
Herd Health Staff Nicky puts a halter on Carlos the Mule, a recent arrival to the Refuge.
Carlos is a little nervous, but Nicky does a great job keeping him calm and getting him ready to see the Farrier.
Did you know this September 1st is our last open visiting day of the 2024 season?! Come out and join us Friday, Saturday or Sunday from 10:30am - 3:30pm (last entry 3pm) to visit the Donkeys. Our Raffle will be drawn Sunday at 3pm!